workshop details


Dvir Netanely,

School of computer science, 

Faculty of exact sciences, Tel Aviv University


Workshop date and time:
Thursday, 21/12/2017 9:15-12:00


Number of Participants: up to 30 people.


Location: PC Classroom 09,
Sherman Building,
Tel Aviv University.


Campus map


To register, please fill the registration form



PROMO (Profiler of Multi-Omic data) is a tool for analyzing large genomic datasets of various omics (profiles of gene expression, methylation, miRNA, proteins, etc…). It allows importing omic and clinical data from public repositories, preprocessing, exploring and visualizing the loaded datasets. PROMO can also be used to detect meaningful sample groups by running multi-label enrichment tests and survival analysis on sample groups obtained using various clustering algorithms. In this workshop, we will demonstrate PROMO's main capabilities in the context of analyzing TCGA's cancer datasets for subtype discovery, biomarker identification and integrative multi-omic analysis.

PROMO can be downloaded here:


​The workshop will be presented in English

Workshop material:


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