Ingenuity Pathway Analysis

updated: 12.03.2020


Dr. Orly Eshel,

Ilex Biotech Ltd.


Workshop date and time:

Wednesday, 22/4/2020, ​10:15-13:00




PC Classroom 09, Sherman Building, Tel Aviv University.

Campus map




IPA is a web-based software application for the analysis, integration and interpretation of data derived from ‘omics experiments, such as RNA-Seq, small RNA-Seq, single cell RNA-Seq, microarrays including miRNA and SNP, metabolomics, proteomics and small scale experiments that generate gene and chemical lists.

IPA goes beyond pathway analysis by:

  • Identifying key regulators and activity to explain expression patterns.
  • Predicting downstream effects on biological and disease processes.
  • Providing targeted data on genes, proteins, chemicals and drugs.
  • Building interactive models of experimental systems.


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