Mutation Analysis

Workshop Details

Instructor: Adva Yeheskel, Bioinformatics Unit, Life Sciemce Faculty, TAU.

Workshop Date and Time: Sunday 10/4/16 10:00-12:00

Number of Participants: up to 30 people.

Location: PC classroom 09, Sherman Building, Tel Aviv University.

To register please fill the registration form.



Many tools try to predict the possible impact of an amino acid substitution on the structure and function of a protein. These tools may help us to interpret new mutation found in the lab, or to design a mutation to help us test hypotheses. 

In this workshop we will learn about various predictors, both sequence based (such as SNPdryad, SIFT, INPS, SNAP, PolyPhen and Mutation Assessor)  and structure based methods (such as ENCom, NeEMO, mCSM, SDM) . We will learn which parameters they use, how to trust their results and compare the automatic tools to the time consuming complicated human-based model structure approach.

The workshop is aimed for students who never used such tools before as well as for more experienced ones.


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