Computer Classroom Sherman 09


The computer classroom is located in room 09 of Sherman building and is used for taught courses, professional workshops and student practice.

Opening times are Sun-Thu 7:00-19:00.


There are 28 computers and one lecturer's computer which is connected to an overhead projector.

17 computers have Intel i7 CPU and 8GB RAM (front rows of the class).

11 computers have Intel i5 CPU and 8GB RAM (back rows of the class).

The lecturer's computer has Intel i7 CPU and 8GB RAM.


There's a black and white laser printer at the back of the class. Paper size is A4 and the tariff is 15 Agorot per page.


All computers run Windows 7 and installed with the following programs:

  • Office 2013
  • Browsers: Explorer 11, Chrome (latest-web install), Firefox 51
  • Java 8u121
  • Notepad++ 6.7.5
  • R 3.3.2
  •  RStudio 1.0.136
  • ImageJ  1.8.0
  • BioEdit 7.2.5
  •  Chimera 1.10.2
  • PyMOL 1.3
  • Matlab 2016b
  • PeaZip 6.3.1
  • QGIS 2.18.4
  • (Anaconda Python 3 – 2.5.0 (including biopython and seaborn
  • FigTree 1.4.2
  •  NJPlot


For installations of other programs please contact the faculty's IT Unit.


In the first semester of 2017-2018 the room is occupied during these times:


Sundays 13-19
Mondays 10-13, 14-16
Tuesdays 16-19
Wednesdays 11-14
Thursdays 10-14


To reserve the classroom please contact Hagit Ronen Weizman at the students' secretariat.





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