JCM-6000PLUS NeoScope Benchtop SEM

JCM-6000PLUS NeoScope Benchtop SEM

Manufacturer: Jeol

Location: Britanya 236

Acquisition Date: 2016



The NeoScope benchtop SEM complements both optical microscopes and traditional SEMs in the lab, and can be configured for advanced analytical applications. This compact electron microscope is as simple to operate as a digital camera, but has the powerful electron optics of an SEM, with up to 60,000X magnification. The NeoScope makes it simple for any skill level of operator to obtain outstanding SEM images in less than three minutes from sample loading to imaging.

The microscope has a sleek new design with up-to-date features. Operation is via a touch screen, and is simplified with auto focus, auto alignment, auto contrast and auto brightness controls. The NeoScope operates in both low and high vacuum modes with three settings for accelerating voltage. These parameters are suitable for a variety of applications, all of which can be programmed in special pre-stored recipe files.  

This all-new NeoScope now offers both an Everhart Thornley type SE detector as well as our high sensitivity solid state BSE detector. A full-featured Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) with SDD technology is optionally available for advanced analytical applications.  

​Whether used by trained electron microscopists as a simple screening instrument, or by lab technicians as a higher resolution alternative to the light microscope, the NeoScope accelerates the pace of research in the life sciences, forensics, and pharmaceutical fields as well as serves as a high throughtput failure analysis tool.  

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