Prof. Tal Dvir Receives the Prestigious Taobuk Da Vinci Award

Congratulations to Prof. Tal Dvir for winning the Taobuk Da Vinci Award

11 July 2023
Prof. Tal Dvir Receives the Prestigious Taobuk Da Vinci Award

The Taobuk Da Vinci Award for 2023 was awarded to Prof. Tal Dvir from Tel Aviv University for his achievements and contribution to the field of regenerative medicine.


Prof. Dvir serves as the head of the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, a faculty member at the Sagol Center for Regenerative Biotechnology, the Shemunis School of Biomedical Research and Cancer Research in the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences and the Department of Biomedical Engineering.


Prof. Tal Dvir is a respected researcher in the field of regenerative medicine, who has published many articles in prestigious journals. Among his notable achievements, research into 3D printing of a human heart as well as tissue engineering a human spinal cord.


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