TAU Zebrafish Research Unit


The Zebra fish (Danio rerio) has become a popular model organism for studying a wide range of diseases and pathologies including neurodegenerative, metabolic, genetic diseases and cancer. 

The zebrafish shares 70% of its genetic makeup with that of humans, and 84% of genes associate with a genetic disease have a corresponding counterpart in zebrafish. 

The abundance of eggs, fertilized outside the body along with their transparency and rapid development allow for unique imaging techniques. Importantly, the zebrafish is amenable to genetic manipulation, making it ideal for study of genetic diseases.

The TAU Zebrafish Research Unit welcomes researchers and students from different research fields to use this powerful tool in a wide variety of different applications such as: 
Generation of transgenic fish lines: 
Promoter-reporter (i.e., GFP) to visualize and track specific cells and organs
Promoter-effector to activate/ inhibit/ ablate specific tissues or cells 
Gene knockout fish lines: 
Crispr/Cas9 to study the function of genes of interest

Our Unit will provide support in planning and executing your project, along with maintenance of the fish.   


The power of Zebrafish Models:

  • A Vertebrate
  • Cost effective
  • Amenable to genetic manipulation
  • Extraordinary live imaging
  • Amenable to toxicity and drug screen
  • Visualization of transplanted cancer cells
  • Available behavioral assays at large numbers

Why choose to work with the TAU Zebrafish Unit?

  • We offer customized service to meet the specific needs of your research accompanied by scientific support throughout the project.
  • Upgrade your In Vitro/tissue culture model to a living vertebrate organism
  • By precisely modifying the zebrafish genome using the Crispr/Cas9, create an in vivo disease model
  • Follow the spatio-temporal expression pattern of your studied gene by whole mount in-situ hybridization and in promoter-reporter transgenic lines
  • No costly shipments

A full service from your Gene of interest to a model is also available and will be priced following a scientific meeting.




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