Automatic Plunge Freezer EM GP2

Location - Sherman 008

For enquiries, please contact -  Dr. Karin Smorodinsky-Atias 

The information provided in this section is taken from “EM GP2 - Instructions for use” and the Leica Microsystems website.

Automatic Plunge Freezing

The EM GP2 plunger is a safe and accurate system that allows for reproducible results, in a temperature and humidity controlled and protected environment.

The instrument is designed to freeze fluid or extremely thin samples spread on an electron microscopy grid, into liquid ethane (after removing excess fluid by automatic blotting).



  • Sample preparation for Cryo-electron microscopy



  • Whatman® No1 filter paper for Leica EM GP

  • Cryo-EM grid

  • Cryogenic Grid Box

  • Liquid nitrogen

  • Sample storage container



  • Sensor controlled blotting

  • Controlled environment (temp., humidity)

  • Temperature stability of the secondary cryogen



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