Zoological Life
The unique quality of our School is reflected in the variety of activities that accompany research and teaching, with emphasis on integrating our research and our personal lives. We hold various competitions, organise parties and support the School’s research students’ committee.
The unique nature of our School lies in the varied activities that accompany its research and teaching, with emphasis on the integration of our research lives with our personal lives.
We establish various competitions, organize parties and collaborate with the research students’ committee at the School.
Our flagships: An annual baked-cake competition; nature photography competition; HanuKrismas party; end-of-year gnome-giant gift exchange; grants and prize presentation ceremonies, and more.
So – What does a Doctor of Zoology’s life look like? Read here about Gal Vered, a marine biologist who dreamed of studying marine creatures, and today engages with research into the effects of plastic pollution on the marine environment.