Shmunis Excellence Scholarship Award Ceremony 2023

43 students were awarded for their excellence in special ceremony, held on March 8, 2023, with the presence of Mr. Vlad Shmunis.

Shmunis Excellence Scholarship Award Ceremony 2023


Congratulation to the 43 Excellent students who won the Shmunis Excellence Scholarship Award 2023.


The school gives this award each year since 2020 to the top outstanding young researchers and it celebrates the excellence in the field of cancer and biomedical research.


This year, the Students were awarded in special ceremony, held on the 8.3.2023, with the presence of Mr. Vlad Shmunis.


"The prize demonstrates our commitment to excellence and the development of of the next generation of ground-breaking researchers in Israel", Prof. Anat Herskovits, Head of the The Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research, said.

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