DNA Sequencing


The DNA Sequencing Unit at the G.S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, was established in 1996 as part of the Interdepartmental Research Facility Unit.

It's aim is to provide sequencing services with the latest technologies to researchers from Tel-Aviv University and to all other interested scientists.


Mailing address:


Yelena Veselkin

Sequencing Unit 

Interdepartmental Research Facility Unit  

Britannia Bldg. Room 108  

G.S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences 

Tel-Aviv University 

Ramat-Aviv, Tel-Aviv 69978

E-mail: yelenav@tauex.tau.ac.il

For any query, please contact - Yelena Veselkin (yelenav@tauex.tau.ac.il), tel. 03-640-6370

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