Dr. Yossi Tsfadia

Retired in Biochemistry Molecular Biology
ביוכימיה וביולוגיה מולקולרית בדימוס
Dr. Yossi Tsfadia
Phone: 03-6405766
Fax: 03-6405766
Office: Sherman - Life Sciences, 615

Research Interests

Many proteins, such as enzymes, receptors, transporters, antigens etc., interact with a very large scale of specific ligands through unique domains that function as specialized binding sites. These binding interactions necessitate a coordinated flexing of the substrate molecule together with conformational fluctuations of the protein. Since the initial steps leading to recognition between the two interacting molecules are too fast to be experimentally recorded, we use various computational techniques, mainly, MD simulations, NMA and docking algorithms, to follow the conformation landscape of protein structures.  Based on our calculations, we quantitate the physical properties of the system investigated, revealing the biochemical mechanism at atomic scale resolution

         Currently, we are studying several subjects, for example:  Integrin activation; the recognition and interaction of SARS-Corona Virus and its antibody; conformational changes in gp120 envelope protein of HIV virus; and the mechanism of drug resistance of MRP1;

Recent Publications

Since 2010


S. Amram, A. Ganoth, O. Tichon, D. Peer, E. Nachliel, M. Gutman and Y. Tsfadia*, (2014) Structural Characterization of the Drug Translocation Path of MRP1/ABCC1.  Isr. J. Chem. 54, 1382-1393, doi: 10.1002/ijch.20130032


A. Ganoth, Y. Tsfadia and R. Wiener, (2013) Ubiquitin: Molecular modeling and simulations. J. Mol. Graph. Model. 46C, 29-40, doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2013.09.006


I. Azoulay, N. Kucherenko, E. Nachliel, M. Gutman, A. Azem and Y. Tsfadia*.  (2013) Tracking the interplay between bound peptide and the lid domain of DnaK, using Molecular Dynamics.  Int. J. Mol. Sci. 14, 12675-12695, doi: 10.3390/ijms140612675 


L. Levin, E. Zelzion, E. Nachliel­­,  M. Gutman, Y. Tsfadia*­ and Yulia Einav*, (2013) A Single Disulfide Bond Disruption in the β3 Integrin Subunit Promotes  Thiol/Disulfide Exchange, a Molecular Dynamics Study.  Plos One. 8, Issue 3, e59175


Azem A*, Tsfadia Y*, Hajouj O, Shaked I and Daniel E. (2010) Cross-linking with bifunctional reagents and its application to the study of the molecular symmetry and the arrangement of subunits in hexameric protein oligomers.  Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.  1804, 768-780.


Levin, LB, Ganoth A, Amram S, Nachliel E, Gutman M, and Tsfadia Y* (2010) Insight into the interaction sites between fatty acid binding proteins and their ligands. J Mol Model., 16, 929-938.


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