Instructions regarding faculty users

Users accounts which are not associated with a specific person (hereinafter a Faculty user) will also switch to the MFA as long as they use Microsoft 365 services.

The Computing division is aware of the issue, and below you can see an explanation of how to deal with it


As of this moment, the only option available for faculty users which are used by more than one person (lab/school/institute, etc.) is to set a phone number for phone call to confirm the account.

In the set-up process of the MFA you can choose the method called Office phone


The existing methods for MFA. Choose Office phone


After choosing it and Confirming the choice, you will get to a screen where you need to choose country, type the phone number and select the option Call me (which is the only option). Afterwards click Next.

כניסה לחשבון


You will see the following screen and receive a phone call. In the call you will be asked to type # in order to verify the number.

Phone call in progress


After the phone has been successfully verified you will see the following message. Click on Done

Phone has been verified

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