I got my next generation sequencing data ! What's next ???
Maoz Gelbart,
Biothechnology, Faculty of Life sciences, Tel Aviv University
Workshop date and time:
Thursday, 11/1/2018 9:15-12:00
Number of Participants: up to 30 people.
Location: PC Classroom 09,
Sherman Building,
Tel Aviv University.
To register, please fill the registration form.
The workshop is full.
Next generation sequencing (NGS) has widespread in biological research. This workshop will present the NGS standard output format and the common steps that are usually performed on NGS raw output. The first step in the analysis is inspecting the quality control of results. This workshop will include hands-on experience with FastQC- an application for raw sequencing data evaluation. At last, the workshop will introduce Bowtie short reads aligner, SAM/BAM format and some other useful tools for handling common sequencing output.
The workshop will be in English.
Workshop materials