Plant Sciences

The Master of Science in Plant Sciences covers all aspects of modern plant biotechnology, plant genetics, plant growth and development, abiotic stress and biotic interactions, bioinformatics, renewable energy and ecology of plants.

Plant Sciences



About the Program


The mission of the Plant Biology Track is to educate and train students to understand how plants function at different levels of organization, from the molecular to the eco-physiological level; to gain knowledge of the methodology used in plant molecular genetics and cell biological issues; and to study how plants interact with other organisms and adapt to environmental changes.


Our program emphasizes interdisciplinary training and collaborative research using cutting-edge technologies and experimental systems to address fundamental and innovative questions in plant biology.



Why Plant Sciences?


Our students receive an excellent research training in plant molecular genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, ecology and bioinformatics that will allow them to pursue their PhD and enter an academic career. Alternatively, graduates are also very well equipped to take on positions in industrial labs.




Program Chair


The limit of food production for the rising global population has always been a topic of concern and discussion. Maximizing food production with minimal negative effects on the environment remains a long‐term challenge for food production. Minimizing crop losses by controlling plant pathogens can contribute significantly to this goal.


My laboratory study how plant recognize pathogens and induce immune responses that defeat pathogen infection. We aim to develop new plant varieties that will show high tolerance to pathogen infection. In the last several years, we have also been engaged in a new topic, combing electronics with plant biology and developing biosensors that will signal via the internet how the plant feels.


The School of Plant Sciences and Food Security offers a wide range of subjects for MSc thesis including molecular biology, biotechnology, phytopathology, theoretical biology, biomechanics and photosynthesis in addition to subjects concerning ecological systems of endemic and world plants. Our researchers work together as a dynamic and cooperating community sharing the goal of advancing knowledge in plant biology, from the basic theoretical level to applications. Our graduate program offers opportunities for advanced studies in basic and applied research. Students will have the opportunity to combine theoretical disciplines with practical work in research laboratory.


Adi Avni





The curriculum consists of 30 hours in addition to practical research in the lab.



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