Completion of a Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Life Sciences

Instructions for completing an MSc degree at the Faculty of Life Sciences:


1. Send the cover page of your thesis in English, signed by your supervisor, to the graduate school secretary via the inquiries portal. A template for a cover page is provided below
Please keep in mind that any cover page supplied that is not signed by the supervisor or in the format specified will not be accepted.


2. Examiners for the thesis defense are chosen by the supervisor.

3. The examiners must be approved by the chair of the school MSc. committee. Steps 2 and 3 should be handled by your supervisor.

4. A date has been set for the thesis defense.

5. The supervisor sends the examiner's approval form to Ms. Adi Pizem, the graduate school secretary. For your convenience, a template for the form is supplied below. 

6. After the defense, use the inquiry portal to send your signed thesis and a library form to the graduate school secretary. The library form must be signed by both you and your supervisor. This form represents a signed agreement that your thesis will be submitted to the library and published according to the options listed on. Please fill out the form provided below

7. After receiving your thesis and defense grades, please submit a request for a clearance form ("Tofes Tiyulim") through the personal information site. Instructions for opening the request can be found attached: 

Please go to the personal information portal and click on Checklist, then look for an option named End of Study Application. After that, please click Confirm and notify the graduate school secretary, Ms. Adi Pizem, via the inquiry portal. Please keep in mind that once you've opened the request, the procedure often takes a few days because the application is reviewed by many departments at Tel Aviv University.

Once the clearance form ("Tofes Tiyulim") has been completed, the degree will be finished, and you will be notified via email that you can acquire your certificate of eligibility via the personal information site.


Here are some additional important notes for your information:

  • Submit your cover page on time to avoid paying for an extra semester. If you want to know the exact deadline for submitting the cover page, please contact the tuition department using the inquiry portal.
  • To ensure that you have completed enough courses for your master's degree, please contact the graduate school secretary, Ms. Adi Pizem, through the inquiry portal. 
  • If you want to ensure that you've completed your academic duties (i.e., taken courses in accordance with the track's requirements), you can look through the course catalogue (Yedion) from the year you began studying, or send an email to the head of your designated track with a list of the courses you've taken.
  • If you choose to continue your PhD studies at Tel Aviv University or elsewhere, please notify Ms. Adi Pizem, when you submit your cover pages.
  • Please send all required documentation to Ms. Adi Pizem, the graduate school secretary, via the inquiry portal.
  • Any delay in mailing or submitting the needed documentation will delay the completion of your degree, and you may be asked to pay for an additional semester.


1. Cover Page Eng. >>  

2. The Examiners Approval Form >> 

3. Library form for MSc students >> 



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