Learning & Memory

Learning & Memory


Learning and memory are critical for modifying our behavior and knowledge following experience. Learning embodies a process of everlasting change, extending across various timescales, forming experience-dependent modifications within neural-glial network structure and dynamics. Cutting-edge research at the department of neurobiology is geared towards exposing the multiple layers of memory acquisition, storage and consolidation utilizing innovative technologies to track circuit plasticity and link it to behavior. While unraveling the mysteries of the processes governing learning and memory is an important scientific endeavor, much of the effort in the school’s labs is invested in utilizing this knowledge for better understanding and treating cognitive disorders


Researchers in this field:


Prof. Uri Ashery

Prof. Uri Ashery

E-mail: uria@tauex.tau.ac.il

Lab Website: https://uriashery.wixsite.com/ualab/








Prof. Yaniv Assaf

Prof. Yaniv Assaf

Email: assafyan@tauex.tau.ac.il 

Lab Website: https://yanivassaflab.com//









Prof. Ari Barzilai

Prof. Ari Barzilai

Email: arib@tauex.tau.ac.il 









Prof. Oded Rechavi

Prof. Oded Rechavi

Email: odedrech@mail.tau.ac.il 

Lab Website: https://www.odedrechavilab.com/








Prof. Tom Schonberg

Prof. Tom Schonberg

Email: schonberg@tauex.tau.ac.il 

Lab Website: https://www.schonberglab.sites.tau.ac.il/








Dr. Mark Shein-Idelson

Dr. Mark Shein-Idelson

Email: sheinmark@tauex.tau.ac.il

Lab Website: www.evolutionaryneuralcodinglab







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