Prof. Eli Geffen

School of Zoology
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Eli Geffen
Fax: 03-6409403
Office: Sherman - Life Sciences, 305


Eli Geffen is a behavioral ecologist currently interested in mammalian social interactions and vocal communication. He is also interested in population genetics, largely associated with conservation biology issues. He is currently studying vocal communication among male rock hyraxes, with emphasis on understanding the role of syntax in their songs


Research Interests


  • Behavioral ecology - social dynamics and vocalization in the rock hyrax, visual communication in chameleons, and evolution of sociality in canids and other carnivores.
  • Population genetics - behavioral and environmental factors that influencing dispersal decisions in carnivores and other vertebrates.
  • Comparative studies on various behavioral aspects of birds and mammals.
  • Eco-physiology - The effects of parasite load on breeding success in rodents.


Recent Publications

For the full list.


Perl RGB, Avidor E, Roll U, Malka, Y, Geffen E, Gafny S. 2022. Using eDNA presence/non-detection data to characterize the abiotic and biotic habitat requirements of a rare, elusive amphibian. Environmental DNA 4:642–653.

Goll Y, Bordes C, Weissman YA, Shnitzer I, Beukboom R, Ilany A, Koren L, Geffen E. 2022. Sex-associated and context-dependent leadership in the rock hyrax. iScience 25:104063.

Barocas A, Hefner R, Ucko M, Shalmon B, Leader N, Geffen E. 2022. Ruppell’s fox movement and spatial behavior are influenced by topography and human activity. Biodiversity and Conservation 31:1345–1357.

Frydman G, Goll Y, Geffen E, Koren L. 2022. Sex differences in frequencies in a species with modest sexual size dimorphism. Bioacoustics in press.

Demartsev V, Haddas-Sasson M, Ilany A, Koren L, Geffen E. 2022. Male rock hyraxes that maintain an  isochronous song rhythm achieve higher reproductive success. Journal of Animal Ecology in press.

Cohen O, Ram Y, Hadany L, Geffen E, Gafny S. 2022. The effect of habitat and climatic on microsatellite diversity and allele length variation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:893856.

Hemelrijk CK, Seex L, Pederboni M, Ilany A, Geffen E, Koren L. 2022. Adult sex ratios and partial dominance of females over males in the rock hyrax. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10:1004919.

Lam DK, Frantz AC, Burke T, Geffen E, Sin SYW. 2023. Both selection and drift drive the spatial pattern of adaptive genetic variation in a wild mammal. Evolution 77: 221–238.

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