Next Generation Sequnencing (NGS) Analysis

Next generation sequencing (NGS) has been the ultimate technology for studying gene expression (RNA-seq) in the last years, while taking over other tools such as microarray, nanostring etc. NGS is considered as a most accurate and sensitive technology. The analysis required has many options, and results may be affected by using various tools and analysis parameters. Therefore, results have to be carefully analyzed and inspected, from QC to differentially expressed genes and biological interpretation.

Next generation sequencing analysis may be performed by various tools. In the Genomics Research Unit at TAU, we use Illumina machines to generate fastQ files. In the analysis step, we use Partek Flow and Partek GS commercial suites (available for RNA-Seq, DNA-Seq and Single-Cell Sequencing). Results are provided as excel files, in addition to detailed report including useful and intuitive explained graphics that summarize information and enable the complete understanding of the biology. We support these files with extended personal discussions and written analysis protocols, so the biological results are clear and enable easy publication.

For more information please contact Metsada Pasmanik-Chor.

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