Office Holders


The main office for the Faculty of Life Sciences is open to students Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 10:00-13:00 and Monday, Wednesday 10:00-15:00.


Name E-mail
Prof. Abdussalam Azem, Dean
Prof. Marcelo Ehrlich, Vice Dean for Research
Prof. David Sprinzak, Vice Dean for Teaching
Prof. Inon Scharf, Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Commitee
Prof. Frida Ben-Ami, Head, Smolarz Family Graduate School of Life Sciences
Prof. Tal Dvir, Chair, Undergraduate Commitee
Dr. Pablo Blinder, Chair, Faculty Undergrauate Acceptance Committee 
Dr. Iftach Nachman, Chair, Graduate Teaching Commitee
Dr. Yariv Wine , Chair, Faculty PhD committee
Prof. Marcelo Ehrlich, Chair, Animal Facility Committee
Prof. Dan Frenkel, Chair, Safety Committee
Prof. Adi Stern
, Chair, Faculty Gender Equality Committee
Prof. David Sprinzak, Chair, Committee for Teaching Development and Teaching Duties



Heads of Schools


Name E-mail
Prof. Joel Hirsch, School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry & Biophysics
Prof. Amir Sharon
School of Plant Sciences and Food Security
Prof Prof. Jonathan[Yoni] Belmaker
, School of Zoology
Prof. Anat Herskovits
, School of Molecular Cell Biology & Biotechnology
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