Prof. Dan Peer was awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant

Prof. Dan Peer from the Department of Cell Research and Immunolgy was awarded the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Grant for his work on developing an activation dependent conformational changes strategies in T cells that home to the Gut during Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

08 February 2015
Prof. Dan Peer

Prof. Peer's lab studies how to manipulate cells' functions in order to generate novel strategies to treat inflammatory diseases and cancers. They combine multidisciplinary approaches including immunology, cell and molecular biology, genetics, protein engineering, material sciences, nanotechnology and computational techniques for drug discovery and potentially for therapeutics. His group is also developing nanomedicines by designing highly selective targeting moieties and novel nanocarriers, with an ultimate goal to translate some of our findings into clinical settings.

Prof. Peer is a graduate of Tel aviv University, and received his Ph.D. in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  

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