פרופ' יפה קידר ז"ל

אמריטוס במח חקר התא ואימונולוגיה
מח חקר התא ואימונולוגיה אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' יפה קידר ז"ל
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409286

Research Interests

Research interests were: 

  • Human Breast Cancer
  • Human Retroviruses



Recent Publications

S. Zrihan-Licht, Y. Fu, J. Settleman, K. Schinkmann, L. Shaw, I. Keydar, S. Avraham, and H. Avraham (2000). RAFTK/Pyk2 tyrosine kinase mediates the association of p190 RhoGAP with RasGAP and is involved in breast cancer cell invasion. Oncogene Vol.19 (pp.1318-1328).



G. Luboshits, S. Shina, O. Kaplan, S. Engelberg, D. Nass, B. Lifshitz-Mercer, S. Chaitchik, I. Keydar and A. Ben-Baruch (1999). Elevated expression of the CC chemokine regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) in advanced breast carcinoma. Cancer Research Vol.59 (pp.4681-4687).



S. Zrihan-Licht, J.W. Lim, I. Keydar, M.X. Sliwkowski, J.E. Groopman and H. Avraham (1996). Association of CSK homologous kinase (CHK) (formerly MATK) with Her-2/erb B-2 in breast cancer cells. J. Biol. Chem. Vol.272 (pp.1856-1863).



M. Lopez-Cepero, Y. Wang, I. Keydar, C. Brandt-Carlson, J.S. Butch and D. Lopez (1995). Detection of retrovirus superantigen and products of the envelope gene from endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus in B cells from BALB/c mice. Cell. Immunol., Vol.163 (pp.191-197).



N.I. Smorodinsky, R. Yarden, L. Carmon, M. Hareuveni, D.H. Wreschner and I. Keydar (1994). Vaccination Against Breast Cancer - Studies in an Animal Model. In: "Antigen and Antibody Molecular Engineering in Breast Cancer Diagnosis", Roberto L. Ceriani (Ed.), New York, Plenum Press, (pp.27-36) 1994.



Tsarfaty, M. Hareuveni, J. Horev, J. Zaretsky, M. Weiss, J.M. Jeltsch, J.M. Garnier, R. Lathe, I. Keydar and D.H. Wreschner (1990). Isolation and characterization of an expressed hypervariable gene and cDNA coding for a breast cancer associated antigen. Gene, Vol.93 (pp.313).



D.H. Wreschner, M. Hareuveni, I. Tsarfaty, N.I. Smorodinsky, J. Horev, J. Zaretsky, P. Kotkes, M. Weiss, R. Lathe, A.S. Dion, and I. Keydar (1990). Human epithelial tumor antigen cDNA sequences - Differential splicing may generate multiple protein forms. Eur. J. Biochem., Vol.189 (pp.463-473).



Keydar, C.S. Chou, M. Hareuveni, I. Tsarfaty, E. Sahar, G. Selzer, and S. Chaitchik (1989). Production and Characterization of monoclonal antibodies identifying breast tumor associated antigens (H23). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol.86 (pp.l362-l366).



Keydar, L. Chen, S. Karby, F.R. Weiss, J. Delarea, M. Radu, S. Chaitchik, S. and J. Brenner (1979). Establishment and characterization of a cell line of human breast carcinoma origin (T47D). Europ. J. Cancer, Vol.l5 (pp.659-670).

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