Cellular Signaling


The study of inter-cellular and intra-cellular signaling is central to the understanding of how major biological processes are coordinated and regulated between adjacent and distant cells in the organism. Such processes include for example growth, proliferation, differentiation, development and immune responses, just to name a few.  Aberrant signaling leads to cancer, auto-immune diseases, metabolic diseases and more. Members of this school study cell signaling in order to decipher how cells communicate in health and disease.



Researchers in this field:


Prof. Abdussalam Azem

Prof. Abdussalam Azem

Email: azema@tauex.tau.ac.il 

Lab Website: azemlab.weebly.com









Prof. Ari Barzilai

Prof. Ari Barzilai

Email: arib@tauex.tau.ac.il 








Prof. Nir Ben-Tal

Prof. Nir Ben-Tal

Email: bental@tauex.tau.ac.il

Lab Website: www.bentalab.com







Prof. Frenkel Dan

Prof. Dan Frenkel

Email: dfrenkel@tauex.tau.ac.il

Lab Website:https://www.danfrenkellab.sites.tau.ac.il///






Prof. Yoav Henis

Prof. Yoav Henis

Email: yoavhe@tauex.tau.ac.il









Prof. Joel Hirsch

Prof. Joel Hirsch

Email: jhirsch@tauex.tau.ac.il 

Lab Website: www.hirschlab.org//






Prof. Ronit Kramarski

Prof. Ronit Kramarski

Email: lironit@tauex.tau.ac.il 









Dr. Iftach Nachman

Dr. Iftach Nachman

Email: iftachn@tauex.tau.ac.il 

Lab Website: https://www.inachmanlab.com/







Prof. Gali Prag

Prof. Gali Prag


Lab Website: www.praglab.sites.tau.ac.il/







Dr. Rotem Rubinstein

Dr. Rotem Rubinstein


Lab Website: https://www.rubinsteinlab.com//







Dr. Eric Shifrut

Dr. Eric Shifrut

Email: eshifrut@tauex.tau.ac.il 

Lab Website: https://www.shifrut-lab.org///








Prof. Tsaffrir Zor

Prof. Tsaffrir Zor

Email: tsaffyz@tauex.tau.ac.il 


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