Workshops 2009-10

First Semester:

Lecture Speaker Date / Time Location
Perl from the Beginning: Basic Programming Skills for Molecular Biologists Eyal Privman and Dudu Burstein Sunday 18.10.09 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Ory Levy Sunday 25.10.09 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Browsing the genome: An introduction to the UCSC genome browser and GALAXY Schragi Schwartz and Eddo Kim. Sunday 1.11.09 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Phylogeny Eyal Privman Sunday 22.11.09 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Gene Family Phylogeny Peter Gogarten Sunday 29.11.09 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Homologue finding by BLAST Maya Schushan Sunday 20.12.09 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Microarray experimental design, technical issues and quality control Varda Oron-Karni and Metsada Pasmanik-Chor Sunday 10.1.10 
10:00 SHARP ! -13:00
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Mutiple Sequence Alignments Maya Schushan Sunday 17.1.10 
10:00 -13:00
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman


Semester Break:

Lecture Speaker Date / Time Location
Macromolecular Visualization and Structural Bioinformatics Eric Martz Thursday 11.2.10 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman


Second Semester:


Lecture Speaker Date / Time Location
To err is human - but to R is divine: R from step 1 for the experimental biologist with an eye on the tomoRRow 
Schragi Schwartz Wednesday 24.2.10 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Microarrays, Next-Gen Sequencing & Integrated Genomics Data Analysis in Partek® Genomics Suite™


Jonathan Gerstenhaber, Field Application Specialist, Partek  Tuesday 16.3.10,


Shenkar Bldg. (Physics), Holzblat Hall 007, Tel Aviv University
Advanced genomic analysis tools: Expander and beyond Organizer: Prof. Ron Shamir. 
Instructors: Adi Maron-Katz and Eyal David.
Wednesday 24.3.10 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Homology modeling Maya Schushan Wednesday 12.5.10 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
Structural model validation Maya Schushan Thursday 13.5.10 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman
The miRNA world Eyal Mor and Shira Modai Wednesday 26.5.10 
PC/SGI Classroom 03, Sherman


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