
updated: 31.12.2019


Naama Hurwitz

School of computer science, 

​Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University

Workshop date and time:


Number of Participants: up to 30 people.


 PC Classroom 09, Sherman Building, Tel Aviv University.

Campus map

To register, please fill the registration form. (will be available 1 week before the workshop)


A wide range of fundamental biological processes are mediated by
membrane proteins. Membrane proteins, like globular proteins, interact
with other proteins to form complexes in order to perform their tasks.
Memdock is a docking algorithm which take into consideration the lipid bilayer
environment for docking membrane proteins as well as for refining and
ranking the docking results.
In this workshop we shall first introduce membrane proteins and the
docking algorithm and then we will demonstarte using Memdock server for
docking two membrane protein structures.

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