Monolith NT.115

Location - Britannia 107

For enquiries, please contact -  Dr. Karin Smorodinsky-Atias

The information provided in this section is taken from “User Manual for the Monolith NT.115” and “User Starting Guide for the Monolith NT.115” by NanoTemper


Micro-Scale Thermophoresis (MST)

This method is used to determine the binding affinity between molecules, by measuring their directed movement along a temperature gradient (an effect termed “thermophoresis”). The Monolith systems measure equilibrium binding constants between a variety of molecules, with almost no restriction to molecular mass. It allows fast detection of a wide range of biomolecular interactions. Measurements are performed immobilization-free and in any buffer or complex bioliquid (e.g. serum and cell lysate).




  • Determining dissociation constant

  • Determining EC50





  • Immobilization-free

  • Any buffer (even cell lysate or serum)

  • Low sample consumption

  • High dynamic range (Kd values of 1 nM to 500 mM)

  • Fast


Type of interactions

  • Protein-Protein

  • Protein-Small Molecule

  • Protein-Ion

  • Protein-Vesicle

  • Protein-DNA







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