Expander & Amadeus

Workshop Details

Organizer: Prof. Ron Shamir, School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University.


Instructor: Tom Hait, School of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University


Workshop date and time: Monday 23/5/16 10:00-14:00.


Number of participants: up to 30.


Location: PC Classroom Sherman 009 TAU.


To Register pleaese fill in the registration form.



EXPANDER is a “one-stop shop” tool for analyzing microarray and NGS data. It allows full analysis of gene-expression ​profiles within a single tool. It comes with up-to-date data for 18 species, and more can be added as needed. It ​allows normalization and filtering, clustering and biclustering, and high-level analysis of functional enrichment and cis-regulatory elements. The tool’s integrated analysis capabilities and built-in support for multiple organisms make it unique among the many other tools available for microarray data analysis. The latest version (V7) will be presented. The tutorial will show how to use EXPANDER for an end-to-end analysis of ​expression data and will present ChIP-Seq analysis and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA).

AMADEUS is a platform for genome-scale detection of known and novel cis-regulatory motifs, such as transcription factors and microRNA binding sites. It sets a new standard among motif-discovery software for accuracy, running time, range of applications, and ease of use. ​The tutorial will show how to use Amadues for motif discovery.​

Workshop materials:

Expander web-page



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