Publications since 2011. For a full list of publications, please view them here:
Wolfenson, H., Bershadsky, A., Henis, Y.I. and Geiger, B. (2011) Actomyosin-generated tension controls the molecular kinetics of focal adhesions. J. Cell Sci. 124, 1425-1432.
Sorek, N., Gutman, O., Bar, E., Abu-Abied, M., Feng, X., Running, M.P., Lewinsohn, E., Ori, N., Sadot, E., Henis, Y.I. and Yalovsky, S. (2011) Differential effects of prenylation and S-acylation on Type I and II ROPS membrane interaction and function. Plant Physiol. 155, 706-720.
Marom, B., Heining, E., Knaus, P. and Henis, Y.I. (2011) Formation of stable homomeric and transient heteromeric BMP receptor complexes regulates Smad signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 286, 19287-19296.
Ehrlich, M., Horbelt, D., Marom, B., Knaus, P. and Henis, Y.I. (2011) Homomeric and heteromeric complexes among TGF-b and BMP receptors and their roles in signaling. Cell. Signal. 23, 1424-1432.
Eisenberg, S., Beckett, A.J., Prior, I.A., Dekker, F.J., Hedberg, C., Waldmann, H., Ehrlich, M. and Henis, Y.I. (2011) Raft protein clustering alters N-Ras membrane interactions and activation pattern. Mol. Cell Biol. 31, 3938-3952.
Berkovich, R., Wolfenson, H., Eisenberg, S., Ehrlich, M., Weiss, M., Klafter, J., Henis, Y.I. and Urbakh, M. (2011) Accurate quantification of diffusion and binding kinetics of non-integral membrane proteins by FRAP. Traffic 12, 1648-1657.
Sorek, N., Henis, Y.I. and Yalovsky, S. (2011) How prenylation and S-acylation regulate subcellular targeting and function of ROP GTPases. Plant Signal. Behav. 6, 1026-1029.
Heining, E., Bhushan, R., Paarmann, P., Henis, Y.I. and Knaus, P. (2011) Spatial segregation of BMP/Smad signaling affects osteoblast differentiation in C2C12 cells. PLoS One 6, e25163.
Ehrlich, M., Gutman, O., Knaus, P. and Henis, Y.I. (2012) Oligomeric interactions of TGF-b and BMP receptors. FEBS Lett. 586, 1885-1896.
Nevo-Yassaf, I., Yaffe, Y., Asher, M., Ravid, O., Eizenberg, S., Henis, Y. I., Nahmias, Y., Hirschberg, K. and Sklan, E. H. (2012) A role for TBC1D20 and Rab1 in Hepatitis C virus replication via interaction with lipid droplet-bound nonstructural protein 5A. J. Virol. 86, 6491-6502.
Shapira, K.E., Gross, A., Ehrlich, M. and Henis, Y.I. (2012) Coated pit-mediated endocytosis of the type I transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b) receptor depends on a di-leucine family signal and is not required for signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 287, 26876-26889.
Eisenberg, S., Laude, A.J., Beckett, A.J., Mageean, C.J., Aran, V., Hernandez-Valladares, M., Henis, Y.I. and Prior, I.A. (2013) The role of palmitoylation in regulating Ras localization and function. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 41, 79-83.
Tazat, K., Harsat, M., Goldshmid-Shagal, A., Ehrlich, M. and Henis, Y.I. (2013) Dual effects of Ral-activated pathways on p27 localization and TGF-b signaling. Mol. Biol. Cell 24, 1812-1824.
Lavelin, I., Wolfenson, H., Patla, I., Henis, Y.I., Medalia, O., Volberg, T., Livne, A., Kam, Z. and Geiger, B. (2013) Differential effect of actomyosin relaxation on the dynamic properties of focal adhesion proteins. PLoS One 8:e73549.
Gottlieb-Abraham, E., Shvartsman, D.E., Donaldson, J.C., Ehrlich, M., Gutman, O., Martin, G.S. and Henis, Y.I. (2013) Src-mediated caveolin-1 phosphorylation affects the targeting of active Src to specific membrane sites. Mol. Biol. Cell 24, 3881-3895.
Shapira, K.E., Hirschhorn, T., Barzilay, L., Smorodinsky, N.I., Henis, Y.I. and Ehrlich, M. (2014) Dab2 inhibits the cholesterol-dependent activation of JNK by TGF-beta. Mol. Biol. Cell
25, 1620-1628.
Burgess, A.W., Henis, Y.I., Hynes, N.E., Jovin, T., Levitzki, A., Pinkas-Kramarski, R. and Yarden, Y. (2014) EGF receptor family: twisting targets for improved cancer therapies.
Growth Factors 32, 74-81.