World-class Professors

Faculty members guide the next generation of scientists through coursework and lab mentorship

Prof. Kronfeld-Schor's Lab
A researcher in Professor Kronfeld-Schor's lab takes a personal look at her subject

Our faculty members are global leaders in research and education.  We count among our Faculty members a winner of the Israel Prize, members of the Israel Academy of Sciences and the Israel Young Academy, and a number of other decorated scientists.


Their diverse research interests span the life sciences from the basic processes of cells to the breakthrough technology of nanomedicine to the complex interactions in our environment.  They are active in their fields, publishing hudnreds of cutting-edge articles in international journals and producing patents.  


Our professors firmly support international collaboration. Many of them have studied and taught overseas as Visiting Scientists and researchers at presitgious universities.  They further advocate for the global exchange of knowledge by leading conferences and chairing committees in Israel and abroad.  Many also take an interdisciplinary approach on our own campus and cooperate across departments and faculties to deepen their studies.  


Most importantly, we have an accessible faculty. Through living labs and intensive coursework, our professors strive to connect with students in order to create a more enriching academic experience. Learn more about individual professors and their labs on their Faculty Profiles.


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