Special Seminar: Bar Gal presents the Odyssey M
Advance your research - Odyssey M: Multi application high sensitivity scanner
Dear all,
The Rosalie and Harold Rae Brown Cancer Research Core Facility (CRCF-ZABAM) is happy to announce an upcoming seminar courtesy of Bar-Gal analytical Instruments titled:
“Advance your research - Odyssey M: Multi application high sensitivity scanner”.
Learn about the latest Innovative technologies for more biological discoveries.
During the seminar the following applications will be discussed:
1. Gel Imaging (colorimetric and fluorescent staining)
2. Membrane scanning: quantitive western blots
3. Multi well plate assays
The seminar will take place on May 22th at the Smolarz Teaching labs building, at the 1st floor, room 103.
Registration is required: Registration Link
At the end of the seminar you can bring your own sample to learn operate the machine.
More details can be found in the attached program, as well as in the link: Details
Look forward to seeing you,
CRCF staff