Prof. Yoram Yom-Tov

Emeritus in School of Zoology
ביה"ס לזואולוגיה אמריטוס
Prof. Yoram Yom-Tov
Phone: 03-6409058
Fax: 03-6409403
Office: Bessner Building For Zoological Research, 211


Yoram Yom-Tov is an Emeritus Professor at the Department of Zoology, Tel Aviv University. He did his BSc, MSc and PhD at Tel Aviv University, and became academic staff member at 1971. He supervised about 50 graduate students (MSc and PhDs) and conducted research in Israel and in many countries around the world. He published and edited 8 books and more than 200 scientific articles in referred journals. He was head of the department of zoology, curator of terrestrial vertebrates at the zoological museum and academic director of the zoological garden. 



Period of study     Name of University   Subject Degree Date of award   


1959-1962          Tel Aviv University                    Biology    B.Sc        1962


1962-1965          Tel Aviv University                    Zoology   M.Sc.      1965


1967-1970          Tel Aviv University                    Zoology   Ph.D.      1970


Title of Master's Thesis:   The taxonomic status of the hares, genus Lepus, in Israel.


Name of Supervisor:           Prof. H. Mendelssohn


Title of Doctoral Dissertation:  Investigations in the ecology and survival of two  

                                                      species of snails in the Negev Desert.


Name of Supervisor:            Prof. H. Mendelssohn




Period of Study    Name of University          Subject                     Degree       


1966                          Nahal Soreq Reactor     Atomic energy             inspector


1971-1973               Aberdeen University           Ecology          Post-doctoral study





 Period  (dates)  Name  of Institution   Department         Rank/Function          


1962-1965       Sde Boqer Field School                                               Teacher               


1965-1969       Tel Aviv University                 Zoology                        Teaching Asst.        


1969-1970       Tel Aviv University                 Zoology                        Instructor            


1970-1975       Tel Aviv University                 Zoology                        Lecturer              


1971-1973       Aberdeen University                Zoology                        Research Fellow       


1975-1981       Tel Aviv University                 Zoology                        Senior Lecturer

                                                                                                              (with tenure)         


1978-1979       University of British                Zoology                       Research

            Columbia, Vancouver,                        Fellow



l978-l979        Simon Fraser University           Biological                    Visiting Assoc. Prof.  

                         Burnaby, Canada                     Sciences                  


1980                University of Cape Town,          Inst. African                 Research Fellow    South Africa                            Ornithology        


1980-1982       Tel Aviv University                Zoology                         Chairman


1981-1983       The Zoological Society of Israel                                     Chairman                                


1981-1987       Tel Aviv University                  Zoology                        Associate




l983-l984         Australian Museum,            Vertebrate Ecology          Visiting

                         Sydney, Australia                                                             Fellow                             


l982-2006     Israel Journal of Zoology         Advisory Board               Member


l984-1986      Tel Aviv University                 Institute  of Nature          Head of

                                                                   Conservation Research          institute  


l984-2005        Israel Academy of Sciences      Collections of                   Member                          and Humanities                       Natural history      


1985-1990        Society for Protection of           Nature Conserv.            Member

                          Nature in Israel                          Committee


1985-1992        Society for Protection of            Scientific Comm. of     Chairman

                         Protection of Nature                   Keren Ha'Tzvi


1987-2007        Tel Aviv University                  Zoology                     Full Professor


1988-2007        The Israel Academy of                Fauna & Flora               Member

                          Sciences and Humanities            Committee


1987-1995,        Research Zoo, Tel Aviv University                             Scientific

1999- 2000, 2003                                                                                     director


1987-2009       Zoological Museum, Tel Aviv University                    Curator of                                                                                                                    Terrestrial


1990-1998       International Ornithological Committee                        Member


1990-1991       University of Oxford, England                                     Visiting



 1991                University of Stellenbosch, South Africa                      Visiting

(Summer)                                                                                                 scientist


1992-1995        Scientific Committee, Inter-University Ecological        Chairman  

                          Fund, Israel


1994-1997         Board of Directors, Nature Reserve Authority              Member


1997 (Oct.-Nov.) University of Otago, New Zealand                              Visiting                                                                                                                        scientist


1997-1998         Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India                Visiting



1998                  University of Wales, Bangor, Britain                              Visiting


 2001-2008       Board of Directors, Society for the Protection of

                         Nature in Israel                                                                 Member     


2002 (Jul.-Aug.)  Zoological Museum, Copenhagen                    Visiting

2005 (Sept.), 2010 (March), 2013 (June)                                                   scientist                                                                          


2003-2004        Zoology Department, Cambridge University, Britain      Visiting



2005  (June)    Natural History Museum, Madrid                                    Visiting



2005  (July)     Alaska Museum of the North, Fairbanks                          Visiting



2006 (July-Aug.) Natural History Museum, Stockholm                           Visiting



2006-present     Israel Journal of                       Advisory Board              Member

Ecology & Evolution


2007- present     Tel Aviv University                  Zoology             Professor Emetitus    



2008 (Jan.-Sept.) Zoology Department, Cambridge University, Britain   Visiting



2010 (March) Natural History Museum, Berlin                                       Visiting



2011 (March) Natural History Museum, London, UK                             Visiting

2017 (February), 2018 (February)                                                             scientist                                                                                   

2012 (June) Natural History Museum, Vienna, Austria                            Visiting



2017 (January) Natural History Museum, Liverpool                                 Visiting






Year       Name of Meeting  (city, country)


1966           Zoological Society of Israel


1975           International Ethological Congress, Parma, Italy


1976           Zoological Society of Israel


1977           British Ornithological Society, UK


1979           Cooper Ornithological Society, Arceta, California, USA


1980           Israel Ecological Society


1983           International Ethological Congress, Brisbane, Australia


1983           Australian Mammalogical Society, Sydney, Australia


1984           Australian Mammalogical Society and American Society of Mammalogists, Sydney, Australia


1985           International Theriological Congress, Edmonton, Canada


1985           International Ethological Congress, Toulouse, France


1985           Zoological Society of Israel, Sde Boqer


1986           Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv


1986           International Ornithological Congress, Ottawa, Canada


1987           "What is special about desert ecology?" - Israel-US Binational Workshop,

                     Sde Boqer, Israel


1987           International Union of Game Biologists, Krakow, Poland


1987           Zoological Society of Israel, Jerusalem


1988           Zoological Society of Israel, Oranim


1989           International Ethological Congress, Utrecht, Holland


1989           International Theriological Congress, Rome, Italy


1990           Congress of Behavioural Ecology, Uppsala, Sweden


1990           20th International Ornithological Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand


1991           Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv


1992           Congress of Behavioural Ecology, Princeton, USA


1993           International ethological congress, Torremolinos, Spain


1994            International Conference on Bird Migration, Elat, Israel


1994           21st International Ornithological Congress, Vienna, Austria


1994            Bird Strike Committee, Europe, Vienna, Austria


1995           International Congress of Rodents and Space, Rabat, Morocco


1995            Ecological Society of Israel, Haifa, Israel


1995           Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel


1996           23 Bird Strike Committee of Europe, London


1996           Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel


1998           22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban, South Africa


1998            Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, Israel


1999            Birds and flight safety in the Middle East, Tel Aviv, Israel


1999            Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel


2000           International Congress of Behavioural Ecology, Zurich, Switzerland


2000            Zoological Society of Israel, Beer Sheva, Israel


2001            Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, Israel


2002            Science for Peace in the Middle East, Jerusalem, Israel   


2004            Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, Israel.


2005            Conservation and management of the Mediterranean region, Zichron Yaakov, Israel


2005            Evolution 2005, Fairbanks, Alaska


2006         24nd International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany.


2006          Zoological Society of Israel, Raanana, Israel


2008          Documenting, Analysing and Managing Biodiversity in the Middle East, Aqaba, Jordan.


2008          Zoological Society of Israel, Michmoret, Israel


2012          Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel


2012          Humans and animals – morals, duties and responsibility, Oranim, Israel


2017          1st Israeli Conference of Conservation Science, Sde Boker, Israel    


2017         Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel


Research Interests


His main research interests are: 

  • ecology,
  • behavioural ecology,
  • bird migration,
  • zoogeography,
  • nature conservation,
  • factors that determine body size of mammals and birds.


List of Publications

                                     LIST  OF  PUBLICATIONS



1.  H. Mendelssohn & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Mammals of Israel.

      Ministry of Defence Publ. House, Tel Aviv, 295 pp. 1987. (in Hebrew).


2.  H. Mendelssohn & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Body and skull measurements of the mammals of Israel.

      Ministry of Defence Publ. House, Tel Aviv, 112 pp. 1987. (in Hebrew).


3.   Y. Yom-Tov & E. Tchernov (eds.).

      The Zoogeography of Israel.

      Dr. W. Junk, Holland, 600 pp. 1988.


4.  H. Mendelssohn & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Mammalia of Israel.

     Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, 439 pp. 1999.


5.  Y. Yom-Tov

 Faunistics of terrestrial vertebrates: an Israeli view. Vol. I. Introduction.

The Open University, Ra’anana, Israel. 194 pp. 2013-2014. (in Hebrew).


6Y. Yom-Tov

 Faunistics of terrestrial vertebrates: an Israeli view. Vol. II. Amphibians and reptiles.

The Open University, Ra’anana, Israel. 204 pp. 2013. (in Hebrew).


7.  Y. Yom-Tov

 Faunistics of terrestrial vertebrates: an Israeli view. Vol. III. Birds.

The Open University, Ra’anana, Israel. 286 pp. 2014. (in Hebrew).


8. Y. Yom-Tov

 Faunistics of terrestrial vertebrates: an Israeli view. Vol. IV. Mammals.

The Open University, Ra’anana, Israel. 234 pp. 2014. (in Hebrew).


9. Y. Yom-Tov

    The sunbird. Carta, Jerusalem, Israel. 148 pp. 2014. (in Hebrew).


10. Y. Yom-Tov

      The gazelles of Israel. 176 pp. 2016. Dan Pery, Jerusalem. (in Hebrew).


11. Y. Yom-Tov

      Seeing sound. Bats-between myth and reality. 251 pp. 2018. Dan Pery, Jerusalem. (in Hebrew).


12. U. Paz & Y. Yom-Tov

    The Nubian ibex in Israel. 120 pp. 2019. Dan Pery, Jerusalem. (in Hebrew).

13. Y. Yom-Tov. Wildlife in human settlements. 167 pp. 2020. Dan Pery, Jerusalem.

(in Hebrew).


14. Y. Yom-Tov & G. Bar-Oz. Extinctions and faunal transformations in the land of Israel. (in Hebrew). 223 pp. 2022. Dan Perry, Jerusalem.


15. Y. Yom-Tov & U. Paz. Bird migration. Dan Pery, Jerusalem. (in Hebrew). 174 pp. 2023. Dan Perry, Jerusalem.





1.   Y. Yom-Tov.

      On the taxonomic status of the hares (Genus Lepus) in Israel.

      Mammalia 31, 246-259, 1967.


2.   H. Mendelssohn, U. Marder & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      On the decline of migrant quail (Coturnix c. coturnix) populations in Israel and Sinai.      

      Israel J. Zool. 18, 3117-323, 1968.


3.   Y. Yom-Tov.  

      The effect of predation on population densities of some desert snails. 

      Ecology 51, 907-911, 1970.


4.   Y. Yom-Tov.

      Annual fluctuations in the water content of desert snails.

      Malacological Review 4, 121-126, 1971.


5.   Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Body temperature and light reflectance in two desert snails.  

      Proc. Malac. Soc. London 39, 319-326, 1971.


6.   Y. Yom-Tov. 

      The biology of two desert snails Trochoidea (Xerocrassa) seetzeni and Sphincterochila boissieri

      Israel J. Zool. 20, 231-248, 1971.


7.   Y. Yom-Tov & M. Galun.  

      Note on the feeding habits of the desert snail Sphincterochila boissieri  Charpentier and Trochoidea (Xerocrassa) seetzeni )  Charpentier.   

      Veliger 14, 86-88, 1971.


8.   Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Field experiments on the effect of population density and slope direction on the

      reproduction of the desert snail Trochoidea (Xerocrassa) seetzeni.          

      J. Anim. Ecol. 41, 17-22, 1972.


9.   Y. Yom-Tov, G.M. Dunnet & A. Anderson. 

      Intraspecific nest parasitism in the starling Sturnus vulgaris.  

      Ibis 116, 87-90, 1974.


10.  Y. Yom-Tov. 

      The effect of food and predation on breeding density and success, clutch size and

      laying date of the crow Corvus corone.  

      J. Anim. Ecol. 43, 479-498, 1974.


11.  H. Mendelssohn, Y. Yom-Tov & U. Safriel. 

      Hume's tawny owl Strix butleri in the Judean, Negev and Sinai deserts.

      Ibis 118, 110-111, 1975.


12.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Food of nesting crows in northeast Scotland. 

      Bird Study 22, 47-51, 1975.


13.  Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Synchronisation of breeding and intraspecific interference in the carrion crow.

      Auk 92, 778-785, 1975.


14.  Y. Yom-Tov & J.G. Ollason.  

      Sexual dimorphism and sex ratio in wild birds. 

      Oikos 27, 81-85, 1976.


15.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Recognition of egg and young by the carrion crow. 

      Behaviour 59, 247-251, 1976.


16.  Y. Yom-Tov, A. Imber & J. Otterman. 

      The microclimate of winter roosts of the European starling Sturnus vulgaris.

      Ibis 119, 366-368, 1977.


17.  N. Singer, Y. Weissman, Y. Yom-Tov & U. Marder.  

      Isolation of Salmonella hessarek from starlings (Sturnus vulgaris).

      Avian Diseases 21, 117-119, 1977.


18.  Y. Yom-Tov & A. Tietz. 

      The effect of diet, ambient temperature and day length of the fatty acid composition of the depot fat on the European starling and rock partridge.

      Comp. Biochem. and Physiol. 60A, 161-164, 1978.


19.  Y. Ben-Moshe & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      On the existence of a sense of smell in some birds. 

      Biol. Behav. 3, 35-38, 1978.


20.  Y. Yom-Tov, A. Ar & H. Mendelssohn.  

      Incubation behaviour of the Dead Sea sparrow.

      Condor 80, 340-343, 1978.


21.  A. Ar & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      The evolution of parental care in birds. 

      Evolution 32, 655-669, 1978.


22.  A. Ar & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Precocial and altricial modes of development as reflected by egg properties.

      Ibis 120, 406, 1978.


23.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      The disadvantage of low positions in colonial roosts: An experiment to test the effect of droppings on plumage quality.

      Ibis 121, 331-333, 1979.


24.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Is air temperature limiting northern breeding distribution of birds?

      Ornis Scandinavica 11, 71-72, 1979.


25.  Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Intraspecific nest parasitism in the Dead Sea sparrow.  

      Ibis 122, 234-237, 1980.


26.  Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Intraspecific nest parasitism in birds. 

      Biol. Rev. 55, 93-108, 1980.


27.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      The timing of pest control operations in relation to secondary poisoning.

      Biol. Conser. 48, 234-243, 1980.


28.  J. N. M. Smith, R.D. Montegomerie, M.J. Taitt & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      A winter feeding experiment on an island song sparrow population.

      Oecologia 47, 164-170, 1980.


 29.  Y. Yom-Tov & A. Ar. On the breeding ecology of the Dead Sea sparrow. 

      Israel J.  Zool. 29, 171-187¨ 1980.


 30.  Y. Yom-Tov & R. Hilborn.  

      Energetic constraints on clutch size and time of breeding in temperate zone birds.

      Oecologia 48, 234-243, 1981.


 31.  Y. Yom-Tov & A. Ar. 

      Criticism on von Schantz and Nilsson's hypothesis on the reasons for the reversed size dimorphism in birds of prey.

      Oikos 38, 387, 1982.


 32.  J. N. M. Smith, Y. Yom-Tov & R. Moses.

      Polygamy, male parental care and sex ratio in song sparrows. An experimental study.

      Auk 99, 555-564, 1982.


 33.  E. Nevo, C. Bar El, A. Beiles & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Adaptive microgeographic differentiation of allozyme polymorphisms in land snails.

      Genetica 59, 61-67, 1982.


 34.  R. Kopan & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Agama stellio feeding on birds’ eggs and chicks.  

      Israel J.  Zool. 31, 159-16O, 1983.


 35.  R. Ben-Yaakov & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      On the biology of the Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes ichneumon, in Israel.

      Zeit.  Zaugetierkunde 48, 34-45, 1983.


 36.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Life history tactics in two species of desert snails.  

      J. Arid Enviro. 6, 39-41, l983.


 37.  H. Plesser, S. Omasi & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Mist nets as means of eliminating bird damage to vineyards.

      Crop Protection 2, 503-506, l983.


 38.  L. Cohen-Shlagman, Y. Yom-Tov & S. Hellwing. 

      The biology of the Levant vole Microtus guentheri in Israel.  

  1. Population dynamics in the field. 

      Zeit. Zaugetierkunde 49, 135-148, l984.


 39.  L. Cohen-Shlagman, S. Hellwing & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      The biology of the Levant vole Microtus guentheri in Israel. 

      II. The reproduction and growth in captivity.

      Zeit. Zaugeteirkunde 49, 149-156, l984.


 40.  A. Barnea & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      A method to deter Syrian woodpeckers from drilling holes in plastic irrigation       pipes.

      Crop Protection 3, 35-39, l984.


 41.  A. Hefetz, R. Ben-Yaakov & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Sex specificity in the anal gland secretion of the Egyptian mongoose, Herpestes


      J.  Zool. London 203, 205-209, l984.


 42.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      On the difference between the spring and autumn migrations in Eilat, southern Israel.

      Ringing and Migration 5, 141-144, 1984.


 43.  Y.  Yom-Tov.  

      The reproductive rate of Australian rodents. 

      Oecologia 66, 250-256, l985.


 44.  A. Barnea & Y.  Yom-Tov. 

      Syrian woodpeckers attack Israel irrigation pipes.

      Water and Irrigation Review 3, 4-5, 1985.


 45.  M. Shoenfeld & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      The biology of two species of hedgehogs in Israel.      

      Mammalia 49, 339-355, 1985.


 46.  Y. Yom-Tov, W. Green & J. Coleman. 

      Morphological changes in the brush-tail possum in New Zealand. 

      J.  Zool. London. 208, 583-593, 1986.


 47.  Y. Yom-Tov, R. Wilson & A.  Ar.  

      Water loss from the Jackass penguin, Spheniscus demersus eggs during natural


       Ibis 128, 1-8, 1986.


 48.  H. Goldstein, E. Eisikovitz and Y. Yom-Tov. 

      Infanticide in the Palestine sunbird Nectarinia osea.

      Condor 88, 528-529, 1986.


 49.  T. Dayan, E. Tchernov, O. Bar-Yosef and Y. Yom-Tov.

       Animal exploitation at Ujrat el-Mehed, a Neolitic site in southern Sinai.

       Paleorient 12, 105-116, 1986.


 50. Y. Yom-Tov & H. Nix.  

      Climatological correlates for body size of five species of Australian mammals.

      Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 29, 245-262, 1986.


51. Y. Yom-Tov.

      The reproductive rate of Australian passerines.

      Aust. Wildlife J. 14, 319-330, 1987.


 52.  Y. Yom-Tov & G. Ilani. 

      The numerical status of Gazella gazella and Gazella dorcas in the southern Negev desert, Israel.

      Biol. Conser. 40, 245-253, 1987.


 53.  A. Ar, B. Arieli, A. Belinski & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      Energy in avian eggs and hatchlings: Utilization and transfer. 

      J.  Exp. Zool. Suppl. 1, 151-164. 1987.


 54.  H. Czackes-Rado & Y. Yom-Tov.  

      On the incubation biology of the spur-winged plover, Hoplopterus spinosus (Aves, Charadriformes) in Israel.

      Israel J. Zool. 34, 155-157, l986/7.


 55.  E. Tchernov, T. Dayan & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      The paleogeography of Gazella gazella and Gazella dorcas during the Holocene of the Southern Levant.  

      Israel J. Zool. 34, 51-59, l986/7.


 56.  H. Goldstein, N.A.M. Verbeek, E. Eisikovitz & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Sunbirds prefer to feed in the sun.

      Ardea, 75, 293-295, 1987.


 57.  H. Mendelssohn, Y. Yom-Tov, G. Ilani & D. Meninger.

      On the occurrence of Blanford's fox, Vulpes cana in Israel and Sinai.

      Mammalia 51, 459-462, l987.


 58.  R. Zinger & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      The breeding biology of the house sparrow in Israel.

      Ornis Scan.19, 139-144, 1988.


 59.  H. Goldstein & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The breeding biology of the orange-tufted sunbird.

      Ardea 76, 169-174, l988.


 60.  T. Dayan, E. Tchernov, Y. Yom-Tov & D. Simberloff.

      Ecological character displacement in Saharo-Arabian Vulpes: Outfoxing Bergmann's rule. 

      Oikos 55, 263-272, 1989.


 61.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Seemingly maladaptive behaviours, individual recognition and hierarchy.

      Ornis Scandinavica 20, 159, 1989.


 62.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Environmental predictability and life history traits in arid environment.

      J. Arid Environ. 17, 193-198, 1989.


 63.  T. Dayan, D. Simberloff, E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Inter- and intraspecific character displacement in mustelids.

      Ecology 70, 1526-1539, 1989.


 64.  Y. Barak & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The advantage of group hunting by Kuhl's bat Pipistrellus kuhli (Microchiroptera).

      J. Zool. London 219, 670-675, 1989.


 65.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Late breeding records in some Israel desert birds.

      Israel J. Zool. 36, 77-80, l989.


 66.  Y. Yom-Tov & B. Shalmon.

      First record of Taphozous perforatus in Israel.

      Mammalia 53, 661-662, 1990.


 67.  A. Danin & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Nests of harvesting ants and gazelle marking stations as primary habitats of the

      synanthropic thistle Silybun marianum L. in Israel.

      Plant Systematics and Evolution 169, 209-217, 1990.


 68.  A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Friedman.

      Differential germination in two closely-related species of Solanum in response to bird ingestion.

      Oikos 57, 222-228, 1990.


 69.  M. Ilan & Y. Yom-Tov. 

      The ecology of the fat sand rat, Psammomys obesus, in the Negev Desert, Israel.

      J. Mamm.  71, 66-69, 1990.


 70.  T. Dayan, D. Simberloff, E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Feline canines: Community wide character displacement among the small cats of Israel.

      American Naturalist 136, 39-60, 1990.


 71.  Y. Yom-Tov, M. Cohen & Z. Wollberg.

      On the possible function of the anterior cornu in the Microchiroptera.

      Mammalia 54, 281-285, 1990.


72.  A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Friedman.

      Does ingestion by birds affect seed germination? 

      Functional Ecology 5, 394-402, 1991.


73.  Y. Barak and Y. Yom-Tov.

      The mating system of Pipistrellus kuhli (Microchiroptera) in Israel. 

      Mammalia 55, 285-292, 1991.


74.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Character displacement in the psammophile Gerbillidae of Israel.

      Oikos 60, 173-179, 1991.


75. T. Dayan, D. Simberloff, E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

     Calibrating the paleothermometer: character displacement and the evolution of size.

       Paleobiology 17, 189-199, 1991


76.   N. Levi & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The daily activity of wintering grey cranes, Grus grus, in Israel

      Sandgrouse 13, 58-72, 1991.


77.  A. Zilber, D.M. Popper & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The effect of direct sunlight and temperature on growth and survival of captive young Nile crocodiles, Crocodilus niloticus.

      Aquaculture 94, 291-295, 1991.


78.  A. Zilber, Y. Yom-Tov & D.M. Popper.

      The effect of high temperature and extended day length on growth of captive Nile crocodiles, Crocodilus niloticus, during the cold season in Kenya.

      Amphibia - Reptilia, 12, 346-349, 1991


79.  A. Zilber, D.M. Popper & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The effect of stocking density, origin of eggs and water flow on growth, survival and body condition of Nile crocodiles (Crocodilus niloticus).

       Herpetological Journal 2, 31-34, 1992.


 80.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Mating system and laying dates in birds.

      Ibis 134, 52-55, 1992.


 81. Y. Yom-Tov, D. Makin & B. Shalmon.

      A note on the biology of Pipistrellus bodenheimeri in Israel.

      Zeit. für Saugetierkunde 57, 65-69, 1992.


 82.  T. Dayan, D. Simberloff, E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Canine carnassials:  character displacement of the wolves, jackals and foxes of Israel.

      Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 45, 315-331, 1992.


 83.   Y. Yom-Tov.

      Clutch size and laying dates of 3 species of buntings Emberiza in England.

      Bird Study 39, 111-114, 1992.


 84.  A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Friedman.

      Effects of frugivorous birds on seed dispersal and germination of multi-fruited fruits.

      Acta Oecologia 13, 209-219, 1992.


 85.  Y. Yom-Tov, R. McCleery & D. Purchase.

      The survival rate of Australian passerines.

      Ibis 134, 374-379, 1992.


 86.  Y. Yom-Tov, D. Makin & B. Shalmon.

      The insectivorous bats of the Dead Sea area, Israel.

      Israel J. Zool. 38, 125-137, 1992.


 87. Y. Yom-Tov & A. Ar.

        Incubation and fledging length in woodpeckers.

        Condor 95, 282-287, 1993.


88. Y. Yom-Tov and J. Wright

      The effect of heating nest boxes on egg laying in the Blue Tit, Parus caeruleus.

       Auk 110, 95-99, 1993.


89.  Y. Yom-Tov

      Size variation in Rhabdomys pumilio - a case of character release?

      Zeit. für Saugetierkunde 58, 48-53, 1993.


90.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Character displacement among the insectivorous bats of the Dead Sea area.

      J. Zool. London 230, 347-356, 1993.


 91.  A. Zilber, Y. Yogev & Y. Yom-Tov

       The effect of different sex groups on growth rate and mortality of young Nile

       crocodiles (Crocodillus niloticus).

       Aquaculture 114, 181-184, 1993.


 92. Y. Yom-Tov

      Does the rock hyrax, Procavia capensis, conform with Bergmann's rule?

       Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 108, 171-177, 1993.


 93.  Y. Yom-Tov

       The importance of stopover sites in deserts for Palearctic migratory birds.

        Israel J. Zool. 39, 271-273, 1993.


 94. Y. Yom-Tov, M. Christie and J. Iglesias

       The clutch size of the passerines of southern South America.

        Condor 96, 170-177, 1994.


 95. E. Gorney & Y. Yom-Tov.

        Fat, hydration condition, and moult of Steppe Buzzards Buteo buteo vulpinus  on spring migration.

        Ibis 136, 185-192, 1994.


 96.  Y. Yom-Tov

        Clutch size of passerines at mid latitudes: the possible effect of migration.

        Ibis 136, 161-165, 1994.


 97.   A. Yogev & Y. Yom-Tov

        The Spur-winged Plover Vanellus spinosus, is a determinate egg layer.

         Condor 96, 1109-1110, 1994.


 98. D. Greenberg-Cohen, P.U. Alkon  & Y. Yom-Tov

        A linear dominance hierarchy in female Nubian ibex.

        Ethology 98, 210-220, 1994.


 99. Y. Yom-Tov, R. McCleery & T. Oatley

       The survival rates of some South African passerines.

        Ostrich 65, 329-332, 1994.


 100.  Y. Yom-Tov, S. Ashkenazi & O. Viner

      Cattle predation by the Golden Jackal Canis aureus on cattle in the Golan Heights, Israel.

        Biological Conservation 73, 19-27, 1995.


 101. H. Mendelssohn, Y. Yom-Tov & C. P. Groves

       The mountain gazelle, Gazella gazella.

       Mammalian Species 490, 1-7, 1995.


 102. Y. Yom-Tov, H. Mendelssohn & C.P. Groves

      Gazella dorcas.

      Mammalian Species 491, 1-6, 1995.


 103. S. Markman, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Wright

       Biparental care in the Orange-tufted Sunbird: cooperative strategies in    provisioning and nest guarding effort.

       Animal Behaviour 50, 655 - 669, 1995.


 104.  Y. Yom-Tov & R. Ben-Shahar

       Seasonal body mass and habitat selection of some migratory passerines occurring in Israel.

       Israel J. Zool. 41, 443-454, 1995.


 105. Y. Yom-Tov

        Possible effect of competition with migrants on clutch size of desert and non-desert passerines.

         Israel Journal of Zoology 41, 433-442, 1995.


 106.  A. Erez & Y. Yom-Tov

       Reproduction of a Hooded Crow Corvus corone: population in Israel.

       Ardea 83, 405-409, 1995.


 107. S. Ashkenazi & Y. Yom-Tov.

       Herons and fisheries in the Huleh Valley, Israel. A matter of conflict or mutual interest                          

       Colonial Waterbirds 19, 143-151, 1996.


 108.  Y. Leshem & Y. Yom-Tov

        The magnitude and timing of migration by soaring raptors, pelicans and storks over Israel.

         Ibis 138, 188-203, 1996.


 109.  A. Yogev, A. Ar & Y. Yom-Tov.

       Breeding biology and the determination of clutch size in the Spur-winged Plover, Vanellus spinosus in Israel.

       Auk 113, 68-73, 1996.


 110.  Y. Yom-Tov & T. Dayan

        Body mass overlap and interference competition among desert gerbils?

        Oikos 75, 536-538, 1996.


 111. S. Markman, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Wright

       The effect of male removal on female parental care in the Orange-tufted Sunbird.

       Anim. Beh. 52, 437-444, 1996.


 112. Y. Leshem & Y. Yom-Tov

        The use of thermals by soaring migrants in Israel.

        Ibis 138, 667-674, 1996.


 113. Y. Vaknin, Y. Yom-Tov & D. Eisikovitch

       Flowering seasonality and flower characteristics of Loranthus acaciae Zucc. (Lorantaceae): implications for advertisement and bird-pollination.

        Sexual Plant Reproduction 9, 279-285, 1996.


 114. Y. Yogev & Y. Yom-Tov

       Indeterminacy in a determinate layer: the Spur-winged Plover Vanellus spinosus.

       Condor 98, 858, 1996.


 115. Y. Yom-Tov & Y. L. Werner

       Environmental correlates of the geographical distribution of terrestrial vertebrates in Israel.

        Israel J. Zool. 42, 307-316, 1996


 116. A. Yogev & Y. Yom-Tov

       Roof nesting by the Spur-winged Plover Vanellus spinosus

       Israel J. Zool. 43, 87-88, 1997.


 117. S. Ashkenazi & Y. Yom-Tov

       The breeding biology of the Black-crowned Night-heron Nycticorax nycticorax and the Little Egret Egretta garzetta  at the Huleh Nature Reserve, Israel.

        J. Zool. London 242, 623-641, 1997.


 118. Y. Yom-Tov & D. Wool

       Do the contents of Barn Owl Tyto alba pellets accurately represent the proportion of prey species in the field?

       Condor 99, 972-976, 1997.


 119.  D. Shoham, H. Mendelssohn & Y. Yom-Tov

       The origin and breeding biology of the Palm Dove Streptopelia senegalensis in Israel.

        Israel J. Zool. 43, 307-309, 1997.


120. Y. Yom-Tov

       The evolution of two-dimensional vertebrates.

        Israel J. Zool. 43, 217-218, 1997.


 121. Y. Leshem & Y. Yom-Tov

       Routes of migrating soaring birds.

       Ibis 140, 41-52, 1998.


 122. R. McCleery, Y. Yom-Tov & D. Purchase

       The effect of annual rainfall on the survival rates of some Australian passerines.

        J. Field Ornith. 69, 169-179, 1998.


 123. N. Leader & Y. Yom-Tov

       The function of stone rampart at the nest entrance of the Blackstart Cercomela melanura.

        Animal Behaviour 56, 207-217, 1998.


 124. Y. Yom-Tov & R. Kadmon

         Analysis of the distribution of insectivorous bats in Israel.

         Diversity and Distributions 4, 63-70, 1998.


125. O. Manheim, A. Freidberg, D. Graur, M. Goren, Y. Benayahu, Y. Yom-Tov & T. Dayan.

       The national collections of natural history at Tel Aviv University, a national museum of natural history in the making: the first 60 years. Israel J. Zool. 44:1-79, 1998.


 126. H. Geffen, A. Perevolotzky, E. Geffen & Y. Yom-Tov

       Use of space and social organization of female mountain gazelles (Gazella gazella gazella) in Ramat HaNadiv, Israel.

         J. Zool. London 247, 113-119, 1999.


 127. E. Gorney, W. S. Clark & Y. Yom-Tov.

A test of the condition-bias hypothesis yields different results for two species of sparrowhawks (Accipiter).

Wilson Bull. 111, 181-187, 1999.


 128. H. Mendelssohn & Y. Yom-Tov

        A report of birds and mammals which increased their distribution and abundance in Israel due to human activity.

        Israel J. Zool. 45, 35-47, 1999.


 129.  K. Merom, R. McCleery & Y. Yom-Tov.

        Age-related changes in wing length and body mass in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Clamorous Reed Warbler A. stentoreus       

        Bird Study 46, 249-255, 1999.


 130. E. Geffen & Y. Yom-Tov

        Are incubation and fledging periods longer in the tropics?

        J. Anim. Ecol. 68, 1-16, 1999.


 131.  R. Zilberman, B. Moav & Y. Yom-Tov.

       Extra pair copulations in the socially monogamous Orange-tufted Sunbird.

       Israel J. Zool. 45, 407-421, 1999.


 132. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov & H. Moller

        Competition, coexistence and adaptation amongst rodent invaders of Pacific and New Zealand islands.

       J. Biogeog. 26, 947-958, 1999. 


 133. P. Pramod & Y. Yom-Tov

       The breeding season and clutch size of Indian passerines.

        Ibis 142, 75-81, 2000.


 134. K. Merom, R. McCleery & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Philopatry to stopover sites and body condition of transient Reed Warblers during autumn migration through Israel.

       Condor 102, 442-445, 2000.


135. E. Geffen & Y. Yom-Tov

      Old endemics and new invaders: alternative strategies of passerines for living in the Australian environment.

      Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 47, 250-257, 2000.


 136. Y. Yom-Tov, J. Wright & C. Both

       Intraspecific nest parasitism and nest guarding in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca.

         Ibis 142, 331-332, 2000.


 137. R. Feldman, J. Whitaker & Y. Yom-Tov.

       Diet composition and habitat use in an insectivorous bat community.

       Acta Chiropterologia 2, 15-22, 2000.


 138. F. Suchentrunk, P. U. Alkon, R. Willing & Y. Yom-Tov

       Epigenetic dental variability of Israeli hares (Lepus sp.): ecogenetic or phylogenetic causation?

       J. Zool. London 252, 503-515, 2000.


 139. N. Leader, J. Wright & Y. Yom-Tov

      Microgeographic song dialects in the orange-tufted sunbird Nectarinia osea.

       Behaviour 137, 1613-1627, 2000.


 140. Y. Yom-Tov

       An updated list and some comments on the occurrence of intraspecific nest parasitism in birds.

       Ibis 143, 133-143, 2001.


 141.  E. Gorney, W. Clark & Y. Yom-Tov.

       Molt during spring migration: a comparison of four species.

       J. Field Orn. 72, 96-105, 2001.


 142.  Y. Yom-Tov

       Global warming and body mass decline in Israeli passerine birds.

       Proc. R. Soc. London B. 268, 947-952, 2001.


 143. R. Zilberman, N. Leader, B. Moav & Y. Yom-Tov

     Survival of the Orange-tufted Sunbird Nectarinia osea.

     Ostrich 72, 125-126, 2001.


 144.  R. Zilberman, B. Moav & Y. Yom-Tov

       Territoriality and mate guarding in the Orange-tufted Sunbird.

        Israel. J. Zool. 47, 275-286, 2001.


145. E. Geffen & Y. Yom-Tov

       Factors affecting the rate of intraspecific nest parasitism among Anseriformes and Galliformes.

       Anim. Behav. 62, 1027-1038, 2001.


146.  N. Leader, J. Wright & Y. Yom-Tov

      Dialect discrimination by the orange-tufted sunbird Nectarinia osea

      Ethology 108, 367-376, 2002.


147.  Y. Yom-Tov, Y. Benjamini & S. Kark

       Global warming, Bergmann's rule and body mass - are they related? The chukar partridge case.

      J. Zool. London 257, 449-455, 2002.


148. Y. Yom-Tov & E. Geffen

        Examining the Ashmole’s hypothesis: are life history parameters of resident passerines related to the proportion of migrants?

        Evol. Ecol. Res. 4, 673-685, 2002.


149.  A. Dolev, D. Saltz, S. Bar-David, & Y. Yom-Tov.

        The impact of repeated releases on the space use patterns of Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica).

        J. Wildl. Manag. 66, 737-746, 2002.


150. J. O. Whitaker & Y. Yom-Tov.

       The diet of some insectivorous bats from northern Israel.

       Mammal. Biol. 67, 378-380, 2002.


151. O. Hatzofe & Y. Yom-Tov

         Global warming and recent changes in Israel’s avifauna.

          Israel J. Zool. 48, 351-357, 2002.


152. J. Shamoun-Baranes, O. Liechti, Y. Yom-Tov & Y. Leshem

         Using a convection model to predict altitudes of white stork migration over central Israel.

         Boundary Layer Meteorol. 107, 673-681, 2003.


 153. J. Shamoun-Baranes, A. Baharad, P. Alpert, P. Berthold, Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-    Tov & Y. Dvir

         The effect of wind, season and latitude on the migration speed of White Storks (Ciconia ciconia), along the eastern migration route.

         J. Avian Biol. 34, 97-104, 2003.


154. J. Shamoun-Baranes, Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-Tov & O. Liechti,

 Differential use of thermal convection by soaring birds over central Israel.

 Condor 105, 208-218, 2003.


155.  Y. Yom-Tov

         Body sizes of carnivores commensal with humans have increased over the past 50 years.

          Func. Ecol. 17, 323-327, 2003.


156. A. Perlberg, D. Saltz, S. Bar-David, A. Dolev & Y. Yom-Tov.

        Seasonal and circadian changes in the home ranges of reintroduced Persian fallow deer.

         J. Wildl. Manag. 67, 485-492, 2003.


157. Y. Yom-Tov

         Poaching of Israeli wildlife by guest workers.

          Biol. Conser. 110, 11-20, 2003.


158. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov & H. J. Baagøe

          Increase of skull size in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and Eurasian badger    (Meles meles) in Denmark during the 20th century: an effect of improved diet?

          Evol. Ecol. Res. 5, 1037-1048, 2003.


159. M. Tores & Y. Yom-Tov

          A note on the diet of the barn owl Tyto alba in the Negev Desert.

           Israel J. Zool. 49, 233-236, 2003.


160.  I. Shulman, Y. Leshem, D. Alon & Y. Yom-Tov

          Causes of population decline of the Lesser Kestrel in Israel.

           Ibis 146, 145-152, 2004.


  161. S. Meiri & Y. Yom-Tov

            Ontogeny of large birds: migrants do it faster.

            Condor 106, 540-546, 2004.


  162. Y. Yom-Tov & S. Yom-Tov

           Climatic change and body size in two species of Japanese rodents.

           Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 82, 263-267, 2004


163. E. M. Russell, Y. Yom-Tov & E. Geffen

       Extended parental care and delayed dispersal: northern, tropical, and southern   passerines compared.

 Behav. Ecol. 15, 831-838, 2004.


164. A. Ar, A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov & C. Mersten-Katz

         Woodpecker cavity aeration: a predictive model.

          Resp. Physiolog. Neurobiolog. 144, 237-249, 2004.


165. N. Leader, J. Wright & Y. Yom-Tov.

       Acoustic properties of two urban song dialects in the orange-tufted sunbird (Nectarinia osea). 

       Auk 122, 231–245, 2005.


166. Y. Yom-Tov & J. Yom-Tov

       Global warming, Bergmann’s rule and body size in the masked shrew Sorex cinereus in Alaska.

       J. Anim. Ecol. 74, 803-808, 2005.merst


167. K. Merom, S. Quader & Y. Yom-Tov

The winter fattening model: a test at low latitude using the clamorous reed    warbler.

 Ibis 147, 680-687, 2005.


168. Y, Yom-Tov & E. Geffen

        Host specialization and latitude among cuckoos.

        J. Avian Biol. 36, 465-470, 2005.


 169. M. Tores, Y. Motro, U. Motro & Y. Yom-Tov

         The barn owl – a selective opportunist predator.

        Israel Journal of Zoology 51, 349-360, 2005.


170. Y. Yom-Tov & E. Geffen

      On the origin of brood parasitism in altricial birds.

     Behav. Ecol. 17, 196-205, 2006.


171. S. Scheinin, Y. Yom-Tov, U. Motro & E. Geffen

 Behavioral responses of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) to the presence of golden jackal (Canis aureus): a field experiment.

 Anim. Behav. 71, 577-584, 2006.


172. E. Levin, A. Barnea, Y. Yovel & Y. Yom-Yov.

     Piscivory in a winter colony of long-fingered bat Myotis capaccini (Bonoparte, 1837) in Northern Israel.

     Mamm. Biol. 71, 139-143, 2006.


173. Y. Yom-Yov & E. Geffen

     Geographic variation in body size: the effect of ambient temperature and precipitation

     Oecologia 148, 213-218, 2006.


174. V. Millien, S. K. Lyons, L. Olson, F. A. Smith, T. Wilson & Y. Yom-Tov

      Ecotypic variation in the context of global climate change: revisiting the rules.

      Ecology Letters 9, 853-869, 2006.


175. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, J. Wright, C. J. R. Thorne & R. Du Feu

     Recent changes in body weight and wing length among some British passerine    birds.

        Oikos 112, 91-101.2006.


176. Y. Yom-Tov & S. Yom-Tov

     Decrease in body size of Danish goshawks during the 20th century.

     J. Ornith. 147, 644-647, 2006.


177. Y. Yom-Tov, T. M. Heggberget, Ø. Wiig & S. Yom-Tov

     Body size changes in the Norwegian otter: the possible effects of food availability and global warming.

       Oecologia 150, 155-160, 2006.


178.  S. Shamoun-Baranes, Y. Leshem, D. Alon, P. Alpert & Y. Yom-Tov

           Is there a connection between weather at departure sites onset of migration and    timing of soaring bird autumn migration in Israel?

     Glob. Ecol. Biog. 15, 541-552, 2006.


  179. N. Leader, O. Mokadi & Y. Yom-Tov

      An indirect flight of an African fruit bat to Israel: an example of potential   transmission capability of zoonotic pathogens over continents.

       Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 6, 347-350, 2006.


180. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, J. Barreiro & J. C. Blanco

     Body size of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in Spain: the effect of agriculture.

      Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 90, 729-734, 2007.


 181. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, D. MacDonald & E. Yom-Tov

      Population cycles, global warming and changes in body size of the lynx in Alaska. Oecologia 152, 239-244, 2007.


  182. S. Meiri, Yom-Tov, Y. and Geffen, E.

      What determines conformity to Bergmann’s rule?

      Global Ecology and Biology 16, 788-794, 2007.


183. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov & G. Jarrell

    Recent increase in body size of the American marten Martes americana.

     Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 93, 701-707, 2008.


  184. I. Brickner-Braun, E. Geffen and Y. Yom-Tov

      The impact of domestic cats (Felis catus) on Israeli wildlife.

      Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 53, 129-142, 2007.


  185. N. Leader, E. Geffen, O. Mokady & Y. Yom-Tov

      Song dialects do not restrict gene flow in an urban population of the orange-     tufted sunbird Nectarinia osea. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62, 1299-1305, 2008.


  186.  Z. Leader, Y. Yom-Tov & U. Motro

     The diet of the long-eared owl Asio otus in the northern and central Negev Desert, Israel. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120, 641-645, 2008.


  187. E. Levin, Y. Yom-Tov, A. Barnea & D. Huchon

       Genetic diversity and phylogeography of the greater mouse-tailed bat (Rhinopoma microphyllum) in the Levant. Acta Chiroptera 10, 207-212, 2008.


  188. T. Namgail & Y. Yom-Tov

    Elevational range and timing of breeding in the birds of Ladakh: the effects of body mass, status and diet. Journal of Ornithology 150, 505-510, 2009.


189. G. Gingold, Y. Yom-Tov, N. Kronfeld-Shor & E. Geffen

       The effect of guard dogs on the behavior of gazelles Gazella gazella in cattle enclosures in the Golan Heights. Animal Conservation 12, 155-162, 2009.


   190. E. Levin, Y. Yom-Tov & A. Barnea.

      Frequent summer nuptial flights of ants provide a primary food source for bats. Naturwissenschaften 96, 477-483, 2009.


   191. P. Hersteinsson, Y. Yom-Tov & E. Geffen

      The effect of the Sub-Polar Gyre, North Atlantic Oscillation and ambient temperature on body size variation in the Icelandic Arctic fox. Global Change Biology 15, 1423-1433, 2009.


   192. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, N. Leader & H. J. Baagøe

     Temperature trends and recent decline in body size of the stone marten in Denmark. Mammalian Biology 75, 146-150, 2010.


   193. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, P. Mortensen, P. Kjellander & H. Andrén

       Body size in Eurasian lynx depends on prey availability. Polar Biology 33, 505-513, 2010.


194. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov & A. Angerbjörn. Body Size of the Weasel Mustela nivalis and the Stoat Mustela ereminea in Sweden. Mammalian Biology 75, 420-426, 2010.


   195. Yom-Tov, Y., Yom-Tov, Y. and Yom-Tov, E. Does the physical environment influence political corruption? Journal of Irreproducible Results 51, 2, 11-15, 2010.


   196. Y. Yom-Tov, Roos, A., Mortensen, P., Wiig, Ø., Yom-Tov, S. and Heggberget, M. T. Recent changes in body size of the Eurasian otter Lutra lutra in Sweden. Ambio 39, 496-503, 2010.


   197. Z. Leader, Y. Yom-Tov & U. Motro

      Diet comparison between two sympatric owls - Tyto alba and Strix otus in the Negev Desert, Israel. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56, 207-216, 2010.


    198. O. Shneor, G. Perlman, A. Balaban, Y. Yom Tov, D. Huchon, & E. Geffen.

      Origin of passerine migratory waves:  evidence from the blackcap Sylvia atricapilla. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 56, 135-151, 2010.


   199. G. Friedemann, Y. Yom-Tov, U. Motro & Y. Leshem

      Shift in nesting ground of the long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Judea, Israel – an effect of change in land cover? Biol. Conser. 144, 402-406, 2011.


    200. Y. Yom-Tov, T. Kvam & Ø. Wiig

      Lynx body size is related to its main prey (roe deer) density, climate and latitude. Ambio 40, 43-51, 2011.


    201. Y. Yom Tov & E. Geffen

      Recent spatial and temporal changes in body size of terrestrial vertebrates: probable causes and pitfalls. Biol. Rev. 86, 531-541, 2011.


    202. E. Geffen, K. C. Rowe & Y. Yom Tov

       Reproductive performance in Australian rodents is related to invasion stage.

       PLoS One, 2011.


    203. K. Yoktan, E. Geffen, A. Ilany, Y. Yom-Tov & N. Leader

       Vocal dialect and genetic subdivisions along a geographic gradient in the orange-tufted sunbird. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 65, 1389-1402, 2011.


    204. Y. Yom-Tov

      Biodiversity of Israel – a response to Roll et al. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 57, 181-182, 2011.


    205. Y. Yom-Tov “Came to curse, but left blessing “- A response to Roll et al.’s response to my response to Roll et al.’s (2009) article. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 57, 205-206, 2011.


    206.  Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, T. S. Jensen & H. Baagoe

        No recent temporal changes in body size of three Danish rodents. Acta Theriologica 57, 59-63, 2012.


    207. Y. Yom Tov, O. Hatzofe & E. Geffen

      Israel’s breeding avifauna: A century of dramatic change. Biological Conservation 147, 13-21, 2012.


    208.  Y. Yom-Tov & S. Yom-Tov

     Observations on temporal changes in body size of three mammals in Israel during the 20th century. Zool. Anz. 251, 331-334, 2012.


   209. C. Mersten-Katz, A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov, & A. Ar

     The woodpecker's cavity microenvironment: advantageous or restricting? Avian Biology Research 5, 227-237, 2012.


   210. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov & F. E. Zachos

   Temporal and geographical variation in skull size of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) in Austria. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108, 579-585, 2013.


  211. E. Amichai, E. Levin, N. Kronfeld-Schor, U. Roll & Y. Yom-Tov

       Natural history, physiology and energetic strategies of Asellia tridens. Mamm.  Biol. 78. 94-103, 2013.


  212. E. Levin, Y. Yom-Tov, A. Hefetz and N. Kronfeld-Schor

        Changes in diet, body mass and fatty acid composition during pre-hibernation in a subtropical bat in relation to NPY and AgRP expression. J. Comp. Physiol. B. 183, 157-166, 2013.


  213. E. Levin, U. Roll, A. Dolev, Y. Yom-Tov & N. Kronfeld-Shor.

   Bats of a gender flock together: sexual segregation in a subtropical bat. PLoS ONE 8, e54987, 2013, 2.


  214. J. Piennar, A. Ilani, E. Geffen & Y. Yom-Tov

  Macroevolution of life-history traits in passerine birds: adaptation and phylogenetic inertia. Ecol. Lett. 16, 571-576, 2013.


215. I. Kan, Y. Motro, N. Horvitz, A. Kimhi, Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-Tov & R.     Nathan

   Agricultural Rodent Control Using Barn Owls: Is it Profitable? Am. J. Agric.  Econ; doi: 10.1093/ajae/aat097, 2013.


  216. Y. Paker, Y. Yom-Tov, T. Alon-Mozes, A. Barnea

       The effect of plant richness and urban garden structure on bird species richness, diversity and community structure. Landscape and Urban Planning 122, 186-195, 2014.


  217. I. Berger, Y. Yom-Tov, Y. Leshem & S. Markman

     The effect of intruders on territorial Palestine Sunbirds (Nectarinia osea) during    the pre-egg laying period. J. Ornith. 155, 291-299, 2014.


   218. I. Berger & Y. Dvir, Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-Tov & S. Markman

    Extra-pair copulations, intra-specific brood parasitism, and quasi-parasitism in birds: a theoretical approach. Acta Ethol. 17, 131-140, 2014.


   219. S. Barkan, U. Roll, Y. Yom-Tov, I. Wassenaar & A. Barnea

      A possible relation between new neuronal recruitment and migratory behavior in Acrocephalus warblers. Develop. Neurobiol. DOI 10.1002/dneu.22198, 1194-1209, 2014.


   220. U. Roll, E. Geffen & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Linking vertebrate species richness to tree canopy height on a global scale. Glob. Eco. Biog. 24, 814-825, 2015.


   221. E. Levin, B. Plotnik, E. Amichai, L. Braulke, S. Landau, Y. Yom-Tov & N. Kronfeld-Schor.  

     Subtropical mouse-tailed bats use geothermally-heated caves for winter hibernation. Proc. R. Soc. B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.2781, 2015.


   222. S. Barkan, Y, U. Roll, Y. Yom-Tov, L. I Wassenaar & A. Barnea.

       Possible linkage between neuronal recruitment and relocation distance in   migratory birds. Sci. Rep. 6, 21983; doi: 10.1038/srep21983, 2016.


   223. E. Yom-Tov, Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov, M. Andersen, D. Rosenfeld, A.  Devasthale & E. Geffen. The complex effect of geography and North Atlantic Oscillation the body size of Greenland hares in Greenland. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 120, 909-918, 2017.


   224. Y. Yom-Tov, E. Yom-Tov. & E. Geffen. Harsh climate selects for small body size among Iceland’s Arctic foxes. Ecography 40, 376-383, 2017.


   225. S. Barkan, Y. Yom-Tov & A. Barnea.

      Possible relationship between brain plasticity, migratory lifestyle and social structure in birds. Frontiers in Neuroscience 11, 2017.


   226. N. Anglister, Y. Yom-Tov & U. Motro

      The impact of Acacia saligna and the loss of mobile dunes on rodent populations: a case study in the Ashdod-Nitzzanim sands in Israel. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 66, 162-169, 2019.


   227. E. Geffen & Y. Yom-Tov

      Pacific island invasions: How do settlement time, latitude, island area, and number of competitors affect body size of the kiore (Polynesian rat) across the Pacific. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126, 462-470, 2019.


     228. Y. Yom-Tov, Y., Balaban, E. Hadad, G. Weil & U. Roll. The plight of the     mountain gazelle Gazella gazella. Oryx 55, 771-778, 2021.


   229. O. Comay, E. Ezov, Y. Yom-Tov & T. Dayan. A decade long study of the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) in its southern edge of distribution. Animals 2022. 2(5), 641;


Accepted for publication




Submitted for publication


G. Bar-Oz., Y. Yom-Tov & E. Geffen. The revolving door: mammalian faunal turnover in the southern Levant during the Quaternary. 





   1.  Y. Yom-Tov.  

      European starlings.  

      In: D.E. Davis (ed.). Handbook of census methods for terrestrial vertebrates.

      CRC  Press, Florida. 1982, 397 pp.


   2.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Vertebrates of the Mountainous Galilee. 

      In: A. Shmueli (ed.). The Land of the Galilee. l984, pp. 187-198 (in Hebrew).


  3.  Y. Yom Tov.

      Vertebrates of the Sinai Peninsula.

      In: A. Degani (ed.), Sinai. l987, pp. 341-374 (in Hebrew).


  4. E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Zoogeography of Israel.

      In:  Y. Yom-Tov & E. Tchernov (eds.). The Zoogeography of Israel.

      Dr. W. Junk Publ., Holland. l988, pp.1-6.


  5.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      The zoogeography of the birds and mammals of Israel. 

      In: Y. Yom-Tov and E. Tchernov (eds.). The Zoogeography of Israel. 

      Dr. W. Junk Publ., Holland. 1988, pp. 389-410.


  6.  Y. Yom-Tov & H.  Mendelssohn. 

      Changes of the distribution and abundance of vertebrates during the 20th century  in Israel.

       In: Y. Yom-Tov & E. Tchernov (eds.). The Zoogeography of Israel. 

      Dr. W. Junk Publ., Holland. 1988, pp. 515-548.


  7.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Bird migration over Israel.

      In: Y. Yom-Tov & E. Tchernov (eds.). The Zoogeography of Israel. 

      Dr. W. Junk Publ., Holland. 1988, pp. 497-514.


  8. Dayan, T., E. Tchernov, Y. Yom-Tov, and D. Simberloff. On the use of mammalian size for inferring paleoclimatic change.

     In: Spanier, E., Y.Steinberger, & M. Luria (eds.) Environmental Quality and Ecosystem Stability: Vol. IV-B. Environmental Quality. ISEEQS Pub, Jerusalem, Israel. 1989, pp. 73-80.


  9.  T. Dayan, E. Tchernov, D. Simberloff & Y. Yom-Tov. Tooth size: Function and coevolution in carnivore guilds.

      In: P. Smith & E. Tchernov (eds.). Structure, Function and the Evolution of Teeth.

       Freund Publishing House, London. 1992, pp. 215-222.


 10.   Y. Yom-Tov.

      Vertebrates of the Golan Heights and Mount Hermon.

      In: A. Degani & M. Inbar (ed.). The Golan and Hermon. Ministry of Defence                    

       Publication House, Tel Aviv. 1993, pp. 157-186. (in Hebrew).


 11.  A. Dolev, S. Bar-David, Y. Yom-Tov and D. Saltz.

          Home range establishment in reintroduced Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica).

        In: Z. Zomborszky (ed.) Advances in Deer Biology. 1998. pp. 41-44.


 12. D. Saltz, M. Shachak, M. Caldwell, S. T. A. Pickett, J. Dawson, H. Tsoar, Y. Yom-Tov, M. Weltz & R. Farrow.

      The study and management of dryland population systems.

       In: T. W. Hoekstra & M. Shachak (eds.) Arid Lands Management. Univ. Illinois, Urbana. 1999. pp. 75-96.


 13. Y. Yom-Tov & H. Mendelssohn.

      Changes in the distribution and abundance of vertebrates in Israel during the 20th century. In: A. Dolev & A. Pervulotzky (eds.). Endangered species in Israel. Red list of threatened animals. The Nature and Parks Authority and the Society for the Protection of Nature, Israel. 2002. pp. 25-36. (In Hebrew).


 14. Y. Leshem, Y.Yom-Tov, D. Alon & J. Shamoun-Baranes.

       Bird migration as an interdisciplinary tool for global cooperation. In: P. Bethold, E. Gwinner & E. Sonnenschein (eds.). Avian migration. 2003. pp. 585-599.


 15. Levin, E., Ar, A., Yom-Tov, Y, & Kronfeld-Schor, N.

       Summer torpor and sexual segregation in the subtropical bat Rhinopoma microphyllum.

      In: Ruf, T., Bieber, C., Arnold, W. & Millesi, E. (eds.). Living in a seasonal world: thermoregulatory and metabolic adaptations. Springer, Heidelberg. 2012. pp. 167-173.


 16. Y. Yom-Tov

     Human impact on wildlife in Israel since the 19th Century.

     In: D. Orenstein, A. Tal & C. Miller (eds.). Between ruin and restoration: An environmental history of Israel. The University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburg. 2013, pp. 53-81.


 17. Y. Yom-Tov & E. Geffen

      Intra-specific nest parasitism among birds: The effects of phylogeny, mode of reproduction and geographic distribution.

      In: M. Soler (ed.) Avian Brood Parasitism: Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Coevolution. Springer, Cham.  2017. pp. 95-103.






1.   Y. Yom-Tov.

     On the Taxonomic status of the genus Lepus in Israel.

      Zool. Soc. Israel. 1966


2. Y. Yom-Tov

    The effect of predation and density on land snail population in the Negev


      Isr. Ecol. Soc. 1st Meeting. Tel Aviv 1970


3.   Y. Yom-Tov, H. Mendelssohn & A. Ar.

      Extension of range of the Dead Sea Sparrow Passer moabiticus and its effect of

      breeding success.

      Zool. Soc. Israel 14th Meeting. 1976


4.   Y. Yom-Tov.

      Recognition of eggs and young by the carrion crow.

      Intern. Etholog. Cong., Italy. 1975.


5.   A. Ar & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Parental investment in birds.

      British Ornithol. Soc. 1977. Invited lecture.


6.   Y. Yom-Tov.

      Intraspecific nest parasitism in birds.

      Cooper Ornithol. Soc., 1979. Invited lecture.


7.   Y.  Yom-Tov & A. Ar. 

      Incubation behaviour and range extension to the Dead Sea Sparrow.

      Isr. Ecol. Soc. 11th Meeting. 1980. Invited lecture.


8.   Y.  Yom-Tov & R.  Hilborn.

      Energetic constraints on clutch size and time of breeding in temperate zone birds.

      XVIII Congressus Internationalis Ornith., Moscow. 1982.


9.   M. Stavy, Y. Yom-Tov & A. Dotan.

      Notes on the taxonomy of genus Lepus in Israel.

      3rd Intern. Theriol. Cong., Helsinki. 1982


10.   A. Hefetz, R. Ben-Yaakov & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Chemical communication in the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon.

      17th Intern. Etholog. Cong., Brisbane, Australia. 1983.


11.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      The application of Bergmann's & Allen's rules to some Australian mammals.

      20th Meeting of the Austr. Mammal. Soc. 1983.


12.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      The reproductive rates of Australian rodents.

      Joint Meeting of the Austr.  Mamm. Soc. & the Amer. Soc. of Mammalogists,

      Sydney, Australia. 1984. Invited lecture.


13.  A. Ar. & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Thermal conductance of bird nests - generalization based on body mass and ambient temperatures.

      Amer. Physiol. Soc. Ann. Meeting. 1985.


14.  Y. Yom-Tov, W. Green & J. Coleman.

      Morphological trends in the brush-tail possum of New Zealand.

      4th Intern. Theriol. Cong., Edmonton, Canada. 1985.


15.  M. Shoenfeld & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The biology of two sympatric hedgehogs in Israel.

      19th Intern. Etholog. Cong., Toulouse, France. 1985.


16.  Y. Yom-Tov, W. Green & J. Coleman.

      Morphological trends in the brush-tail possum in New Zealand.

      Ann. Meet. of Zool. Soc. Israel. 1985


17.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      The reproductive rates of Australian passerines.

      XIX Intern Ornith. Cong., Ottawa. 1986.


18.  A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Friedman.

      The effect of seed ingestion by birds (Pycnonotus capensis and Turdus merula) on seed germination and structure in Solanum nigrum and Solanum luteum.

      Ann. Meeting Zool. Soc. Israel. l986.


19.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Environmental predictability and life history traits in desert environments.

      "What is special about desert ecology?"

      Israel-US Binational Workshop, Sde Boqer, Israel. l987. Invited



20.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Population trends of gazelles in Israel.

      l8th International Congress of Game Biologists, Krakow, Poland, 1987.

      pp. 655-656. in: B. Bobek et al(eds.), Swiat Press, Krakow-Warszawa l987.


21.  A. Barnea, J. Friedman & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Variable germination responses due to bird ingestion in som perennial Mediterranean plant species.

      Ann. Meeting Zool. Soc. Israel. l987.


22.  Y. Barak & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The advantage of social hunting in Kuhl's bat, Pipistrellus kuhli (Microchiroptera).

      Ann. Meeting Zool. Soc. Israel. l987.


23.  T. Dayan, E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The ecological character displacement in the red fox Vulpes vulpes in the Saharo-

      Arabian region.

      Ann. Meeting Zool. Soc. Israel. l987.


24.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      Changes in the distribution and abundance of vertebrates during the 20th century in Israel.

      Isr. Ecol. Soc., 19th meeting. 1988. Invited lecture.


25.  Y. Yom-Tov.

      The variability of the Israeli fauna and its causes.

      Ann. Meeting Zool. Soc. Israel. 1988. Invited lecture.


26.  A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Friedman.

      More on the effect of dispersers on seeds.

      Ann. Meeting Zool. Soc. Israel. 1988.


27.  T. Dayan, E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

      On the use of mammalian size for inferring paleoclimatic change.

      Ann. Meeting Ecol. Soc. Israel. 1989.


28.  T. Dayan, E. Tchernov, D. Simberloff & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Tooth size: function and coevolution in carnivore guilds.

      VIII Inter. Symp. Dental Morphol., Jerusalem. 1989


29.  E. Gorni & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Buzzard migration in Israel.

      Zool. Soc. Israel. 1989


30. Y. Barak & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The advantage of group hunting in Kuhl's bat, Pipistrellis kuhli.

      21st Inter. Etholog. Cong., Utrecht, Holland. 1989.


31.  H. Mendelssohn & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The conservation of carnivores in Israel - a success story.

      5th Inter. Theriol. Cong., Rome, Italy. 1989


32. T. Dayan, E. Tchernov & Y. Yom-Tov.

        On the use of mammalian size for infering paleoclimatic change.

        Annual Meeting of the Israel Ecological Society. 1989


33.  A. Barnea, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Friedman.

      The impact of frugivorous birds on seed dispersal and germination of some

      multiseeded berries.

      Ann. Meeting Soc. Exp. Biol., England. 1990.


34.  Y. Barak & Y. Yom-Tov.

      The mating system of Pipistrellis kuhli  (Microchiroptera) in Israel.

      3rd Congr. Behav. Ecol., Stockholm, Sweden. 1990.


35.  E. Gorney-Labinger & Y. Yom-Tov.

      Timing of spring migration in relation to body condition in the steppe buzzard,

       Buteo vulpinus.

      XX Congressus Internationalis Ornith., Christchurch, New Zealand. 1990.


36. Y. Yom-Tov & J. Wright.

       The effect of heating nest boxes on egg laying in the Blue Tit Parus caeruleus.

       Zool. Soc. Israel 1991        


37.  R. Zilberman & Y. Yom-Tov

        Extra-pair copulations in the orange-tufted sunbird.

        4th Congr. Behav. Ecol., Princeton, USA. 1992.


38.  D. Cohen-Greenberg & Y. Yom-Tov

         Linear dominance hierarchy among female Nubian ibex.

         23rd Inter. Etholo. Cong., Torremolinos, Spain. 1993.


39.  Y. Leshem & Y. Yom-Tov

        Integration of ground observations, radar, drone, motorized glider and light aircraft for studying soaring bird migration.

        International Conference on Bird Migration, Elat, Israel, 1994.


40.  Y. Yom-Tov

        Life history parameters of desert birds.

        XXI Congressus Internationalis Ornithologicus, Vienna, 1994. Published in J. für Ornithology, 1994, 135, 277.


41. J. Shamoun & Y. Yom-Tov

       Bird strike remains identification for the Israeli airforce. Working paper No. 92.

       22 Bird Strike Committee, Europe, Vienna, 1994.


42. Y. Leshem, W. van den Bosche, P. Berthold, Y. Yom-Tov, U. Qwener & E. Novak.

       Preliminary results on tracking white storks by satelites during migration and wintering.

       Zool. Soc. Israel 1994.


43. Y. Yom-Tov

       Character displacement in the psammophile Gerbillidae of Israel.

       5th Internat. Con. Rodents and Space, Rabat, Morocco, 1995.


44. S. Markman, Y. Yom-Tov & J. Wright

         Provisioning and nest guarding adjustments in male parental care in the Orange-tufted Sunbird.

         24th Inter. Etholo. Cong., Hawaii, 1995.


45. Y. Yom-Tov & Y. L. Werner

          Environmental correlates of the geographical distribution of terrestrial vertebrate species richness in Israel.

         Ecological Society of Israel, Haifa, Israel, 1995.


46. Y. Leshem, W. van den Bosche, P. Berthold, Y. Yom-Tov & B. Myeburg

         Three years of radio tracking of white storks and eagles during migration by satelites.

         Zool. Soc. Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1995.


47. W. Prast, J. Shamoun, B. Bierhuizen, C. S. Roselaar, P. H. Schalk, J. Watel, W. Los, Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-Tov & L. S. Buurma

         BRIS: a computer based bird remains identification system.

         23 Bird Strike Committee, Europe, London, 1996.


48. Y. Yom-Tov & D. Wool

          Do the contents of Barn Owl Tyto alba pellets accurately represent the proportion of prey species in the field?          

         Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1996.


49. Y. Yom-Tov & H. Mendelssohn

          A report of birds and mammals which have increased their distribution and abundance in Israel due to human activity.

         Nature Conservation in Israel: towards the third millennium. Zoological Society of Israel, Oranim, 1997.


50. Y. Yom-Tov & T. Dayan

          The mammal collection of the Tel Aviv University Zoological Museum.

          7th International Theriological Congress, Acapulco, Mexico, 1997.


51. A. Gal, B. Evans, Y. Leshem & Y. Yom-Tov

          Preliminary results from a new method used to follow nocturnal migration over Israel.

          International seminar: Migrating Birds Know No Boundaries. Israel, 1997. Published in Torgos 28, Summer 1998.


52. Dolev, A., S. Bar-David, Y. Yom-Tov & D. Saltz.

          Home range establishment in reintroduced Persian fallow deer (Dama dama mesopotamica). 4th International Deer Biology Congress, Godollo, Hungary, 1998.


53. J. Shamoun, Y. Yom-Tov, & Y. Leshem

           Development of a real time warning system for bird movements in the Middle East. 22nd International Ornithological Congress, Durban, South Africa.


54. Y. Yom-Tov, S. Yom-Tov & H. Moller

        Competition, coexistence and adaptation amongst rodent invaders of Pacific and New Zealand islands. Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 1998.


55. J. Shamoun-Baranes, Y. Yom-Tov & Y. Leshem. Bird remains identification system. Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 1998.


56. Y. Yom-Tov. The fascination of bird migration. International seminar on Birds and flight safety in the Middle East. Tel Aviv, 1999.


57. K. Merom, R. McCleery & Y. Yom-Tov. Philopatry to stopover sites and body condition of transient Reed Warblers during autumn migration through Israel.  Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, 1999.


58. N. Leader, J. Wright & Y. Yom-Tov. Song dialects in the orange-tufted sunbird, Nectarinia osea. Intern. Cong. Behavioural Ecology, Zurich, Switzerland, 2000.


  59. Y. Yom-Tov. Poaching by Thai workers: Effects on the wildlife of Israel.  Zoological Society of Israel, Beer Sheva, 2000.


60. I. Schulman, Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-Tov & D. Alon. Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in Israel: population decline and urbanization. Raptors in the new millennium, Elat, 2000.


61. D. Saltz, D. Pevzner, R. Lota, R. King, G. Ben-Natan, I. Zurim, A. Levi, M. Ben-David, Y. Yom-Tov, & A. Rosenfeld. When nature misbhaves: the enigma of the gazelle crash in the Golan, Israel. International Union of Game Biologists, Limassol, Cyprus, 2001.


62. Y. Leshem, Y. Yom-Tov, D. Alon, & J. Shamoun-Baranes. Bird migration as an interdisciplinary tool for global cooperation. Avian Migration, Univ. Konstanz, Germany, 2001.


63. Y. Yom-Tov. Global warming and body size decline in Israeli passerine birds. Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2001.


64. J. Shamoun-Baranes, Y. Yom-Tov & Y. Leshem. Predicting migration heights of soaring birds above Israel. Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2001.


 65. Y. Yom-Tov. Biogeography of the Middle East. Science for Peace in the Middle    East, Jerusalem, 2002.        


66. A, Shainin, Y. Yom-Tov, D. Kerem & O. Mokadi. Molecular and ecological characteristics of the bottle-nose dolphin Tursiops truncatus near in the Mediterranean Sea, Israel. Zoological Society of Israel, Sde Boqer, 2003.


67. Y. Yom-Tov & J. Yom-Tov

       Global warming, Bergmann’s rule and body size in the masked shrew Sorex cinereus in Alaska. Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2004.


68. N. Leader, J. Wright and Y. Yom-Tov

       Can a maladapted acoustic signal succeed in an extreme urban environment? Song dialects in an urban population of orange-tufted sunbirds (Nectarinia osea).   Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2003.


69. Y. Yom-Tov

      Anthropogenic changes in Mediterranean habitats in Israel - the mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) as an indicator.

      Conservation and management of the Mediterranean region, Zichron Yaakov, 2005.


70.  Y. Yom-Tov & J. Yom-Tov

      Global warming, Bergmann’s rule and body size in the masked shrew in Alaska.

      Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2004.


71. Y. Yom-Tov

      Global warming, food abundance and recent changes in body size.

      Evolution 2005, Fairbanks, Alaska 2005.


72. N. Leader, O. Mokadi & Y. Yom-Tov

    An indirect flight of an African fruit bat to Israel: an example of potential   transmission capability of zoonotic pathogens over continents.

    Israel Zoological Society, Raanana, 2006.


73. H. Steinitz, T. Dayan & Y. Yom-Tov

     Predicting distributions of Israeli mammals under different climate change scenarios at the species and assemblage levels.

    Israel Zoological Society, Raanana, 2006.


74. Y. Yom-Tov & E. Geffen

     Intra-specific variations in body size of mammals from Israel and Sinai.

     Documenting, Analysing and Managing Biodiversity in the Middle East, Aqaba, Jordan, 2008.


 75. E. Levin, Y. Yom-Tov, A. Barnea & D. Huchon

     Genetic diversity and phylogeography of the greater mouse-tailed bat in the      Levant.

      Documenting, Analysing and Managing Biodiversity in the Middle East, Aqaba, Jordan, 2008.


76. K. Yoktan, Y. Yom-Tov & N. Leader

      The phylogeography of the orange-tufted sunbird.

       Zoological Society of Israel, Michmoret, 2008.


 77. G. Friedman, Y. Yom-Tov & Y. Leshem

      The breeding biology of the long-legged buzzard in Israel.

       Zoological Society of Israel, Michmoret, 2008.


  78. G. Friedman, Y. Yom-Tov & Y. Leshem

      The breeding biology of the long-legged buzzard in Israel.

        Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Rechovoth, 2009.


  79. E. Levin, A. Ar, A. Hefetz, Y. Yom-Tov, N. Kronfeld-Schor N

      Some like it hot: hibernation patterns of the greater mouse-tailed bat (Rhinopoma microphyllum).

     27th Annual Meeting, Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Australian National University, Canberra, 2010.


  80. I. Berger, Leshem, Y., Yom-Tov, Y & S. Markman. The effect of intruders on territorial sunbirds (Nectarinia osea) during the female receptive period.       Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2010.


  81. S. Barkan, Y. Yom-Tov &. A. Barnea. Neurobiological aspects of migratory behavior in birds: A comparative study between a migrant and resident species.

     Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2010.


   82. S. Barkan, Y. Yom-Tov &. A. Barnea Life on the move and its possible relation to recruitment of new neurons in birds.

       Israel Society for Neurosciences, Elat, 2011. 


   83. Y. Paker, Y. Yom-Tov, T. Alon-Mozes & A. Barnea. Bird diversity in urban gardens.

    Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2010.


    84. E. Levi, Y. Yom-Tov, N. Kronfeld-Schor, A. Hefetz & A. Ar. Warm winter hibernation in warm temperature by the greater mouse-tailed bat Rhinopoma microphillum.

   Zoological Society of Israel, Haifa, 2010.


    85. S. Barkan, Y. Yom-Tov &. A. Barnea

       The use of stable isotopes analysis in feathers to determine wintering grounds of migrating birds in Africa.

     Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, 2011.


   86. S. Barkan, Y. Yom-Tov &. A. Barnea

       Recruitment of new neurons in avian brain and its possible relation to migratory and residential lifestyle.

        Tenth International Congress of Neuroethology, University of Maryland, 2012.


87. Y. Yom-Tov

      Amotz Zahavi: his life and achievements.

      Israel Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 2016.


88. Y. Yom-Tov & Uri Roll

       Changes in the terrestrial realm of Israel during the 20th century.

        1St Israeli Conference for Conservation Science, Sde Boker, 2017.


89. Y. Yom-Tov

      A forecast for Israel’s wildlife in 2040.

     Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, 2017. Invited opening lecture.


90. E. Vidan, G. Murali, D. Rotem, S. Meiri, Y. Yom-Tov and U. Roll  

     The effect of the form of presenting reptiles’ distribution data on nature conservation goals. Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, 2022.


91. Y. Yom-Tov

      Extinctions and changes in the mammalian fauna of Israel during the Pleistocene.

       Zoological Society of Israel, Tel Aviv, 2022. Invited opening lecture.


  1. Vidan E., Yom-Tov, Y. & Roll U. Building a Systematic Conservation Plan for Israel’s land vertebrates, challenges and promises. 3rd Israeli Conference for Conservation Science, Tel-Aviv, 2022.


  1. Vidan E., Yom-Tov Y & Roll U. Maps, mapping, and conservation priorities. The 5th GARD meeting, Tel-Aviv, 2022.


  1. China, V., Vidan, E., Yom-Tov, Y. & Roll, U. Enhancing Visitor Engagement and Conservation Management through AI Analysis of Social Media Images – an example from birding sites in Israel. 7th European Congress for Conservation Biology, Bologna, Italy, 2024.


  1. China V., Vidan E., Yom-Tov Y. & Roll U. Understanding visitors’ experiences in nature sites via the analysis of social media images – comparing manual classification to AI tools. The 60th Meeting of the Zoological Society of Israel, Ra’anana, Israel, 2024.


  1. Vidan V., Barki G., Belmaker J., Yom-Tov Y. & Roll U. Prioritizing conservation actions with climate change - the case of Israeli reptiles. 4th Israeli Conference for Conservation Science, Jerusalem, Israel, 2024.


  1. China V., Vidan E., Yom-Tov Y. & Roll U. Leveraging large language models for social media image analysis in conservation sociology. 4th Israeli Conference for Conservation Science, Jerusalem, Israel, 2024.




      Many zoological items in the "Encyclopedia of the Bible World",

      Revivim Publ. House, Ramat Gan. (in Hebrew). l982-l987.




 1.   Y. Yom-Tov & E. Tchernov (eds.).

      The Zoogeography of Israel.

      Dr. W. Junk, Holland. 1988.





1. Rowley, I. 1990. Behavioural ecology of the galah, Eolophus roseicapillus, in the wheatbelt of western Australia. Surrey Beatty.

       Ibis 123, 432, 1991.


2. Shirihai., H. The birds of Israel. 1996. Academic Press, London.

        Ibis 1996, 138, 589-590. 1996.


3. Williamson, M. Biological invasions. 1996. Chapman & Hall, London.

        Israel J. Plant Scie. 45, 76-77. 1997.


4. Cook, W. E. Avian desert predators by 1999. Springer Verlag, Berlin.

         Ibis 1999. 141, 151-152.


5. Grove, A. T. & Rackham, O. 2001. The nature of Mediterranean Europe: an ecological history. Yale University Press; and Blondel, J. & Aronson, J. 1999. Biology and wildlife of the Mediterranean region. Oxford University Press.

       Trends in Ecol. & Evol. 16, 657-658.


6. Cheke, R. A. Mann, C. F. & Allen, R. 2001. Sunbirds: A guide to the sunbirds, spiderhunters and sugarbirds of the world. Yale University Press.

       Quat. Rev. Biol. 77, 340-341.


 7.  Mares, M. A. 2002. A desert calling. Harvard University Press, 17 January 2003.

       Times Literary Suppl. 5207, 24.


8. Nabhan, G. P. 2003. Singing turtles to sea– the Comcaac (Seri) art and science of reptiles. University of California Press.

      Times Literary Suppl. 5248, 31 October 2003.


9. Zafriri, A. 2013. Man and beast: scientific experimentation in animals. Haifa University Press.

    Animals and Society 49, 63-65, November 2013. In Hebrew.


10. Sagi, Y. 2020. The nature of a land.

      Ecology and Environment 11, 3.  In Hebrew.    




   1. Prof. Heinrich Mendelssohn – in memoriam. Israel. J. Zoo. 48, I-II, 2003.


   2. Wildlife at risk: cultural differences endanger conservation. Ecologia Mediteranea 29, 113, 2003.


    3. Prof. Jehezkel (Hezi) Shoshani, zoologist and conservationist – in memoriam. Israel. J Eco. Evol. 54, i-iii, 2008. (co-authored by E. Geffen)


    4. Dr. Shoshana Ashkenazi (1948-2010). J. Human Evol. 60, 341-342. (co-authored by H. K. Meinis)


 In Hebrew


1.  H. Mendelssohn, U. Marder & Y. Yom-Tov. On the decline of migrant quail (Coturnix c. coturnix) populations in Israel and Sinai. Teva Va’Aretz 12, 52-56, 1970.


2.  Y. Yom-Tov -Adaptation of snails to life in deserts. Teva Va'Aretz 12, 213-217, 1971.                


 3.                 -A day trip of a zoologist in Israel. Teva Va'Aretz 13, 64, 1971.


 4.                 -The effect of predation on population density of snails in the Negev Mountains. Teva Va'Aretz 13, 181-184, 1972.                    


 5.                 -On family planning policy. Ha'Aretz 15.5.1973.                     


 6.                 -K. Lorentz and National-Socialism. Ha'Aretz 21.9.73


 7.                 -Nobel Prize winners for medicine 1973. Mada 18, 358-360, 1974.


 8.                 -The war against jackals. Salit 5, 10-11, 1974.



 9.                 -K. Lorenz - a winner of Nobel Prize for medicine, 1973. Harefuah 86, 90-92, 1974.


 10.                 -Not every crow has a territory. Salit 4, 16-17, 1975.


 11.               Y. Yom-Tov et al.

                    -A key to the birds of Israel, 60 pp. Zoology Department, Tel Aviv University, 1975.


            12.                Y. Yom-Tov -Hares. Quarterly of the Israel Zootechnical Association 6, 12-15, 1975.                  


            13.                 -The Loch Ness Monster. Lada'at 6, 30-32, 1976.


            .                -Poaching and management of gazelles in Ramot Yissachar. Teva Va'Aretz 18, 230-231, 1976.



 15.                -Return of the marten. Teva Va'Aretz 19, 155-156, 1977.



  16.               -The "Genetics of the Jews" - A book review. Ha'Aretz 18.5.1979



17.                -On the biology of the European Starling in Israel. Teva Va'Aretz 22, 98, 101, 1980.


18.                -Reproduction biology of the Dead Sea sparrow  

                     Teva Va'Aretz 22, 139-141, 1980.


 19.                -On sexual dimorphism in birds. The Torgos 1, 11-13, 1980.



 20.                -Alligators - go home! Salit 10, 21, 1981.



 21.                 -Penguins. Lada'at 11, 18-21, 1981.



 22.                -Do bats get entangled in people's hair? Pilon 131, 14-15, 1982.



 23.                -Foxes in the children's room. Pilon 134, 18-19, 1982.



 24.                -Does the ostrich bury its head in the sand? Pilon 135, 18-19, 1982.



 25.  H. Plesser, S. Omasi & Y. Yom-Tov - Selective damage prevention. Teva Va'Aretz 25, 12-13, 1983.


 26.  Y. Yom-Tov    -Bird migration over Eilat. Teva Va'Aretz 25, 12-13, 1983.                


27. Y. Yom-Tov & R. Ben-Yaakov - Colour waves in blooming and their importance in plant-pollinator relationships. Teva Va'Aretz 25, 43-44, 1983.


28.  A. Barnea & Y. Yom-Tov  -A method to protect plastic irrigation pipes against woodpecker damage.  Ha'Sadeh 64, 1591-1593. 1984.


 29. Y. Yom-Tov -Nature conservation in Israel. Teva Va'Aretz 27, 4, 19-26, 1985.


 30.                -Various zoological subjects in "Bible Encyclopedia" 1983-1987


 31.                -On marsupials. Lada'at 15, 3-6. 1985.


 32.                -The otter:  Extermination or survival. Teve Va'aretz 28, 30-31, 1986.                 


 33.                -The killer whale. Lada'at 17, 14-16, 1987.


 34.                Taphozous perforatus - a new bat species in Israel. Nikrot Zurim 17, 95-96,    1990.


 35.               - Survival rates of Australian birds. Ringers' Bulletin 1994.


36. D. Eizikovitz & Y. Yom-Tov – The Central Park of the Dan metropolitan area.

                        HaAretz 7.11.1994.


37.   Y. Yom-Tov & H. Mendelssohn - Changes in the diversity and abundance of      vertebrates in Israel. Aretz Veteva 9, 27-34, 1995.


38. Y. Yom-Tov & H. Mendelssohn - The impact of man on the wildlife of Israel.

                 Teva HaDvarim 43, 96-113, 1999.


39. Y. Yom-Tov -Let wild animals live. Ecology and environment 2, 78-79, 2010.


40. Y. Yom-Tov -Nature reserve: Mendelssohn’s 100th birthday. Galileo 146, 24-25, 2010.


41. A. Dolev, E. Amichai, E. Levin, B. Shalom, Y. Carmel, A. Tsoar, C. Corin, & Y. Yom-Tov. - Bat survey in Israel as a tool to uncover cryptic species. Israel Biodiversity Surveys, Israel Taxonomic Initiative 2011.


42. Y. Yom-Tov - Fences as barriers to animals and humans. Ecology and environment 3, 198-199, 2012.


43. Y. Yom-Tov, A. Villan, Y. Yaish, Y. Simon & Y. Leshem. – Cooperation between agriculture and nature conservation – the case of inland as an example. Ecology and environment 4, 108-109, 2013.


 44. Y. Yom-Tov - The China-Eilat railroad. HaAretz 8.4.2013.


45. Y. Yom-Tov – Bird migration. Einaym 167, 32-33. July 2014.


46. Y. Yom-Tov –   Gazelles or housing? HaAretz 12.6.2016.


47. Y. Yom-Tov –   The hunters returned in the autumn. HaAretz 11.9.2017.


48. Y. Yom-Tov –   No pity for gazelle poachers. HaAretz 28.36.2017.


49. Y. Yom-Tov – Forecast for Israel’s wildlife in 2040. Ecology and Environment 9, 20-27. 2018.


50. U. Roll, J. Bellmaker, S. Bar David, R. Dor, E. Vidan, D. Saltz, Y. Yom-Tov, I. Levinsky, S. Meiri, I. Ranen, A. Swartz, O. Spiegel, O. Berger-Tal - In nature conservation there is no compassion in non-action. Ecology and Environment 9, 58-60. 2018.

51. Y. Yom-Tov – Wild life in the city. HaAretz 28.6.2019


52. Y. Yom-Tov –On gazelles and people. Zoological view of the epidemic . Symptoms of an era, The Magazine, Ben Gurion University. 2020.


53. Y. Yom-Tov – The gazelle has a problem. HaAretz 1.8.2021


Academic and Professional Awards

ACADEMIC AND  PROFESSIONAL  AWARDS (Prizes, scholarships, etc.)


Year       Name  of  Institution  (city,  country)      Occasion


1971-1973 Rothschild Foundation, Tel Aviv                        Post-Doctoral grant


1980           Institute of African Ornithology,                    Scholarship to study                                                                                   

                    Capetown, South Africa                                      penguins


1983           Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia              Scholarship to study

                                                                                                Australian mammals


1984           Ecology Division, DSIR, New Zealand              Scholarship to study

                                                                                                The introduced brushtail                                                                                             possum.                      


1991           Department of Zoology, University of            John Ellerman Scholarship                  Stellenbosch, South Africa.                     


1996-2009 The Dr. Israel Cohen Chair in Environmental Zoology 


2007            Israel Zoological Society, Honorary Life Membership


2018  Awarded the Mifal Hapais ‘Michael Landau Prize’ for zoological research


2022 Awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Israeli Society of Ecology and Environmental Sciences.




Year                        Society 


1965-present        Zoological Society of Israel





Year   Name of Student           Title of thesis              


Doctoral students:


1984      S. Ashkenazi   Comparative biology and management of night herons and little egrets in the Hula Valley.


1989      A. Barnea      Coevolution of fruits and their animal dispersers (in

                                    cooperation with Prof. Jacob Friedman)


1989      T. Dayan      Community structure of Pleistocene and recent predators (Carnivora) in Israel. (In cooperation with Prof. Eitan Tchernov).


1994      Y. Leshem     Raptor migration over Israel.   


2001      R. Zilberman Extra-pair copulation in the orange-tufted sunbird Nectarinia osea. (in cooperation with Prof. Boaz Moav).    


2002      N. Leader     The reliability of vocal signaling in the orange-tufted Sunbird Nectarinia osea. (in cooperation with Dr. Johnathan Wright).  


2003      J. Shamoun-Baranes Development of a soaring bird migration model for Israel and the Middle East. (in cooperation with Prof. Peter Berthold and Dr. Yossi Leshem).


2011      E. Levin       Ecophysiology of free-tailed bats (Rhinopoma). (in cooperation with Prof. Noga Kronfeld-Schor).


2012      S. Barkan      Memory of resident and migratory birds. (in cooperation with Prof. Anat Barnea).


2013      Y. Motro       Mechanisms of biological control of a rodent pest by a nocturnal raptor-the use of barn owls for vole control in Israel (in cooperation with Prof. Ran Nathan and Dr. I. Kan).


M.Sc.  Students 


1979      O. Hasson        The social behaviour of the bulbul Pycnonotus capensis.              


1980      R. Ben-Yaakov The social behaviour of the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon.


1981      L. Cohen          The biology of the field vole Microtus socialis.       


1983      B. Arieli            Breeding strategies in birds.    


1983      A. Barnea          Damage prevention and the biology of the Syrian  woodpecker Dendrocopus syriacus.  


1983      T. Talmi (Dayan) Paleoecology of the Southern Sinai. (in cooperation with Prof. Eitan Tchernov, The Hebrew University).


1984      M. Schoenfeld The biology of two sympatric species of hedgehogs in the

                                       Coastal Plain of Israel.


 1984     M. Ilan            The biology of the jird Psammomys obesus in the Negev Desert.   


1984      R. Zinger         The biology of the house sparrow Passer domesticus.


1987      H. Goldstein    Foraging strategies in the sunbird, Nectarinia osea. (in coop. with Prof. Dan Eisikovitz, Dept. of Botany, Tel Aviv Univ.)            


1989      Y. Barak         The biology of Pipistrellus kuhli (Microchiroptera) in Israel.


1989      E. Gorni         The difference between autumn and spring migration of the buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus.


1990      A. Erez           Behavioral ecology of the hooded crow Corvus corone.  


1990     D. Greenberg-Cohen The social behaviour of the Nubian ibex (Capra ibex nubiana)  in  the Negev. (in cooperation with Dr. P. Alkon).


1992     R. Zilberman Social behaviour of the orange-tufted sunbird Nectarinia osea. (in cooperation with Dr. B. Moav).


1993     A. Yogev       Factors determining clutch size in spur-winged plover Vanellus



1994     Y. Vaknin      The relationship between the orange-tuffted sunbird Nectarinia osea. and misletoes flowers. (in cooperation with Prof. D. Eisikovitz).


1995     S. Markman   Parental behaviour in the orange-tufted sunbird Nectarinia osea.


1995     H. Geffen      The autecology of the mountain gazelle Gazella gazella.


1995     J. Shamoun    The microscopic structure of birds feathers.


1996     N. Leader       The breeding biology of Cercomela melanura.


1997     C. Mersten     Incubation physiology of the Syrian woodpecker Dendrocopus syriacus. (in cooperation with Prof. A. Ar).


1998     R. Feldman    Community structure of insectivorous bats in the Dead Sea area.


1999     A. Dolev        Reintroduction of the fallow deer Dama dama mesopotamica to the Galilee. (in cooperation with Dr. D. Saltz).


1999     A. Gal            Nocturnal bird migration over Israel. (in cooperation with Dr. Y. Leshem).


2000     A. Perlberg     Habitat selection of introduced fallow deer Dama dama mesopotamica.  (in cooperation with Dr. D. Saltz).


2001     D. Alon         Social structure of the crane (Grus grus) wintering in Israel. (in cooperation with Dr. Y. Leshem).


2001     Y. Shulman   Foraging in the lesser kestrel Falco naumanni. (in cooperation with Dr. Y. Leshem).


2002      M. Tores     Diet selection in the barn owl Tyto alba (in cooperation with Prof. U. Motro).


2003      A. Sheinin     Ecological and genetic characterization of the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus along the Israeli coastline. (in cooperation with Dr. D. Kerem, and Dr. O Mokadi).


2003      S. Sheinin     Behaviour of the red fox Vulpes vulpes. (in cooperation with  Prof. U. Motro, The Hebrew University and Dr. Eli Geffen).


2005      E. Levin      The diet of some insectivorous bats in northern Israel (in cooperation with Dr. Anat Barnea).


2005      Z. Leader     The diet of the long-eared owl (Asio otus) and the barn owl (Tyto alba) in the Negev. (In cooperation with Prof. Uriel Safriel).


2005      I. Brickner    The effect of feral cats on wildlife in Israel. (in cooperation with Dr. Eli Geffen).


2006      N. Angelister The effect of human disturbance on rodents community in the southern coastal plain (in cooperation with Prof. Uzi Motro).


2007       O. Shneor     The origin and timing of some migratory birds passing through Israel. (in cooperation with Dr. D. Huschon).


2007       G. Gingold   The effect of dogs on gazelles inside fenced grazing plots in  the nn Heights. (in cooperation with Dr. Eli Geffen).


2009       K. Yoktan     Phylogeography of the orange-tufted Sunbird Nectarinia osea. (in cooperation with Dr. N. Leader).


2009      G. Friedman The biology of the long-legged buzzard Buteo rufinus in Israel (in cooperation with Dr. Y. Leshem).


2010      Y. Paker        Wildlife in urban gardens (in cooperation with Prof. A. Barnea and Dr. Tal Alon-Mozes).


2011       I. Berger    Parental behavior of the orange-tufted sunbird (in cooperation with Dr. Yossi Leshem and Dr. Shai Markman).


2011       E. Amichai The biology of Asellia tridens in the Jordan Valley, Israel.

                                    (in cooperation with Prof. Noga Kornfeld).


2012       J. Peled-Levi Urban planning and wildlife (in cooperation with Dr. Tal Alon-Mozes).


2014       Y. Israeli     Sylvia warbler migration through Israel (in cooperation with Prof. Uzi Motro and Prof. Franz Bairlein).


2014       G. Ben Zvi Protecting fish ponds from piscivorous birds by nets. (in cooperation with Prof. Yossi Leshem).


2015       M. Rachamim Breeding biology of the great tit in urban and natural environment. (in cooperation with Prof. Anat Barnea).


2017        S. Landau Adaptations of bats (in cooperation with Prof. Noga Kronfeld-Shor). Not submitted, Deceased. 



Post-doctoral candidates


1979-1980      Nadav Nur


1985-1986      David Mindell


1991               Eli Geffen


1993-1995      Rob Slotow


1998-2000      Edna Gorney


2001               Michelle Frankel


2004-2006      Noam Leader


2006-2008       Irit Zohar-Geffen


Membership on Professional Societies

1965-present        Zoological Society of Israel


Podcasts and Lectures


דעת מדבר, אוניברסיטת בן גוריון


מדברימדע – הפודקסט מבית מדע גדול - בקטנהפרק-33-פרופ-יורם-יום-טוב-בחזרה לטבע


הרצאה על הצופית, חלק א׳:


הרצאה על חוכמת העורבים:


הרצאה לארכיון ירושלים לשמירת הטבע בישראל



הרצאה על עטלפים ביום העיון לצפרות:


הרצאה על שינויים רצנטיים בעולם החי של ארץ ישראל:


אתר ובו הרצאות ורשימות פרסומים:



מאמרים בעברית




ברנע, ע. ויום-טוב, י. 1984. שיטה להגנת צינורות השקיה מפוליאתילן מפני הנקר הסורי. השדה 64, 1593-1590

פלסר, ח., עומסי, ש. ויום-טוב, י. 1983. הדברה ברירנית סיכום פעולה לצמצום נזקיו של דרור הבית בכרם שדה אליהו. טבע וארץ 25, 13-12.

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