Call for Tenure Track Faculty Position at the School of Zoology – Tel Aviv University
The School of Zoology at Tel-Aviv University invites applications from exceptional candidates for a position opening starting on October 2025
Seeking dynamic research leaders for a tenure-track position at the School of Zoology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University.
The School of Zoology at Tel-Aviv University invites applications from exceptional candidates for a position opening starting on October 2025. The appointment is tenure-tracked, with an initial evaluation term of 5 years, designed to enable early career scientists to become tenured group leaders and to develop an independent, internationally leading, research group. Successful candidates will be provided with start-up funds, support with student scholarships, and training in research and teaching management.
The School of Zoology is the largest, most diverse institute for zoological research in Israel. The school cover many fields of research including ecology, biogeography and macroecology, comparative and eco-physiology, conservation biology, biodiversity and systematics, marine biology, neuroethology, animal behaviour, behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology. Particular fields of interest for this round include, but are not limited to, conservation biology, evo-devo, macroevolution, and ecotoxicology. Candidates are expected to have a strong track record in the core research areas of the School, a strong publication record, and a clear research vision.
Prior to obtaining tenure, successful candidates are expected to procure competitive external grants, develop their own research programs, and contribute to the student learning experience through teaching undergraduate and graduate courses and through their research and personal tutoring. They will be expected to teach undergraduate courses, supervise MSc and PhD students, and publish regularly in leading international journals.
To apply please send:
(1) A letter of application;
(2) Your CV (including your publication list);
(3) A research statement outlining your academic vision and fit for the position (≤ 2 pages); and
(4) A teaching statement (≤ 1 page) outlining your teaching philosophy and plans.
Be prepared to provide three recommendation letters upon request (which the referees should send directly to the email address below).
Women, and candidates from minority groups, are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applications and all inquiries should be sent to:
Prof. Jonathan Belmaker, Head of the School of Zoology
Closing Date: January 9th, 2025