Mathematical and Theoretical Biology

Biological questions drive nowadays many "hot" computational research. The new experimental systems and their large databases require rigorous statistical models and analysis, which in recent years have become common in biology. These new challenging directions combine biology and exact sciences and change the face of science.

Mathematical and Theoretical Biology



About the Program


The growing interest in theoretical and computational biology dramatically changes the face of biological sciences. The combination of mathematical approaches and experiments has become significant in almost every field of biology in recent years; from Darwin's theory of evolution, through the regulation of genes, neural networks, to ecosystem models and Environmental protection.


Innovative experiments in biology are based on broad databases that require extensive mathematical and statistical analysis. Fundamental biological questions drive nowadays many "hot" computing research. About 30% of the world's hardest calculations are devoted to biological research. New experimental systems and their large databases require rigorous statistical models and analysis, which in recent years have become common in biology.


These new and challenging directions change the face of science. Many bright young scientists meet these challenges and focus on areas such as biophysics, nanotechnology and bioinformatics. As a result, many schools of life sciences, including The George S. wise faculty of Life Science at Tel Aviv University, have many senior scientists whose work focuses on the interface between biology and exact sciences.




Why Theoretical and Mathematical Biology?


The MSc program in Theoretical and Mathematical Biology is first of its kind in academic institutions in Israel. The program offers an infrastructure of special interdisciplinary courses and research projects that meet the needs of undergraduate students in biology or exact sciences. The program combines mathematical core courses with biological skills, and prepares its graduates for a professional career in theoretical and mathematical biology.


The program is designed for students with a BSc degree in biology, exact sciences, engineering, medicine or their combinations, who wish to deal with biological questions from theoretical or mathematical perspectives.



The curriculum consists of 30 hours in addition to practical research in the lab.


Curriculum (in Hebrew)

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