I am a resident scientist at the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat (IUI). The bulk of the work in my group is carried out at IUI. If you need more details on IUI, please go to their website.
I am a resident scientist at the Inter-University Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat (IUI). The bulk of the work in my group is carried out at IUI. If you need more details on IUI, please go to their website.
Education & Appointments:
2010-Present | Senior Lecturer; Department of Zoology in Tel Aviv University and the Inter-University institute for marine science in Eilat. |
2007-2010 | Post-doctoral Fellow. University of California in Davis, Dept. of Evolution and Ecology. Host: Prof. Peter Wainwright. |
2006-2007 | Rothschild post-doctoral fellow. University of California in Davis, Dept. of Evolution and Ecology. Host: Prof. Peter Wainwright. |
2001-2006 | E).D.; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dep of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, Supervisor: Prof. Amatzia Genin. |
1999-2001 | M.Sc.; Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dep of Evolution, Systematics and Ecology, Supervisor: Prof. Amatzia Genin. A “direct route” transfer to Doctorate program |
1995-1998 | B.Sc.; Biology (magna cum laude), Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
2013 | The Batsheva de Rothschild Fund. A Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on "Marine Life in the Flow: Physical-Biological Interactions from the Individual Organism to the Global Scale". PI. Organizing committee: Roi Holzman, Uri Shavit (Technion) Amatzia Genin and Hezi Gildor (HUJI). $40,000. Funding Period: 12 Months. |
2012-2016 | US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). Mechanisms that underlie the evolution of functional innovation and diversity. With Co-PI Darrin Hulsey (U Tennessee). $172,000. Funding period: 48 months. |
2012-2015 |
Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection. First assessment of biological diversity of the larval pool of reef fishes in the northern gulf of Eilat as a baseline for assessing environmental perturbations. Co-PI: Moshe Kiflawi (BGU). 50,000 NIS/Year. Funding period: 36 months. |
2011-2015 | Israel Science Foundation. Suction feeding at low Reynolds numbers: Hydrodynamic and biomechanic constraints on larval fishes feeding. 288,000 NIS/Year. Funding period: 48 months. |
2011-2012 | Israel Science Foundation equipment grant. 3-D PIV system for measuring biological flows. $103,000. Funding period: 12 months. |
2010- 2014 | International reintegration grant, FP7 framework – €100,000. Funding period: 48 months. |
2006 | Rothshield postdoctoral fellow for 2006-2007 – $35,000. Funding period: 12 months |
Academic Experience:
Honors and Awards:
2001 | Rector’s Award for Excellence in Master’s Study, Hebrew University. |
2003 | Fiedler Award for Exellence in Research, Marine Biology Laboratory. |
2003 | Rieger JNF Fellowship in Environmental Studies 2003-2004. |
2004 | Rieger-JNF Fellowship in Environmental Studies 2004-2005. |
2004 | “Jack Ward” Award for best student oral presentation. Ecological and Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes Meeting, Iceland. |
2006 | Rothshield postdoctoral fellow for 2006-2007. |
Roi Holzman’s research aims at understanding the functional mechanisms underlying organismal performance. Using experimental approaches, hydrodynamic modeling and physical theory, he identifies the functional components that contribute to performance. He then applies these insights into the functional system in order to investigate broad questions pertaining to the ways in which functional diversity has evolved and is maintained, and to unravel the general principles that underlie the evolution of complex functional systems.
Yaniv, S., Elad, D. and Holzman, R. (2014). Suction-feeding across fish life stages: Flow dynamics from larvae to adults and implications for prey capture. The Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 3748-3757
China, V and Holzman, R (2014). Hydrodynamic starvation in first feeding larval fishes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111, 8083–8088. Doi:10.1073/pnas.1323205111
Holzman, R., S. Percol-Pinkel, G. Zilman (2014). Mexican blind cavefish use mouth suction to detect obstacles. The Journal of Experimental Biology 217, 1955-1962 doi:10.1242/jeb.098384
Taylor, Z.J., A. Liberzon, R. Gurka, R. Holzman, R.Thomas, F.J. Diez (2013) Experiments on the vortex wake of a swimming knifefish. Experiments in fluids 54, 1588.
Oufiero, C.E., R. Holzman, F.A. Young and P. C. Wainwright (2012) New insights from serranid fishes on the role of trade-offs in suction feeding diversification. The Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 3845-3855.
Staab, K. L., R. Holzman, P. Hernande and P. C. Wainwright (2012). Independently evolved upper jaw protrusion mechanisms show convergent hydrodynamic function in teleost fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 1456.
Holzman, R., D.C. Collar, S.A. Price, C.D. Hulsey, R.C. Thomson and P.C. Wainwright (2012). Biomechanical trade-offs bias rates of evolution in the feeding apparatus of fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279, 1287-1292.
Holzman, R., D.C. Collar, R.S. Mehta and P.C. Wainwright (2012). An integrative modeling approach to elucidate suction feeding performance. Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 1-13.
Price, S.A., R. Holzman, T.J. Near and P.C. Wainwright. (2011). Coral Reefs Promote the Evolution of Morphological Diversity and Ecological Novelty in Labrid Fishes. Ecology Letters 14: 462-469.
Holzman, R., D.C. Collar, R.S. Mehta. and P.C. Wainwright. (2011). Functional complexity mitigates evolutionary trade-offs. American Naturalist 177 :E69-83.
Monismith S.G., Davis K.A., Shellenbarger G.G., Hench J.L., Nidzieko N.J., Santoro, A.E., Reidenbach M.A., Rosman J.H., Holtzman R, Martens C.S., Lindquist N.L., Southwell M.W., and Genin A. (2010) Flow effects on benthic grazing on a tropical reef. Limnology & Oceanography 55, 1881–1892.
Hulsey C. D. Hollingsworth P. R. jr, and Holzman R (2010). Co-evolution of the premaxilla and jaw protrusion in cichlid fishes (Heroine: Cichlidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100, 619-629.
Steinbuck, J.V., A. Genin, S.G. Monismith, J.R. Koseff, R. Holzman and R.G. Labiosa (2010). Turbulent mixing in fine-scale phytoplankton layers: Observations and inferences of layer dynamics. Continental Shelf Research 30, 442–455.
Winters, G., R. Holzman, A. Blekhman, S. Beer, and Y. Loya. (2009) Photographic assessment of coral chlorophyll contents: implications for ecophysiological studies and coral monitoring. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 380, 25-35.
Holzman, R., and P.C. Wainwright (2009). How to surprise a copepod: Strike kinematics reduce hydrodynamic disturbance and increase stealth of suction feeding fish. Limnology & Oceanography. 54, 2201–2212
Holzman, R., S.W. Day, Mehta R.S. and P.C. Wainwright. (2008) Jaw protrusion enhances forces exerted on prey by suction feeding fishes. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 5: 1445–1457. [news coverege of this paper on ScienceNow: http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/33079/title/Suction_hunters_].
Holzman, R., S.W. Day, R.S. Mehta and P.C. Wainwright. (2008) Integrating the determinants of suction feeding performance in centrarchid fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3296-3305. DOI: 10.1242/jeb.020909
Holzman, R., D.C. Collar, S.W. Day, Bishop K.L. and P.C. Wainwright. (2008) Scaling of suction-induced flows in bluegill: morphological and kinematic predictors for the ontogeny of feeding performance. Journal of Experimental Biology 211:2658-2668.
Bishop, K.L., P.C. Wainwright and R. Holzman. (2008) Anterior to posterior wave of buccal expansion in suction feeding fish is critical for optimizing fluid flow velocity profile. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 28:1309-1316.
Holzman, R., S.W. Day and P.C. Wainwright. (2007) Timing is everything: coordination of strike kinematics affects the force exerted by suction feeding fish on attached prey. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 3328-3336.
Holzman, R., M. Ohavia, R. Vaaknin and A. Genin. (2007) The abundance and distribution of nocturnal fishes over a coral reef during the night. Marine Ecology Progress Series 342: 205-215.
Kiflawi, M., J. Belmaker, E. Brokovich, S. Einbinder and R. Holzman. (2007) Species diversity can drive speciation: comment. Ecology 88: 2132–2135.
Wainwright, P.C., A.M. Carrol, D.C. Collar, S.W Day, T.E. Higham and R. Holzman. (2007) Suction feeding mechanics, performance and diversity in fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 47: 96-106
Kent, R., R. Holzman and A. Genin. (2006) Group-size dependent feeding success in the damselfish Dascyllus marginatus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 323: 299–303.
Kiflawi, M., J. Belmaker, E. Brokovich, S. Einbinder and R. Holzman. (2006). Species-richness determinants of a relatively young coral-reef ichthyofuana. Journal of Biogeography 33:1289–1294.
Holzman, R., H. Howland, N. Shashar and G. Katzir. (2006) Accommodation during prey capturing strikes under low light levels in the cardinalfish Apogon annularis (Pisces; Apogonidae). Vision Research 46: 2094 –2101.
Holzman, R. and A. Genin. (2005). Mechanisms of selectivity in nocturnal fish: a minor role for active prey choice. Oecologia 146:329-336.
Holzman, R., M.A. Reidenbach, S.G. Monismith, J.R. Koseff, and A. Genin. (2005). Near-bottom depletion of zooplankton over a coral reef: II. Relationships with zooplankton swimming ability. Coral Reefs 24:87-94.
Goldshmid R., R. Holzman, D. Weihs, and A. Genin. 2004. Aeration of corals by sleep-swimming fish. Limnology & Oceanography 49, 1832-1839. [see news coverage in Science Editors' Choice: Highlights of the recent literature; Sugden, A.M. 2004. Rapid Fin Movement Sleep. Science 305: 1533]
Fishelson L., G. Ayalon, Zverdling A, and R. Holzman. 2004. Comparative Morphology of the Eye (With Particular Attention to the Retina) in Various Species of Cardinal Fish (Apogonidae, Teleostei). The Anatomical record part A 277A:249 –261.
Holzman, R. and A. Genin. 2003. Zooplanktivory by nocturnal coral-reef fish: effects of light, flow, and prey density. Limnology & Oceanography 48: 1367-1375. pdf
Fishelson L., G. Ayalon, Zverdling A, and R. Holzman. 2004. Comparative Morphology of the Eye (With Particular Attention to the Retina) in Various Species of Cardinal Fish (Apogonidae, Teleostei). The Anatomical record part A 277A: 249 –261. pdf
Goldshmid R., R. Holzman, D. Weihs, and A. Genin. 2004. Aeration of corals by sleep-swimming fish. Limnology & Oceanography 49: 1832-1839. pdf
Holzman, R., M.A. Reidenbach, S.G. Monismith, J.R. Koseff, and A. Genin. (2005). “Near-bottom depletion of zooplankton over a coral reef: II. Relationships with zooplankton swimming ability”. Coral Reefs 24: 87-94. pdf
Holzman, R. and A. Genin. (2005). Mechanisms of selectivity in nocturnal fish: a minor role for active prey choice. Oecologia 146: 329-336. pdf
Holzman, R., H. Howland, N. Shashar and G. Katzir. (2006) Accommodation during prey capturing strikes under low light levels in the cardinalfish Apogon annularis (Pisces; Apogonidae). Vision Research 46: 2094 –2101. pdf
Kiflawi, M. J. Belmaker, E. Brokovich S. Einbinder and R. Holzman. (2006). Species-richness determinants of a relatively young coral-reef ichthyofuana. Journal of Biogeography 33: 1289–1294. pdf
Kent, R. R. Holzman and Amatzia Genin. (2006) Group-size dependent feeding success in the damselfish Dasyllus marginatus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 323: 299-303. pdf
Wainwright, P.C, A.M. Carrol, D.C. Collar, S.W Day, T.E. Higham and R. Holzman. (2007) Suction feeding mechanics, performance and diversity in fishes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 47: 96-106. pdf
Kiflawi, M. J. Belmaker, E. Brokovich S. Einbinder and R. Holzman. (2007) Diversity, diversification and sampling effects: Comment. Ecology 88: 2132–2135. pdf
Holzman, R. M. Ohavia, R. Vaaknin and A. Genin. (2007) The abundance and distribution of nocturnal fishes over a coral reef during the night. Marine Ecology Progress Series 342: 205–215. pdf
Holzman, R., S.W. Day and P.C. Wainwright. (2007) Timing is everything: coordination of strike kinematics affects the force exerted by suction feeding fish on attached prey. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 3328-3336. pdf
Bishop, K.L., P.C. Wainwright and R. Holzman. (in press) Anterior to posterior wave of buccal expansion in suction feeding fish is critical for optimizing fluid flow velocity profile. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. pdf
Holzman, R., S.W. Day, Mehta R.S. and P.C. Wainwright. (in press) Jaw protrusion enhances forces exerted on prey by suction feeding fishes. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface.
Holzman, R., D.C. Collar, S.W. Day, Bishop K.L. and P.C. Wainwright. (in press) Scaling of suction-induced flows in bluegill: morphological and kinematic predictors for the ontogeny of feeding performance. Journal of Experimental Biology.