Prof. Uri Oron

Emeritus in School of Zoology
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה אמריטוס
Prof. Uri Oron
Fax: 03-6409403
Office: Sherman - Life Sciences, 308



Ph.D. 1977, Tel-Aviv University
Post-doc: 1977-1979 Harvard University, USA



Academic Appointments:

Faculty member: 1979 Tel-Aviv University


Research Interests

Uri Oron’s main field of interest lies in regenerative medicine. His current project involves the beneficial effects of recruiting low-level laser stimulated stem cells (derived from autologous bone marrow) to enhance recovery of the ischemic heart and ischemic kidney in mammals. As promising results have been obtained regarding small animal models, his current research is being carried out on the porcine model as a preclinical trial.


Recent Publications

T.Wolf, L. Gepstein, G. Hayam, A. Zaretsky, R. Shofty, D. Kirshenbaum, G.Uretzky U.Oron, and S.A. Ben-Haim. Three dimensional endocardial impedance mapping: a new approach for myocardial infarction assessment. Am. J. Physiol. 280: H179-H188. 2001.


U. Oron, T. Yaakobi, A. Oron, D.Mordechovitz, R. Shofti, G. Hayam, U. Dror, L. Gepstein, T. Wolf, C. Haudenschild, and S.A. Ben Haim. Low energy laser irradiation reduces formation of scar tissue following myocardial infarction in rats and dogs. Circulation 103: 296-301.2001.


G. Shefer, M. Cullen, O. Halevi and U. Oron. Low level laser irradiation shows no histopathological effect on myogenic satellite cells in tissue culture. Laser Therapy 11:114-117.2001.


U. Oron, T. Yaakobi, A. Oron, G. Hayam, L. Gepstein, T. Wolf, O. Rubin and S.A. Ben Haim. Attenuation of the formation of scar tissue in rats and dogs post myocardial infarction by low energy laser irradiation. Lasers Surg. Med. 28: 204-211. 2001.


T. Wolf, L. Gepstein, U. Dror, G. Hayam, G. Uretzky, U. Oron and S.A. Ben Haim. Detailed Endocardial mapping accurately predicts the transmural extent of myocardial infarction. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 37: 1590 - 1597. 2001.


N. Yaakov, S.A. Ben-Haim and U. Oron. Low power laser irradiation reduces interstitial scarring in isoproternol-induced hypertrophic rat heart. Laser Therapy. Laser Therapy 11:190-197. 2001.


U. Oron. Regulation of skeletal muscle regeneration and bone repair in vertebrates. MCZ Bulletin-Harvard University.156: 297-303. 2001.


N. Ad and U. Oron. The impact of low energy laser irradiation on infarct size in the rat following myocardial infarction. Int. J. Cardiol. 80:109-116. 2001.


T. Yaakobi, Y. Shoshani, S. Levkovitz, O. Rubin, S.A. Ben Haim and U. Oron. Long term effect of low energy laser irradiation on infarction and reperfusion injury in the rat heart. J. Appl. Physiol. 90: 2411- 2419. 2001.


G. Shefer, U. Oron, A. Irintchev, A. Wernig, and O. Halevy. Skeletal muscle cell activation by low energy laser irradiation: a role for the MAP/ERK pathway. J. Cell Physiol. 187: 73-80. 2001.


N. Mirsky, Y. Krispel, Y. Shoshany, L. Maltz and U. Oron. Promotion of angiogenesis by low energy laser irradiation. Antioxidant. Redox Signa. 4: 785-790. 2002.


G. Shefer, T Partridge, L. Heslop, J.G. Gross, U. Oron and O.Halevy. Low-energy laser irradiation promotes the survival and cell - cycle of skeletal muscle satellite cells. J.Cell Scienc.115: 1461-1469. 2002.


P. Sommer, U. Oron, E. Olavi Kajander and A. R. Mester. Stressed cells survive better with light. J. Proteome Res.1: 475-475. 2002.


A. P. Sommer, U. Oron, Anne-Marie Pretorius, D.S. McKay, N. Ciftcioglu, A.R. Mester, E.O.Kajander and H.T. Whelan. A preliminary Investigation into Light-Modulated replication of nanobacteria and heart disease. J. Clin.Laser Med Surg. 21: 231-235. 2003.


G. Shefer, I. Barash, U. Oron and O. Halevy. Low-energy irradiation enhances de novo protein synthesis via its effects on translation-regulatory proteins in skeletal muscle myoblasts. Biocem. Biophys. Acta – Mol. Cell Res.1593: 131-139.2003.


A.P. Sommer, Anne-Marie Pretorius, E. O. Kajander and U. Oron. Biomineralization induced by stressed nanobacteria. Crystal growth and Desig.4: 45-46. 2004.


A.P. Sommer, U. Oron, Anne-Marie Pretorius, D.S. McKay, N. Ciftcioglu, A.R. Mester, E.O. Kajander and H.T. Whelan. A preliminary Investigation into Light-Modulated replication of nanobacteria and heart disease. J. Clin. Laser Med. Surg. 21: 231-235. 2003.


A. P. Sommer, D.S. Mckay, N. Ciftcioglu, U. Oron, A.R. Mester and E.O. Kajander. Living nanovesicles-chemical and physical survival strategies of primordial biosystems. J.Proteom. Res. 2: 441-443. 2003.


J. Streeter, L. De Taboada and U. Oron. Mechanisms of action of light therapy for stroke and acute myocardial infarction. Mitochondrion 4: 569-576. 2004.


A.P. Sommer, Anne-Marie Pretorius, E.O. Kajander and U. Oron. Biomineralization induced by stressed nanobacteria. Crystal Growth Desig. 4: 45-46. 2004.


A. Stein, D. Benayahu, L. Maltz and U. Oron. Low level laser irradiation promotes proliferation and differentiation of human osteoblasts in vitro. Photomed. Laser Surg. 23: 161-166. 2005.


D. Fogel-Avni, S. Levkovitz, L. Maltz and U. Oron. Protection of skeletal muscle from ischemia/reperfusion injury by low energy laser irradiation. Photomed. Laser Surg. 23: 273-277. 2005.


L. DeTaboada, S. Ilic, S. Leichliter, U. Oron, A. Oron and J. Streeter. Transcranial application of Low energy Laser Irradiation improves neurological deficits in rats following acute stroke. Laser Surg. Med. 2005. 38: 70-73.


U. Oron. Photoengineering of tissue repair in skeletal and cardiac muscles - Review. Photomed. Laser Surg. 24: 111-120. 2006.


H. Tuby, L. Maltz and U. Oron. Modulations of VEGF and iNOS in the rat heart by low level laser therapy are associated with cardioprotection and enhanced angiogenesis. Laser Surg. Med. 2006. 38: 682-688.2006.


S. Ilic, S. Leichliter, J. Streeter, A. Oron, L. DeTaboada, and U. Oron. Effects of Power Densities, Continuous and Pulse Frequencies and Number of Sessions of Low Level Laser Therapy on Intact Rat Brain. Photomed. Laser Surg. 24: 458-466. 2006.


A. Oron, U. Oron, J. Chen, A. Eilam, C. Zhang, M. Sadeh, Y. Lampl, J. Streeter, L. DeTaboada and M.Chopp. Low level laser therapy applied transcranially to rats following induction of stroke significantly reduces long-term neurological deficits. Stroke. 37:2620-2624. 2006.


H. Tuby, L. Maltz and U. Oron. Low-level laser irradiation (LLLI) promotes proliferation of mesenchymal and cardiac stem cells in culture. Laser Surg. Med.39: 373-378. 2007.


Y. Lampl, J.A. Zivin, M. Fisher, R. Lew, L. Welin,B. Dahlof, P. Borenstein, B. Andersson, J. Perez, C. Caparo,S. Ilic and U. Oron. Infrared laser therapy for ischemic stroke: a new treatment strategy: results of the NeuroThera Effectiveness and Safety Trial-1 (NEST-1). Stroke. 38:1843-1849. 2007.


A. Oron, U. Oron, J. Sreeter, L. de Taboada, A. Alexandrovich, V. Trembovier, E. Shoami. Low-level laser therapy applied transcrnially to mice following traumatic brain injury significantly reduces long-term neurological deficits. J. Neurotrauma. 24: 651-656. 2007.


U. Oron, S. Ilic, L. Detaboada, J. Streeter. Ga-As (808nm) Laser Irradiation enhances ATP production in human neuronal cells in culture. Photomed. Laser Surg. 25: 180-182. 2007.


G. Shefer, N. Ben-Dov, O. Halevy and U. Oron. Primary myogenic cells see light: Improved Survival of Transplanted Myogenic Cells following Low Energy Laser Irradiation. Laser Surg. Med. 40: 38-45. 2008.


A. Oron, G. Agar, U. Oron, A. Stein. Correlation between rate of bony in growth to stainless steel, pure titanium, and titanium alloy implants in vivo and formation of hydroxyapetite on their surfaces in vitro. J Biomed Mater Res A.91(4):1006-9.2008.


H.Tuby, L. Maltz and U. Oron. Implantation of low-level laser irradiated mesenchymal stem cells into the infarcted rat heart is associated with reduction in infarct size and enhanced angiogenesis. Photomed. Laser Surg. 27:227-233. 2009.


P.A. Trimmer, K. M. Schwartz, M. K. Borland, L. De Taboada, J. Streeter, and U. Oron. Reduced axonal transport in Parkinson’s disease cybrid neurites is restored by light therapy. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 4: 26 --- .2009.


U. Oron, L. Maltz, H.Tuby, V. Sorin and A. Czerniak. Enhanced liver regeneration following acute hepatectomy by low-level laser therapy. Photomed Laser Surg. 28(5):675-678. 2010.


H. Tuby, L. Maltz and U. Oron. Induction of autologous mesenchymal stem cells in the bone marrow by low-level laser therapy has profound beneficial effects on the infarcted rat heart.Laser Surg. Med. 43: 401-409. 2011.


Oron U. Lasers stimulate stem cells for heart repair. Biophotonics. October: p.12. 2011.


Oron U. Light therapy and stem cells: a therapeutic intervention of the future. Interv. Cardiol. 3(6): 627-629. 2011.


A. Oron, U . Oron, J. Streeter, L. Detaboada, A. Alexandrovich, V. Trembovle V and E. Shohami. Near infrared transcranial laser therapy applied at various modes to mice following traumatic brain injury significantly reduces long-term neurological deficits. J. Neurotrauma. 29:401- 407. 2012.


A. Oron, F. Agar, U. Oron, A. Stein. Enhancement of bony in-growth to metal implants by combining controlled hydroxyapatite and heat treatment. J. Biomed. Mat.b Res.2012 (in press).



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