PhD Student Requirements

The doctoral training program has 3 stages: (i) development of a research plan; (ii) execution of the research plan; (iii) summary of the research findings in the form of a doctoral thesis/dissertation. Required course work is described here.


Stage I submission of a research proposal whose format is listed below.


Doctoral research proposal:


The proposal should be submitted 12 months after initiation of training.


  1. Title page (submission date, title in Hebrew and English, student name, adviser name, adviser signature)
  2. Abstract (1 page maximum)
  3. Scientific background
  4. Research aims and significance
  5. Detailed plan for the proposed research
    Experimental design describing in brief methods used
    Preliminary results
  6. References


Sections 2 through 5 will not be more than 10 pages. Preliminary results may be placed in the Scientific Background section, as per the wish of the student. However, it must be clearly delineated as a separate section. Results obtained by the student versus as yet unpublished results obtained by a previous student must be clearly indicated.


Line spacing of 1.5 lines. Figures can be no more than 6 pages.


The proposal is examined by a at least 3 member committee comprising one representative from the department doctoral committee and two other faculty persons, expert in the relevant field. At least one member must be from another department. The committee composition must be approved by the faculty doctoral committee.


The committee files a written evaluation of the proposal, formally approving it. A copy of this evaluation is distributed to the mentor, student and relevant university parties. It is incumbent upon the student to ensure that this evaluation is filed.

To monitor the student’s progress during stage II, the student must prepare a progress report 18 months after submission of the research proposal and meet with his/her committee.

Final report should be submitted towards the end of the student's fourth year or in the fifth year. Formal committee approval is required in order to advance to the third training stage, i.e. writing the thesis.


We expect to enforce this deadline.


The report format is listed below.




1.   Title page (as above)

2.   Abstract (1 page maximum)

3.   Research aims (taken from proposal)

4.   Results

5.   Discussion

6.   Future plans (relevant for the first progress report)

7.   References


Sections 2 through 5 will not be more than 6 pages.


Line spacing of 1.5. If there has been a publication, this document should be included with the report.


For both progress reports, the committee files a written evaluation. A copy of this evaluation is distributed to the mentor, student and relevant university parties. It is incumbent upon the student to ensure that this evaluation is filed.



Students must submit a final printed copy of the report to the dept. administrative.


In addition to writing the doctoral thesis, the student must present his/her findings in a public seminar.