Dr. Menachem Goren

Retired in School of Zoology
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה בדימוס
Dr. Menachem Goren
Phone: 03-6409389
Fax: 03-6409403


Dr. Goren is a graduate of Tel Aviv University and has served as the director of the Zoological Museum and as a researcher and professor in the Department of Zoology.  He has published three books and over 140 scientific peer reviewed articles.  He has presented nearly 100 papers at international and domestic scientific conferences.  He has conducted marine expeditions to Cyprus, Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Eilat, Tiran Island in the Red Sea, Dahlak Archipelago, Seychelles Archipelago, and the Turkish cities of Iskenderun and Antalya.




1977 Post-doctoral Research; Forschunsginstitut and Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main,Germany.
1971-1975 Ph.D..; Tel Aviv University
1967-1969 M.Sc.; Tel Aviv Univerity
1964-1967 B.Sc.; Biology, Tel Aviv University


Academic Appointments:

1998-present Principle Research Associate; Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University
1987-present Professor; Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University
1978-1987 Researcher; Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University
1976-1989 Director; Zoological Museum, Tel Aviv University


International and National Activities:


Chief editor; Electronic Journal of Ichthyology, The bulletin of the European Ichthyological Society.


Member; Executive committee of the Israeli Society for aquatic research.


Scientific co-convenor; DIVERSITAS STAR element 9 on “Inventory and Monitoring of Inland Water Biodiversity”.


Member; Executive committee of the International Union of Biological Sciences

1994-2004 Vice President; Societas Europaea Ichthyologrum (European Ichthyological Society).
1983-2003 Member; Executive committee of the Ecological Society of Israel

Co-Chair; Committee for Fauna and Flora of Israel - The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.


Member; Committee for Fauna and Flora of Israel - The IsraelAcademy of Sciences and Humanities.

1983- 1990

Deputy Chairman; Executive committee of the "Israel National Collections of Natural History".


Member; Subcommittee for scientific collections of the Council for Higher Education - Planning and Grants Committee.


Professional Affiliations:

Zoological Society of Israel,  Israel Ecological Society, La Societe Francais d'Ichthyologie, European Ichthyological Union, Israel Society for Aquaculture, Ichthyological Society of Japan, Fisheries Society of Africa, Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL)., American Fisheries Society, The Israeli Society for aquatic research.


Research Interests

Menachem Goren studies the ecology, biodiversity and management of fishes of the eastern Mediterranean, the taxonomy, ecology and biodiversity of the freshwater fishes of Israel, the fishes of the Red Sea  (biodiversity, zoogeography and ecology), and the taxonomy and biology of the Gobioidea of the Red Sea and Western Indian Ocean.


Research interests include:  

  • Ecology, biodiversity on management of fish communities in the eastern Mediterranean
  • Taxonomy, ecology and biodiversity of the freshwater fishes of Israel
  • The fishes of the Red Sea: biodiversity, zoogeography and ecology
  • Taxonomy and biology of the Gobioidea of the Red Sea and Western Indian Ocean


Recent Publications

For a full list


Since 2009: 

Goren, M. 2009. Saving critically endangered fish species – utopia or practical idea? The story of the Yarqon bleak- Acanthobrama telavivensis (Cyprinidae) as a test case. Aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology.15 (1) 1-12.


Goren, M., Galil, B.S., Diamant, A., Gayer, K. & Stern N. 2009. First record of the Indo-Pacific cardinal fish Apogon fasciatus (White, 1790) in the Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Invasions. 4 (2): 311-313.


Goren, M., Gayer K. & Lazarus, N. 2009. First record of the Far East chameleon goby Tridentiger trigonocephalus(Gill, 1859) in the Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Invasions. 4, (2): 1-3


Galil B.S., Shoval, L.,& Goren, M. 2009. Phyllorhiza punctata von Lendenfeld, 1884 (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Mastigiidae) reappeared off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Aquatic Invasions 4 (3):1-3.


Galil B.S., Yokeş M.B., Goren, M. & Diamant, A. 2009. First record of the Indo-West Pacific mantis shrimp, Clorida albolitura Ahyong & Naiyanetr, 2000 (Stomatopoda, Squillidae) in Turkey. Aquatic Invasions 4 (4): 1-2.


Yokeş, B., Bilecenoglu, M., Goren, M., Galil, B.S., Diamant, A. 2009. Genetic evidence for wide distribution of the alien shrimpgoby, Vanderhorstia mertensi Klausewitz, 1974 (Gobiidae) along the northeast Mediterranean, Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria, 39 (2): 155-158.


Gasith, A. & Goren, M. 2009. Habitat availability, reproduction and population dynamics of the fresh water blenny Salaria fluviatilis (asso, 1801) in Lake Kinneret, Israel. Electronic Journal of Ichthyology. 2: 34 - 46


Innocenti G., Galil B.S., Yokeş M.B., Diamant A. & Goren M., 2009 - Here and there: a preliminary note on the prevalence of an alien rhizocephalan parasite at the southern and northern limits of its introduced range. Journal of Parasitology, 95(6): 1387-1390.


Goren, M., Stern N., Galil, B. S.and Diamant, A., 2010. First record of the Indo-Pacific arrow bulleye Priacanthus sagittarius Starnes, 1988 in the Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Invasions, 5(2).


Goren M., Lipsky G., Brokovich E. and Abelson A. 2010. A ‘flood’ of alien cardinal fishes in the eastern Mediterranean - first record of the Indo-Pacific Cheilodipterus novemstriatus (Rüppell, 1838) in the Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Invasion. 5: Supplement 1: S49-S51.

Diamant, A., Goren M., Yokeş, M.B., Galil, B.S., Klopman, Y., Huchon, D., Szitenberg A., Karhan S.Ü. 2010. Dasyatispora levantinae gen. et sp.so. nov., a new microsporidian parasite from the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) in the eastern Mediterranean. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 91: 137–150.

Heemstra, P., Aronov, A. and Goren M. 2010. First record of the Atlantic Island grouper Mycteroperca fusca (Lowe, 1838) in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records 3, e 92: 1-3.

Fishelson, L., Golani, D., Galil B.S and Goren M. 2010. Comparison of the nasal olfactory organs of various species of lizardfishes (Teleostei, Aulopiformes, Synodontidae), with additional remarks on the brain. International Journal of Zoology. vol. 2010, Article ID 807913: 1-8. doi:10.1155/2010/807913.

Goren, M. 2011. Re-introduction of the "Extinct in the Wild" Yarqon bleak- Acanthobrama telavivensis (Cyprinidae). In: Soorae, P.P., ed. Global re-introduction perspectives: Re-introduction case studies from around the globe: 45-48.  IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group.

Mienis, H.K., Stern N., Levitt Y., Rittner O., Goren M., Galil B. S. and Diamant A. 2011. First records of Eledone cirrhosa from the Eastern Mediterranean off Israel (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Octopodidae). Triton, 24: 1-4.

Anderson, W.D. Jr, Baranes A, and Goren M. 2011. Redecoration of the perciform fish Symphysanodon disii (Symphysanodontidae) Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, with comments on S. pitondelafournaisei and sexual dim in the genus. Zootaxa. 3027: 1–8.

Fishelson, L., Golani, D., Russell, B., Galil, B.S. and Goren M. 2011. Rodlet cells in the alimentary tract of three genera of lizardfishes (Synodontidae, Aulopiformes): more on these enigmatic "“gate -guards"” of fishes. Cybium 35 (2): 121-129.

Goren M., Srern N., Galil, B.S. and Diamant, A. 2011. On the occurrence of the Indo-Pacific Champsodon nudivittis (Ogilby, 1895) (Perciformes, Champsodontidae) from the Mediterranean coast of Israel, and the presence of the species in the Red Sea.  Aquatic Invasion. 6: Supplement 1: S115-S117.

Goren M., Gvili, R. and Galil, B.S. 2011. The reef-associating butterfly fish Chaetodon austriacus Rüppell, 1836 in the Mediterranean: The implication of behavioral plasticity for bioinvasion hazard assessment. Aquatic Invasion. 6: Supplement 1: S143-S145.

Fishelson, L., Golani, D., Russell, B., Galil, B. and Goren M. 2012. Comparative morphology and cytology of the alimentary tract in lizardfishes (Teleostei, Aulopiformes, Synodontidae). Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 (3): 308-318.

Fishelson, L. Delarea Y., and Goren M. 2012. Comparative morphology and cytology of the eye, with particular reference to the retina, in lizardfishes (Synodontidae, Teleostei), Acta Zoologica. 93: 68-79.

Fishelson, L., Golani, D., Russell, B., Galil, B.S. and Goren M. 2012. Melanization of the alimentary tract in lizardfishes (Teleostei, Aulopiformes, Synodontidae).  Environmental Biology of Fishes.

Breen P., Robinson L.A., Rogers S.I., Knights A.M., Piet G., Churilova T., Margonski P., Papadopoulou N., Akoglu E., Eriksson A., Finenko Z., Fleming-Lehtinen V., Galil B., Goodsir F., Goren M., Kremena S., Krivenko O., Leppanen J.M., Markantonatou V., Moncheva S., Oguz T., Paltriguera L., Timofte F. and Thomsen F. 2012. Assessing risk to achieving environmental objectives: A European assessment to support regional prioritisation of management options to achieve Good Environmental Status. Marine Policy. 36: 1033–1043

Szitenberg A., Goren M. and Huchon D. 2012. Mitochondrial and morphological variation of Tilapia zillii in Israel. BioMed Research Notes. 7, 172: 1-8

Goren M. 2012. The fall and rise of the Yarqon Bleak. Waza (World Association of Zoos and Aquaria) 13: 36-38.

Rothman B-S.S. Goren M. and Galil B.S. 2013. Cheilodipterus novemstriatus (Rüppell, 1838) along the Levantine coast of the Mediterranean Sea: a forthcoming invasion? BioInvasions Records 2: 1-4.

Stern N. and Goren M. 2013. First record of the moray eel Gymnothorax reticularis, Bloch, 1795 in the Mediterranean Sea, with a note on its taxonomy and distribution. Zootaxa. 3641 (2): 197–200.

Goren M., Stern N. And Galil B.S. 2013.  Bridging the gap: First record of Mertens’ prawn-goby Vanderhorstia mertensi in Israel. Marine Biodiversity Records. 6, e63:1-3.

Goren M. 2013. The fishes of the Mediterranean - a biota under siege. In:  Goffredo S. and Dubinsky Z.(Eds), The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenge: 385-400. Springer Verlag publishing house.

Galil B. and Goren M. (2014) Metamorphoses: bioinvasions in the Mediterranean Sea. In Goffred S. and Dubinsky Z. (eds), The Mediterranean Sea: Its History and Present Challenges. Springer Verlag publishing house. Dordrecht. pp. 463-478

Laporte M.,Mattei J., Perret P., Roché B., Vinyoles D., Goren M., Bacha M., Rovira Q-P., Berrebi P. and Magnan P.2013. Update of a basic biological data on the freshwater blenny (Salaria fluviatilis: Asso, 1801) and its comparison between two regions (Continental vs Island Rivers). Cybium 37(4): 309-313.

Diamant A. Rothman B-S.S. Goren M., Galil B.S.. Yokes B., Szitenberg A. and Huchon D. 2014. A new xenoma-forming gonadotropic microsporidium (Microsporidia: Enterocytozoonidae) parasitic on the invasive blotchfin dragonet, Callionymus filamentosus (Teleostei: Callionymidae): development, pathogenesis and epizootiology. Dieseases of Aquatic Organisms 109: 35-54.

Stern N., Levitt Y., Galil B.S, Diamant A., Yokeş M.B. and Goren M. 2014.  Distribution and population structure of the alien Indo-Pacific Randall's threadfin bream Nemipterus randalli in the Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Fish Biology 85 (2): 394-406.

Goren M.,Ganga U. andJinesh T.P. 2014. Champsodon vorax and Champsodon nudivittis, two new records from the north eastern Arabian Sea (Perciformes, Champsodontidae). Marine biodiversity records. 7; e45:1-4

Zohar I. Goren M. Goren-Inbar N. 2014. Fish and ancient lakes in the Dead Sea Rift:  The use of fish remains to reconstruct the ichthyofauna of paleo-Lake Hula. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 405: 28-41.

Ostrovsky I., Goren M., Shapiro J., Snovsky G., Rynskiy A. 2014. Fish biology and ecology. In Lake Kinneret: Ecology and Management (Eds T. Zohary, A. Sukenik, T. Berman, A. Nishri). Springer, Dordrecht, 683 pp.

Shaish L., Mienis H.K., Stern N., Lubinevski H., Galil B.S., Goren M and  Rinkevich B. 2014 Chiroteuthis veranii (Férussac, 1835): the 36th cephalopod species from the eastern Mediterranean off Israel. Triton (Rehovot) Volume 30: 1-2 Published: November 2014.

Stern N., Rinkevich  B and Goren M. 2015. First record of the Goldstripe sardinella (Sardinella gibbosa (Bleeker, 1849)) in the Mediterranean and reconfirmation for its presence in the Red Sea. BioInvasions Records 4: 47-51.

Azzurro E., Goren M., Diamant A., Galil B.S., and Bernardi G. 2015. Establishing the identity and assessing the dynamics of invasion in the Mediterranean Sea by the dusky sweeper, Pempheris rhomboidea Kossmann & Räuber, 1877  (Pempheridae, Perciformes). Biological Invasions. 17:815-826.

Knights A.M., Piet G.J., Jongbloed R.H., TamisJ.E., White L., Akoglu E, Boicenco L., Churilova T., Kryvenko O., Fleming-Lehtinen V., LeppänenJ-M., Galil B.S., Goodsir F., Goren M., Margonski P., Moncheva S., Oguz T., Papadopoulou K.N., Setälä O., Smith C.J., Stefanova K., Timofte F., and Robinson L.A.  2015. An exposure-effect approach for evaluating ecosystem-wide risks from human activities.  ICES Journal of Marine Science. 72(3):1105-1115.

Goren M., Galil B.S. 2015. A checklist of the deep sea fishes of the Levant Sea, Mediterranean Sea. Zootaxa 3994 (4): 507–530.

Levy Y., Frid O., Weinberger A., Sade R., Adam Y., Kandanyan U., Berkun V., Perry N., Edelist D., Goren M., Rothman B-S. S., Stern N.,  Tchernov D., Rilov G. a A. 2015. A small fishery with a high impact on sea turtle populations. Zoology in the Middle East.

Rothman S.B.S. and Goren, M. 2015. First record of the Red Sea shrimp-goby Cryptocentrus caeruleopunctatus in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records. 8; e157: 1-2.

Ofir E., Gal G., Goren M., Shapiro J., Spanier E. 2015.  Detecting changes to the functioning of a lake ecosystem following a regime shift based on static food-web models. Ecological Modelling 320 (2016) 145–157.

Rothman S.B.S., Stern N. and Goren, M. 2016. First record of the Indo-Pacific areolate grouper Epinephelus areolatus (Perciformes: Epinephelidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Zootaxa. 4067 (4): 479-483.

Deidun A., Attard S., Camilleri M., Gaffiero J.V., Hampson D., Said A., Azzurro E. and Goren M. 2016 The first record of the Sargocentron genus from the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean) - who will unravel the current conundrum? BioInvasions Records 5 (2): 123–126.

Stern N., Rinkevich B and Goren M. 2016. Integrative approach revises the frequently misidentified species of Sardinella (Clupeidae) of the Indo-west Pacific. Journal of Fish Biology doi:10.1111/jfb.13114.

Goren M., Galil B.S., Diamant A., Stern N. and Levitt-Barmats Y. 2016. Invading up the food web? Invasive fish in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology. 163:180(1-11).

 Innocenti G., Goren M Galil B.S., Stern N., Levitt Y. and Galil B.S. 2017. Into the deep: overfishing and the spread of the introduced crab Charybdis longicollis (Leene, 1938) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Marine Biology Research.

Goren M., Galil B.S. Gevili R. and Stern N. 2016. First record of the Brassy Chub Kyphosus vaigiensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1825) in the Eastern Mediterranean (Osteichthyes: Perciformes: Kyphosidae). Zoology in the Middle East.


Ofir E., Heymans J.J., Shapiro J., Goren M., Spanier E., Gal G. 2017. Predicting the impact of Lake Biomanipulation based on food-web modeling - Lake Kinneret as a case study. Ecological Modelling. 348: 14-24.


Ofir E., Heymans J.J., Shapiro J., Goren M., Spanier E., Gal G. 2017. Predicting the impact of Lake Biomanipulation based on food-web modeling - Lake Kinneret as a case study. Ecological Modelling. 348: 14-24.

Karahan A.,  Douek J., Paz G., Stern N., Kideys A.K., Shaish L., Goren M., Rinkevich B. 2017. Employing DNA barcoding as taxonomy and conservation tools for fish species censuses at the southeastern Mediterranean, a hot-spot area for biological invasion.  Journal for Nature Conservation. 36: 1-9. Modeling the role and impact of invasive species and fisheries on the Israeli marine continental shelf ecosystem.


Corrales X., Ofir E., Coll. M., Goren M., Edelist D., Heymans J.J., Gal, G. 2017. Modeling the role and impact of invasive species and fisheries on the Israeli marine continental shelf ecosystem. Journal of Marine Systems. 170: 88-102.


Baranes A., Stern N., Goren M. 2017. First record of Pristipomoides multidens (Day, 1871) from the Gulf of Aqaba, with a note on the species of Pristipomoides in the Red Sea (Actinopterygii: Lutjanidae). Zoology in the Middle East. 63 (2): 136-140.

Corrales X., Coll, M., Ofir E., Piroddi C., Goren M., Edelist D., Heymans J.J., Steenbeek J., Christensen, V, Gal, G. 2017. Hindcasting the dynamics of an Eastern Mediterranean marine ecosystem under the impacts of multiple stressors. Marine Ecology Progress series. 580: 17-36.


Gilaad R-L., Galil B.S., Diamant A., Goren M. 2017. The diet of native and invasive fish species along the eastern Mediterranean coast. Zoology in the Middle East. 63 (4): 325-335 (+ Supplementary Material: 1-7).

Cummings D., Goren M., Gasith A., and Zohary T. 2017. Inundated shore vegetation as habitat for cichlids breeding in a lake subjected to extreme water level fluctuations. Inland Waters Journal. 7(4): 449-460.

Stern N., Douek J., Goren M. and Rinkevich B.  2018. With no gap to mind: A shallow genealogy within the world’s most widespread small pelagic fish. Ecography.  41: 491–504.Galil B.S., Douek J., Gevili R., Goren M., Yudkovsky Y., Paz G., Rinekvich B. 2018.  The resurrection of Charybdis (Gonioinfradens) giardi (Nobili, 1905), newly recorded from the SE Mediterranean Sea. Zootaxa 4370 (5): 580–590.Zohar I., Dayan T., Goren M., Nadel D. and Hershkovitz, I. 2018. Opportunism or aquatic specialization? Evidence of freshwater fish exploitation at Ohalo II- a waterlogged Upper Paleolithic site. PLoS ONE 13(6): e0198747, 1-28.

Paz G., Yudkovsky Y., Shaish. L., Stern N., Lubinevski H., Mienis H.K., Douek J., Bella Galil B.S., Goren M. and Rinkevich B. 2018. Initiating DNA barcoding of Eastern Mediterranean deep-sea biota. Mediterranean Marine Science. 19(3), 416-429.

Galil B.S., Danovaro R., Rothman S. B.S., Gevili R., Goren M. 2018Invasive biota in the deep-sea Mediterranean: an emerging issue in marine conservation and management. Biological Invasions 21 (2) 281-288..

Corrales, X., Coll, M., Ofir, E., Heymans, J.J., Steenbeek, J., Goren, M., Edelist, D., Gal, G. 2018. Future scenarios of marine resources and ecosystem conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean under the impacts of fishing, alien species and sea warming. Scientific Reports. 8:14284

Zeidler, W., Douek, J., Rinkevich, B., Gevili, R., Goren, M., and Galil, B. S. 2018. Validation and redescription of the hyperiidean amphipod Brachyscelus rapacoides Stephensen, 1925 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea: Brachyscelidae), a new record of association with the scyphozoan jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica Galil, 1990 (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae: Rhizostomatidae) in the Mediterranean Sea. Zootaxa, 4471(3), 523-534.

Haubrock P., Innocenti G., Mueller S.A., Rothman S. B.-S., Galil B.S. and Goren M. 2019. Prey availability and community composition: diet analysis of the black angler fish Lophius budegassa Spinola, 1807 in the south-eastern Mediterranean Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science. On line 10/11/2019. 1-9.

Galil B.S. and Goren, M. (2019)  Rosh-Hanikra Grottoes, Israel – A refuge for the critically endangered and for opportunistic invasives. In Öztürk, B. (Ed.) Marine Caves of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Biodiversity, Threats and Conservation. Turkish Marine Research Foundation. Publication No: 53, Istanbul, 159-166.

Danovaro R., Fanelli E., Carugati L., Argyrou M., Azzurro E., Bianchelli S., Canals M., Cantafaro A., Ciuffardi T., Corinaldesi C., Dell’Anno A., Evans J., Fabri M.-C., Foglini F., Galil B., Gianni M., Goren M., Greco S.2, Grimalt J., Jadaud, A., Knittweis L., Sanchez-Vidal A., Schembri P.J., Snelgrove P., Taviani M., Vaz S. and IDEM Consortium. (2020) Towards a Marine Strategy for the Deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of the current status. Marine Policy. 112: 1-18.

Goren M., Danovaro R., Rothman S., Mienis H.K., and Galil B.S. (2019) Snapshot of the upper slope macro- and megafauna of the southeastern Mediterranean Sea: ecological diversity and protection. Vie et Milieu/Life & Environment. 69 (4): 233-248

Goren M., Stern N. and Diamant A. (2020) New records of Plotosus japonicus in the Red Sea and genetic indications for its presence throughout the Indo-Pacific (Osteichthyes: Plotosidae). Zoology in the Middle East. 66 (2): 124–131.

Stern N, Gouws G., Golani D., Goren M. and Gon O. (2020) Champsodontidae (Pisces: Trachinoidei) in the Eastern Mediterranean: How many species are there?  Journal of Natural History. 53 (47–48): 2869–2881.

Maureaud A., Frelat R.,Pécuchet L.,Shackel N.,Mérigot B.,Pinsky M.L.,Amador K.,Anderson C.S.,Arkhipkin A.,Auber A.,Barri I.,Bell R., BelmakerJ., Beukhof E., 8 Lamine Camara M.L., Guevara-Carrasco R., Choi J.,Christensen C.,Conner J.,CubillosL.A., Diadhiou H.D., Dori Edelist D., Emblemsvåg M., Ernst B.,Fairweather T.P., FockH.O.,Friedland K.D. Garcia C.B. Gascuel D., Gislason H., Goren M., Guitton J., JouffreD., Hattab T., Kathena.J.N., Knuckey I., Oumar Kidé S., Koen-Alonso M., KoopmanM., Kulik V., Palacios León J. Levitt-Barmats Y., Lindegren M., Llope M., Massiot-Granier F., Masski H., McLean M., Meissa B., Mérillet L., Mihneva V., Nunoo4 F.K.E., O'Driscoll R., O'Leary C.A., Petrova E., Ramos J.ERefes W., Román-Marcote E., Siegstad H., Sobrino I., Sólmundsson J., Sonin O., Spies I., SteingrundP., Stephenson., Stern N., Tserkova F., Tserpes., Tzanatos E., van Rijn I., van Zwieten P.A.M., Vasilakopoulos P., V. Yepsen D.V., Ziegler P., Thorson J.   (2021) Are we ready to track climate-driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? - A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data. Global Change Biology. 27(2): 220-236.

Galil B.S., Mienis H.K., Hoffman R. and Goren M. (2021) Non-indigenous species along the Israeli Mediterranean coast – tally, policy, outlook. Hydrobiologia, 848: 2011–2029.

Goren, M. (2021)The Ichthyodiversity of the Red Sea: A Unique Extension of the Indian Ocean Biota. In: L. A. Jawad. The Arabian Seas: Biodiversity, Environmental Challenges and Conservation Measures. Springer Nature: 625-335.Galil, B. S., Paz, G., Yudkovski, Y., Goren, M., Lubinevsky, H., Douek, J., & Rinkevich, B. (2021) Infection of Lophoura edwardsi Kölliker, 1853 (Copepoda: Sphyriidae), on the Hollowsnout Grenadier Coelorinchus caelorhincus (Risso, 1810) (Osteichthyes: Macrouridae) in the southeastern Mediterranean. Zoology in the Middle East, 1-7.‏

Fanelli E., Bianchelli S., Foglini F., Canals M., Castellan G., Güell-Bujons Q., Galil B., Goren M., Evans J., Fabri M-C., Vaz S., Ciuffardi T., Schembri P.J., Angeletti L., Taviani M. and Danovaro R. (2021) Identifying Priorities for the Protection of Deep Mediterranean Sea Ecosystems Through an Integrated Approach. Frontiers in Marine Sience Mar. Sci. 8:698890, 1-50.Kovačić, M., Lipej, L., Dulčić, J., Iglesias, S. P., & Goren, M. (2021). Evidence-based checklist of the Mediterranean Sea fishes. Zootaxa, 4998(1), 1-115.‏

Goren M., and Stern N. (2021). Cryptocentrus steinhardti (Actinopterygii; Gobiidae): a new species of shrimp-goby, and a new invasive to the Mediterranean Sea. PeerJ 9:e12136, 1-16.

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