Prof. Lilach Hadany

School of Plant Sciences and Food Security
ביה"ס למדעי הצמח ואבטחת מזון סגל אקדמי בכיר
Prof. Lilach Hadany
Phone: 03-6409831
Fax: 03-6406886
Office: Britannia-Porter, 409

Research Interests

Population Genetics, Evolutionary Theory

My main research interest is variation in nature, and in particular the evolution of the mechanisms that generate variation: recombination, sexual reproduction, mutation, migration, outcrossing, alternative splicing, polyandry, and even early death. Using analytical models, computer simulations, and sometimes experiments we try to understand the forces driving variation, the patterns of variation expected in natural poplulations, and the evolutionary consequences of these patterns.

Major research projects:

1) The plasticity of variation. Assuming that an organism has some indication of its well-being in a given environment, we predict that the generation of variation (e.g., recombination rate) would evolve to be associated with that information: with the state of the organism, its sex, its age, and with environmental cues. In particular, we expect the generation of variation to increase with indications of low fitness, such as stress. We investigate the expected patterns and their implications to host-parasite interactions, stressful environments, and stress-related diseases.

2) The evolution of genome structure. How do recombination, mutation, and splicing evolve and co-evolve? When is sexual reproduction advantageous in comparison with asexuality? What are the implications to the distribution of recombination hotspots, mutation hotspots, and introns?

3) The evolution of complex traits. An open question in evolutionary biology is how a species can evolve from one co-adapted gene complex to a better one, crossing an adaptive 'valley' of less fit genotypes. We study how such adaptive peak-shifts are affected by genetic mixing and by heterogeneity of the environment.

4) Variation and selection within the organism. Most organisms are subject to evolution at more than one level: conflicts of interest can occur between branches of a tree, between different lineages within the germ line, and within the cells in the germ line themselves. A single eukaryotic cell is a community, including organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplast, transposable elements, and the 'host' DNA. We study the interactions between these different evolutionary levels, and their implications to the higher levels: the entire organism and the population.

Recent Publications

2021 Annual climatic fluctuations and short-term genetic variation in the eastern spadefoot toad
O Cohen, Y Ram, L Hadany, S Gafny, E Geffen
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 1-10
2021 Predicting antibiotic resistance in hospitalized patients by applying machine learning to electronic medical records
O Lewin-Epstein, S Baruch, L Hadany, GY Stein, U Obolski
Clinical Infectious Diseases 72 (11), e848-e855
2021 Floral complexity can help maintain plant diversity by inducing pollinator specialization
Y Gurevich, L Hadany
Journal of Ecology
2021 Modeling the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 under non-pharmaceutical interventions
Y Gurevich, Y Ram, L Hadany
2021 Transgenerational regulation of sexual attractiveness in C. elegans nematodes
IA Toker, I Lev, Y Mor, Y Gurevich, D Fisher, L Houri-Zeevi, O Antonova, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.11. 18.389387
2020 Increased sugar concentration in response to a wide range of pollinator sounds can be adaptive for the plant: answer to Raguso et al
M Veits, I Khait, A Boonman, G Sharabi, Y Sapir, Y Yovel, L Hadany
Ecology Letters 23 (10), 1553-1554
2020 The evolution of paternal care: a role for microbes?
Y Gurevich, O Lewin-Epstein, L Hadany
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1808), 20190599
2020 Plants’ ability to sense and respond to airborne sound is likely to be adaptive: reply to comment by Pyke et al
A Goldshtein, M Veits, I Khait, K Saban, Y Sapir, Y Yovel, L Hadany
Ecology Letters 23 (9), 1423-1425
2020 Predicting microbial growth in a mixed culture from growth curve data (vol 116, pg 14698, 2019)
Y Ram, E Dellus-Gur, M Bibi, K Karkare, U Obolski, MW Feldman, ...
2020 Host–microbiome coevolution can promote cooperation in a rock–paper–scissors dynamics
O Lewin-Epstein, L Hadany
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1920), 20192754
2020 Reply to Balsa-Canto et al.: Growth models are applicable to growth data, not to stationary-phase data
Y Ram, U Obolski, MW Feldman, J Berman, L Hadany
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (2), 814-815
2020 The evolution of paternal care: a role for microbes?
L Hadany
2020 Heritable Sexual Attraction under Parental Control
IA Toker, I Lev, Y Mor, Y Gurevich, D Fisher, L Houri-Zeevi, O Antonova, ...
2020 Microbiome-related aspects of locust density-dependent phase transition
O Lavy, O Lewin-Epstein, Y Bendett, U Gophna, E Gefen, L Hadany, ...
2019 Some topics in theoretical population genetics: Editorial commentaries on a selection of Marc Feldman’s TPB papers
L Altenberg, N Creanza, L Fogarty, L Hadany, O Kolodny, KN Laland, ...
Theoretical population biology 129, 4-8
2019 Sound perception in plants
I Khait, U Obolski, Y Yovel, L Hadany
Seminars in cell & developmental biology 92, 134-138
2019 Predicting microbial growth in a mixed culture from growth curve data
Y Ram, E Dellus-Gur, M Bibi, K Karkare, U Obolski, MW Feldman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (29), 14698-14707
2019 Flowers respond to pollinator sound within minutes by increasing nectar sugar concentration
LH M Veits, I Khait, U Obolski, E Zinger, A Boonman, A Goldshtein, K Saban ...
Ecology Letters 22 (9), 1483-1492
2019 Evolution of stress-induced mutagenesis in the presence of horizontal gene transfer
Y Ram, L Hadany
The American Naturalist 194 (1), 73-89
2019 Gamblers: an antibiotic-induced evolvable cell subpopulation differentiated by reactive-oxygen-induced general stress response
JP Pribis, L García-Villada, Y Zhai, O Lewin-Epstein, AZ Wang, J Liu, J Xia, ...
Molecular cell 74 (4), 785-800. e7
2019 Random search with resetting as a strategy for optimal pollination
T Robin, L Hadany, M Urbakh
Physical Review E 99 (5), 052119
2019 Less fit Lamium amplexicaule plants produce more dispersible seeds
E Zinger, A Gueijman, U Obolski, Y Ram, E Ruby, M Binder, N Yechieli, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-8
2019 Flowers respond to pollinator sound within minutes by increasing nectar sugar concentration
L Hadany
2019 Plants emit informative airborne sounds under stress
I Khait, O Lewin-Epstein, R Sharon, K Saban, R Perelman, A Boonman, ...
bioRxiv, 507590
2019 Host-microbiome coevolution promotes cooperation in a rock-paper-scissor dynamic
O Lewin-Epstein, L Hadany
bioRxiv, 689299
2019 Plants emit remotely detectable ultrasounds that can reveal plant stress
I Khait, R Sharon, R Perelman, A Boonman, Y Yovel, L Hadany
bioRxiv, 507590
2018 Spontaneous changes in ploidy are common in yeast
Y Harari, Y Ram, N Rappoport, L Hadany, M Kupiec
Current Biology 28 (6), 825-835. e4
2018 Flowers respond to pollinator sound within minutes by increasing nectar sugar concentration.
M Veits, I Khait, U Obolski, E Zinger, A Boonman, A Goldshtein, K Saban, ...
bioRxiv, 507319
2018 Pollinator‐mediated selection on floral size and tube color in Linum pubescens: Can differential behavior and preference in different times of the day maintain …
M Lebel, U Obolski, L Hadany, Y Sapir
Ecology and evolution 8 (2), 1096-1106
2017 Key issues review: evolution on rugged adaptive landscapes
U Obolski, Y Ram, L Hadany
Reports on Progress in Physics 81 (1), 012602
2017 With a little help from my friends: cooperation can accelerate the rate of adaptive valley crossing
U Obolski, O Lewin-Epstein, E Even-Tov, Y Ram, L Hadany
BMC evolutionary biology 17 (1), 1-10
2017 Predicting microbial relative growth in a mixed culture from growth curve data
Y Ram1a, E Dellus-Gur, M Bibi, U Obolski1b, J Berman, L Hadany
2017 Errors in mutagenesis and the benefit of cell-to-cell signalling in the evolution of stress-induced mutagenesis
E Dellus-Gur, Y Ram, L Hadany
Royal Society open science 4 (11), 170529
2017 Microbes can help explain the evolution of host altruism
O Lewin-Epstein, R Aharonov, L Hadany
Nature communications 8 (1), 1-7
2016 Condition-dependent sex: who does it, when and why?
Y Ram, L Hadany
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …
2016 Restocking herbivorous fish populations as a social-ecological restoration tool in coral reefs
A Abelson, U Obolski, P Regoniel, L Hadany
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 138
2016 Antibiotic cross-resistance in the lab and resistance co-occurrence in the clinic: discrepancies and implications in E. coli
U Obolski, E Dellus-Gur, GY Stein, L Hadany
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 40, 155-161
2016 Potential contribution of fish restocking to the recovery of deteriorated coral reefs: an alternative restoration method?
U Obolski, L Hadany, A Abelson
PeerJ 4, e1732
2016 With a little help from my friends: Cooperation can accelerate crossing of adaptive valleys
U Obolski, O Lewin-Epstein, E Even-Tov, Y Ram, L Hadany
bioRxiv, 062323
2016 Predicting microbial relative growth in a mixed culture from growth curve data
Y Ram, E Dellus-Gur, M Bibi, U Obolski, J Berman, L Hadany
BioRxiv, 022640
2015 The evolution of obligate sex: the roles of sexual selection and recombination
M Kleiman, L Hadany
Ecology and evolution 5 (13), 2572-2583
2015 Antibiotic restriction might facilitate the emergence of multi-drug resistance
U Obolski, GY Stein, L Hadany
PLoS computational biology 11 (6), e1004340
2015 Floral advertisement and the competition for pollination services
MA Fishman, L Hadany
BioSystems 132, 35-42
2015 The probability of improvement in Fisher’s geometric model: A probabilistic approach
Y Ram, L Hadany
Theoretical population biology 99, 1-6
2014 Bimodal regulation of ICR1 levels generates self-organizing auxin distribution
O Hazak, U Obolski, T Prat, J Friml, L Hadany, S Yalovsky
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (50), E5471-E5479
2014 Stress-induced mutagenesis and complex adaptation
Y Ram, L Hadany
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1792), 20141025
2014 Resistance profiles of coagulase-negative staphylococci contaminating blood cultures predict pathogen resistance and patient mortality
U Obolski, D Alon, L Hadany, GY Stein
Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 69 (9), 2541-2546
2014 Resistance profiles of coagulase-negative staphylococci contaminating blood cultures predict pathogen resistance...
L Hadany
J Antimicrob Chemother 69, 2541-2546
2013 Food selectivity and diet switch can explain the slow feeding of herbivorous coral-reef fishes during the morning
R Khait, U Obolski, L Hadany, A Genin
PLoS One 8 (12), e82391
2013 Dispersing away from bad genotypes: the evolution of Fitness-Associated Dispersal (FAD) in homogeneous environments
A Gueijman, A Ayali, Y Ram, L Hadany
BMC evolutionary biology 13 (1), 1-11
2012 Implications of stress-induced genetic variation for minimizing multidrug resistance in bacteria
U Obolski, L Hadany
BMC medicine 10 (1), 1-13
2012 Pollinators’ Mating Rendezvous and the Evolution of Floral Advertisement
MA Fishman, L Hadany
Journal of Theoretical Biology
2012 Implications of stress-induced genetic variation for minimizing multidrug resistance in bacteria
L Hadany, U Obolski
2012 The evolution of stress‐induced hypermutation in asexual populations
Y Ram, L Hadany
Evolution: International Journal of Organic Evolution 66 (7), 2315-2328
2012 Does stress induce (para) sex? Implications for Candida albicans evolution
J Berman, L Hadany
Trends in Genetics 28 (5), 197-203
2011 Home and away-the evolutionary dynamics of homing endonucleases
A Barzel, U Obolski, JP Gogarten, M Kupiec, L Hadany
BMC evolutionary biology 11 (1), 1-14
2010 Plant–pollinator population dynamics
MA Fishman, L Hadany
Theoretical Population Biology 78 (4), 270-277
2010 Regulated superinfection may help HIV adaptation on rugged landscape
V Leontiev, L Hadany
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 10 (4), 505-510
2009 On the role of stress in evolution
L Hadany
STRESS: From Molecules to Behavior, 3-17
2009 Condition-dependent sex and the rate of adaptation
L Hadany, SP Otto
the american naturalist 174 (S1), S71-S78
2008 Mutability and Importance of a Hypermutable Cell Subpopulation that Produces Stress-Induced Mutants in Escherichia coli
C Gonzalez, L Hadany, RG Ponder, M Price, PJ Hastings, SM Rosenberg
PLoS genetics 4 (10), e1000208
2008 Why are sex and recombination so common?
L Hadany, JM Comeron
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1133 (1), 26-43
2008 Drug induced superinfection in HIV and the evolution of drug resistance
VV Leontiev, WJ Maury, L Hadany
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 8 (1), 40-50
2008 How does genetic diversity change towards the range periphery?
S Kark, L Hadany, UN Safriel, I Noy-Meir, N Eldredge, C Tabarroni, ...
Evolutionary Ecology Research 10 (3), 391-414
2007 Sexual selection and the evolution of obligatory sex
L Hadany, T Beker
BMC evolutionary biology 7 (1), 1-7
2007 The evolution of condition-dependent sex in the face of high costs
L Hadany, SP Otto
Genetics 176 (3), 1713-1727
2006 Why is stress so deadly? An evolutionary perspective
L Hadany, T Beker, I Eshel, MW Feldman
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1588), 881-885
2005 The evolution of plastic recombination
AF Agrawal, L Hadany, SP Otto
Genetics 171 (2), 803-812
2005 Evolutionary traction: the cost of adaptation and the evolution of sex
L Hadany, MW Feldman
Journal of evolutionary biology 18 (2), 309-314
2004 No place like home: competition, dispersal and complex adaptation
L Hadany, I Eshel, U Motro
Journal of evolutionary biology 17 (6), 1328-1336
2003 On the evolutionary advantage of fitness-associated recombination
L Hadany, T Beker
Genetics 165 (4), 2167-2179
2003 Fitness‐associated recombination on rugged adaptive landscapes
L Hadany, T Beker
Journal of evolutionary biology 16 (5), 862-870
2003 Adaptive peak shifts in a heterogenous environment
L Hadany
Theoretical population biology 63 (1), 41-51
2002 Noise and Elitism in Evolutionary Computation.
T Beker, L Hadany
HIS 87, 193-203
2001 A conflict between two evolutionary levels in trees
L Hadany
Journal of theoretical biology 208 (4), 507-521
  Spontaneous Changes in Ploidy Are Common in Yeast
L Hadany
  Predicting microbial relative growth in
Y Ram, E Dellus-Gur, M Bibi, U Obolski, J Berman, L Hadany
  On Stress Induced Hyper-Mutators in Bacteria
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