Easy plotting with R

updated: 01.12.2019


Talia Kustin

Faculty of life sciences, Tel Aviv University

Workshop date and time:

Sunday, 1/12/2019 10:15-13:00

Number of Participants: up to 30 people.


PC Classroom 09, Sherman Building, Tel Aviv University.

Campus map

To register, please fill the registration form. The workshop is full.




All scientists are interested in the best presentation of their data. Chart plotting using excel is often used for data analysis. Good looking charts and graphs help in inferring interesting conclusions, spreading ideas and publication in scientific journals. However, excel does not always fulfill all requests.

This workshop is an introduction to The R Project, specifically aiming at creating graphs and plots of high-throughput data. We will start with the necessary basics of working with in R, select folder and file of interest and the required structure of the files to be used. We will learn the principals of how a chart is build and will continue to plotting using the ggplot2 module (which is the main tool for plotting in R). “Hands-on” tutorial will help us practice and performing graphs using R.

This workshop is intended for people with no background in R whatsoever and people with limited knowledge of other programming languages.

Workshop material: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10p5e4Y_MM1WUNimYj-7O7r0diK7kc6hF


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