Prof. Amos Ar

Emeritus in School of Zoology
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה אמריטוס
Prof. Amos Ar
Phone: 03-6409818
Fax: 03-6409818
Office: Sherman - Life Sciences, 208


Prof. Amos Ar was born in Tel Aviv when it was under the British Mandate.  After serving in the IDF from 1955-1957, he received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. from Tel Aviv University.  He has been teaching at TAU somce 1969 and has also written a series of physiology lessons to present on Israeli Instructional Public Television.  He is married with three children. 




1965 Tel Aviv University, Biology, B.Sc. (with distinction)

1967 Tel Aviv University, Zoology, M.Sc. (with distinction)

1970 Tel Aviv University, Zoology and Biochemistry, Ph.D. (with distinction)


Title of M.Sc. Thesis: Studies on a metallic component of Vipera xanthina palaestinae venom.
Supervisors: Prof. S. Gitter, Rogoff Medical Research Insitute, Petah-Tiqua, and Prof. S. Amiel, Dept. Nuclear Chem., Israeli Atomic Energy Commission. Soreq. 

Title of Ph.D. dissertation: The hemoglobin of Cyzicus cf. hierosolymitanus - A study in molecular ecology. Supervisor: Prof. A. Schejter, Dept. of Biochemistry, Tel Aviv University 



Further Studies: 
1965 (May-July): Inspector, Atomic Energy - "The Use of Radioisotopes in Biology", "Inspection of Radioactive Hazards", Soreq, Israel. 

1967 (May-July) UNESCO; UNESCO Advanced Course in Marine Biology including Course in Bio-statistics, Copenhagen, Denmark.



Professional Experience: 
1964-1969: Research Assistant - Limnology, Entomology and Invertebrates; Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1965: Research Assistant - Second Israeli Red Sea Expedition; Hydrography Department, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1969-1970: Instructor - Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1968-1970 Scriptwriter and Presenter - Compiled and presented a series of physiology lessons for high schools, Israeli Instructional Public Television.

1970-1972: Research Associate - Physiology Department, School of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo.

1972-1973: Advisor - Biology Department, Educational Programs; Israel Instructional Public Television.

1972-1976: Lecturer in Physiology - Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1976-1981: Senior Lecturer in Comparative Physiology - Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1976: Writer and advisor for Biology Programs - Biology Department, Everymans University, Tel Aviv.

1977-1978: Visiting Research Scientist - Physiology Department, Max Planck Institute, Gottingen, Germany

1978 (June - December): Visiting Research Assistant Professor - Physiology Department, School of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo.

1979,1980 (July-October): Visiting Research Assistant Professor - Physiology Department, School of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo.

1981-1987: Associate Professor - Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1982-1985: Chairman - Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1984 (Jan-Feb): Invited Visiting Professor - Laboratoire d'Etude des Regulations Physiologiques, CNRS, Strasbourg, France.

1984-2002: Editorial Board - "Respiration Physiology", Elsevier Science Publishers B.V Amsterdam.

1985-1986: Invited Visiting Scientist - Laboratoire d'Etude des Regulations Physiologiques, CNRS, Strasbourg, France.
since 1986: Scientific Advisor - Tzemach Ostrich Farms, Israel.

1987 (Aug-Oct): Invited Visiting Scientist - Laboratoire d'Etude des Regulations Physiologiques, CNRS, Strasbourg, France.

1987: Full Professor - Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

1988-1996: Council member - Zoological Society of Israel, Israel

1989-1995: Scientific Advisor - Systems Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan.

1989-1991: Chairman - Zoological Society of Israel, Israel.

1992 (Feb): Invited Visiting Professor - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Muroran Institute of Technology; and School of Medicine,Yamagata University, Japan.

1992-1993: Visiting Professor - Physiology Department, School of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo.

1992-1999: Editorial Board - "Zoology", Gustav Fischer Publishing.

since 1993: Committee Member - Professional Committee, World Poultry Science Association-Israeli Branch.

since 1995: Council Member - Scientific Committee, Federation of Israeli Societies of Experimental Biology.

since 1999: Council Member -Work group/Embryology, World Poultry Science Association -Europe.

1999-2001: Committee Member - Inter-Departmental Committee for Heavy Equipment, Tel Aviv University.

2000-2005 Committee Member - Scientific Committee of the Nicholas and Elizabeth Shlezak Super Center for Cardiology and Biomedical Engineering, Tel Aviv University.

2001-2002: Invited Visiting Professor – Université Paris 7 – Denis Diderot, Faculté de Medecine, Laboratoire d`Otologie Expérimentale, Paris, France.

2003:(Sep-Oct), Invited Visiting Professor - Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, Faculté de Medecine, Laboratoire d`Otologie Expérimentale, Paris, France.

Since 2004: Emeritus (Research Professor). Department of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.

2005: (Aug-Oct), Visiting Professor - Université Paris 7 - Denis Diderot, Faculté de Medecine, Laboratoire d`Otologie Expérimentale, Paris, France.


Research Interests

My research interests include: 

  • Comparative studies on respiration and gas exchange physiology in secluded environments.
  • Gas exchange in vertebrate embryos; Insect tracheal system: Eggshell gas permeability; Placental and chorioallantoic respiratory functions.
  • Comparative studies on energy metabolism; Water budget; Growth efficiency; Energy storage and utilization.
  • Oxygen toxicity defense in embryos during development.
  • Nitric oxide (NO) and blood flow.
  • Allometry of physiological parameters.
  • Incubation of bird eggs (natural and artificial).
  • Water, ion and osmotic regulation in reptile embryos and scorpions.
  • Tissue regeneration.


Recent Publications

For a full list, please see his personal website.



Since 2000

85. Tazawa, H., A. Ar, K. Moriya, E. Gefen and J. T. Pearson. Embryonic heart rate measurements during artificial incubation of emu eggs. Brit. Poult. Sci. 41: 89-93, 2000.


86. Moriya, K., J. T. Pearson, W. W. Burggren, A. Ar and H.Tazawa. Continuous measurements of instantaneous heart rate and its fluctuations before and after hatching in chickens. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 895-903, 2000.


87. Tazawa, H., J.T. Pearson, Komoro, T., and Ar.A. Allometric relationships between embryonic heart rate and fresh egg mass in birds. J. Exp. Biol. 204: 165-174, 2001.


88. Gefen, E. and A. Ar. Morphological description of the developing ostrich embryo: a tool for embryonic age estimation. Isr.J.Zool. 47: 87-97, 2001.


89. Gefen, E. and A. Ar. Gas exchange and energy metabolism of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) embryo. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 130A: 689-699, 2001.


90. Fink, N., A. Ar, J. Sade and O. Barnea. Mathematical analysis of atelectasis formation in middle ears with sealed ventilation tubes. Acta Physiol. Scand. 177: 493-505, 2003.


91. Sade, J., A. Ar and C. Fuchs. Barotrauma vis-a vis the "chronic otitis media syndrome": two conditions with middle ear gas deficiency. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol.112: 230-235, 2003.


92. Hatzofe, O. and A. Ar. A typical "plateau" stage is present in the rate of oxygen consumption of the semi-altricial griffon vulture embryos. Isr. J. Zool. 49: 175-184, 2003.


93. Gefen, E. and A. Ar. Comparative water relations of four species of scorpions in Israel: evidence for phylogenetic differences. J. Exp. Biol. 207: 1017-1025, 2004.


94. Ar, A., A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov, C. Mersten-Katz. Woodpecker cavity aeration: a predictive model. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 144/2-3: 237-249. 2004. (Special issue: Frontiers in Comparative Respiratory Physiology 1: Adaptations in Respiratory Gas Transport - Edited by W.K. Milsom, F.L. Powell and G.S. Mitchell). [Also]


95. Sade, J., U. Cinamon, A. Ar and A. Seifert. Gas flow into and within the middle ear. Otology & Neurotology 25 (5): 649-652, 2004.


96. Kania R, Portier F, Lecain E, Marcusohn Y, Ar A, Herman P, Tran Ba Huy P. Experimental Model for Investigating the Trans-mucosal Gas Exchanges in the Middle Ear of the Rat. Acta Oto-Laryngoglogica 124 (4): 408-410, 2004.


97. Ar A, Ifergan,O., Feldman,A., Zelik,L., Reizis,A. Possible role of nitric oxide emission from bird embryos. Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 15 (3-4): 105-106, 2004.


98. Reizis A, Hammel I, Ar A. Variation in area fraction of blood vessels and tissue thickness between the area under the air cell and the rest of the chorio-allantoic membrane of the chick embryo. Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 15 (3-4): 189-190, 2004.


99. Kania RE, Marcusohn Y, Lecain E, Tran Ba Huy P, Herman P, Ar A. Animal Model of Middle Ear Gas Volume Variations: Pilot Study. In: Lim, DJ, Bluestone, CD, Casselbrant, M, editors. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc. pp. 386-88, 2005.


100. Haspel G, E Gefen, A. Ar, JG Glusman and F Libersat. Parasitoid wasp affects metabolism of cockroach host to favor food preservation for its offspring.Journal of Comparative Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural and Behavioral Physiology 191: 529-534, 2005.


101. Gefen E and A. Ar. The effect of desiccation on water management and compartmentalisation in scorpions: the hepatopancreas as a water reservoir J. Exp. Biol. 208:1887-1894, 2005.


102. Reizis A, I Hammel and A Ar. Regional and developmental variations of blood vessel morphometry in the chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane. J Exp Biol 208: 2483-2488, 2005.


103. Kania RE, P Herman, A Ar, and PTB Huy. Technical pitfalls in middle ear gas studies: Errors introduced by the gas permeability of tubing and additional dead space. Acta Otolaryngologica 125 (5): 529-533, 2005.


104. Li, J-P, R. Kania, E. Lecain, A Ar, P Tran Ba Huy and P. Herman. In vivo demonstration of the absorptive function of the middle ear epithelium. Hearing Research 210 (1-2): 1-8, 2005.


105. Gefen E and Ar A. Temperature dependence of water loss rates in scorpions and its effect on the distribution of Buthotus judaicus (Buthidae) in Israel.Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 144(1): 58-62, 2006.


106. Marcusohn Y, Dirckx JJJ, Ar A. High-resolution measurements of middle ear gas volume changes in the rabbit enables estimation of its mucosal CO2 conductance. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol. 2006 Sep; 7(3):236-45, 2006.


107. Sade J, Russo E, Fuchs C, Ar A. Acute otitis media and mastoid growth. Acta Otolaryngol. 126(10):1036-9, 2006.


108. Kania RE, Herman P, Tran Ba Huy P, Ar A. Role of nitrogen in transmucosal gas exchange rate in the rat middle ear. J Appl Physiol. 101(5):1281-7, 2006.


109. Ar A, Herman P, Lecain E, Wassef M, Huy PT, Kania RE. Middle Ear Gas Loss in Inflammatory Conditions: The Role of Mucosa Thickness and Blood Flow. Respir Physiol Neurobiol; 155(2):167-76, 2006


110. Ar, A., P. Herman, E. Lecain, M. Wassef, P. Tran Ba Huy and R. E. Kania. Middle ear gas loss in inflammatory conditions: The role of mucosa thickness and blood flow. Respir. Physiol. & Neurobiol. 155: 167-176, 2007.doi:10.1016/j.resp.2006.04.011   


111. Meir, M. and A. Ar. Changes in eggshell conductance, water loss and hatchability of layer hens with flock age and moulting. British Poult. Sci. 49: 677-684, 2008. DOI: 10.1080/00071660802495288



Chapters in Books since 2000

10. Ar, A. and Y. Sidis. Nest microclimate during incubation. Ch.10 in: Avian Incubation: Behaviour, Environment and Evolution. Ed. D.C. Deeming. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 2001, pp 143 - 160.


11. Ar, A. and D.C. Deeming. Roles of water and gas exchange in determining hatchability success. In: (ed) D.C. Deeming. Practical Aspects of Commercial Incubation in Poultry. Ratite Conference Books, England 2002, pp. 21-25.


12. Belinsky, A., R.A. Ackerman, R. Dmi'el and A. Ar. Water in reptilian eggs and hatchlings. Ch 6 in: Reptilian Incubation. Environment, Evolution and Behaviour. Ed: D.C. Deeming. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK. 2004, pp 125-141.


13. Ar, A., A. Belinsky, R. Dmi'el and R.A. Ackerman. Energy provision and utilization. Ch 7 in: Reptilian Incubation. Environment, Evolution and Behaviour. Ed: D.C. Deeming. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK. 2004, pp 143-185.


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