Cytoscape, Modmap and Dicer

workshop details

Organizers: Prof. Ron Shamir,

School of Computer Science,
Tel Aviv University.


Instructor: David Amar, 
School of Computer Science,
Tel Aviv University.


Workshop date and time:
Thursday, 17/12/2015 10:00-12:00


Number of Participants: up to 30 people.


Location: PC Classroom 09,
Sherman Building,
Tel Aviv University.


Campus map


To register, please fill the registration form.



Cytoscape is an open source software for visualization and analysis of networks and pathways. It can integrate networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other data.
​In this tutorial we shall first learn about biological networks and go over Cytoscape basics.
Then, we shall focus on additional features called Apps, which enable advanced analyses. In this part we shall see Apps for network clustering, gene set analysis, database queries, and integrating molecular profiles.
If time permits, we shall cover additional Apps. 
(!) No computational background is needed.
(!!) Feel free to bring your own data (but keep in mind that due to time constraints we may not be able to analyze it). 

Tutorial files

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