BioNSi: A Biological Network Simulator Tool

Teaching Instructor: Amir Rubinstein

Workshop date and time: Sunday, 8/5/2016 10:00-13:00.

Number of Participants: up to 30 people.

Location: PC classroom 09, Sherman Building, Tel Aviv University.

Campus map 

To register, please fill the registration form.



Modeling and simulation of biological networks play a central role in modern biology. This workshop will familiarize the audience with BioNSi – a Biological Network Simulator tool, which is based on the Cytoscape software.

The workshop will be divided into two parts:

I) we will introduce some basic notions in graph (network) theory, a central field within computer science. We will then explain the computational model underlying BioNSi, which is a discrete model, i.e. variables are integers. One advantage of such models is that they do not require detailed quantitative knowledge of the biological system.

II) In the second part we will learn how to use the tool and give several examples, including the construction of real networks and their simulation.


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