Institute for Cereal Crops Research

Institute for Cereal Crops Research
Institute for Cereal Crops Research


Anikster Y., Szabo L. J., Eilam T., Manisterski J., Koike S.T., Bushnell W. R. 2004. Morphology, life cycle biology and DNA sequence analysis of rust fungi on garlic and chives from California. Phytopathology 94: 569-577.


Ben Yehuda P., Eilam T., Manisterski J., Shimoni A., Anikster Y. 2004. Leaf rust on Aegilops speltoides caused by a new forma specialis of Puccinia triticina. Phytopathology 94: 94-101.


Cakmak I., Torun A., Millet E., Feldman M., Fahima T., Korol A., Nevo E., Braun H. J., Ozkan H. 2004. Triticum dicoccoides: an important genetic resource for increasing zinc and iron concentration in modern cultivated wheat. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 50(7): 1047-1054.


Kosman E., Pardes E., Anikster Y., Manisterski J., Ben Yehuda P., Szabo L., Sharon A. 2004. Genetic variation and virulence on Lr 26 in Puccinia triticina. Phytopathology 94: 632-640.


Leonard K. J., Anikster Y., Manisterski J. 2004a. Patterns of virulence in natural populations of Puccinia coronata on wild oat in Israel and in agricultural populations on cultivated oat in the United States. Phytopathology 94: 505-514.


Leonard K. J., Anikster Y., Manisterski J. 2004b. Oat crown rust virulence in collections from Avena sativa and A. sterilis in Israel. 2004. Cereal Rust and Powdery Mildew Bulletin. [] 2004/0607 Leonard.


Ran N., Agami M., Oron G. 2004. A pilot study of constructed wetlands using duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) for treatment of domestic primary effluent in Israel. Water Research 38: 2241-2248.


Volis S., Anikster Y., Olsvig-Whittaker L., Medlinger S. 2004. Separating spatial component in the fine-scale genetic-environmental relationship: a case study with wild emmer wheat. The American Naturalist 163: 312-327.


Waisel Y., Mienis Z., Kosman E., Geller-Bernstein C. 2004. The partial contribution of specific airborne pollen to pollen induced allergy. Aerobiologia. 20: 197-208.



Anikster Y., Eilam T., Bushnell W. R., Kosman E. 2005. Spore dimensions of Puccinia species of cereal hosts as determined by image analysis. Mycologia 97: 474-484.


Anikster Y., Ezrati S., Manisterski J. 2005. Aegilops sharonensis: a wild relative of wheat endemic to Israel. In: Lipman E., Maggioni L., Knüpffer H., Ellis R. Leggett J.M., Kleijer G., Faberová I., Le Blanc A. compilers. Cereal Genetic Resources in Europe. Report of a Cereals Network, First Meeting, 3-5 July 2003, Yerevan, Armenia. Pp. 146-147.


Anikster Y., Manisterski J., Long D.J., Leonard K. J. 2005a. Leaf rust and stem rust resistance in Triticum dicoccoidespopulations in Israel. Plant Disease 89: 55-62.


Anikster Y., Manisterski J., Long D.J., Leonard K. J. 2005b. Resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust and stem rust in Aegilopsspp. in Israel. Plant Disease 89:303-308.


Ben-Ze'ev I.S., Levi E., Eilam T., Anikster Y. 2005. Whole-cell fatty acid profiles – a tool for species and subspecies classification in the Puccinia recondita complex. Journal of Plant Pathology 87:187-197.


Ezrati S., Millet E., Manisterski J., Ben-Yehuda P., Agami M., Anikster Y. 2005. Molecular and phytopathological characterization of natural populations of Aegilops sharonensis in Israel. In: Kell S., Scholten M. compilers. First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. 14-17 September. Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. P. 109.


Kosman E., Leonard K. J. 2005. Similarity coefficients for molecular markers in studies of genetic relationships between individuals for haploid, diploid, and polyploid species. Molecular Ecology 14: 415-424.


Leonard K. J., Anikster Y., Manisterski J. 2005. Virulence association in oat crown rust. Phytopathology 95: 53-61.


Millet E., Manisterski J., Ben-Yehuda P. 2005. Exploitation of wild cereals of wheat improvement in the Institute for Cereal Crops Improvement. In: Kell S., Scholten M. compilers. First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. 14-17 September. Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. P. 98.


Millet E. 2005. Collections of Triticum and Aegilops species in genebanks in Israel. . In: Lipman E., Maggioni L., Knüpffer H., Ellis R. Leggett J.M., Kleijer G., Faberová I., Le Blanc A. compilers. Cereal Genetic Resources in Europe. Report of a Working Group on Wheat, Second Meeting, 22-24 September 2005, La Rochelle, France. Pp. 265-266.


Ozlem O., Millet E., Anikster Y., Arslan O., Feldman M. 2005. Temporal genetic variation in wild emmer wheat. In: Kell S., Scholten M. compilers. First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. 14-17 September. Agrigento, Sicily, Italy. P. 64.



Dreiseitl, A., Dinoor A., Kosman E. 2006. Virulence and Diversity of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei in Israel and in the Czech Republic. Plant Dis. 


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