Installing the VPN Client on Android based devices

Step 3: Installing the VPN Client on Android based devices


You can perform this step only after completing the previous 2 steps.


Go to the Play Store on your cell phone

Go to Play Store


In the search bar, write "GlobalProtect" and choose the app from bellow

Write globalprotect in the search bar


Press on the Install button

Press Install


After installing you press on Open

Press Open


You will see the Palo Alto Networks screen

palo alto networks opening screen


Afterwards you will automatically redirected to a screen where you need to type down the VPN Portal address:

then press on the Connect button

Insert the vpn address


You will be redirected to a screen in which you need to type your username and password.

After that press Sign in

Write your university username and password


On the next screen you need to type the code from the Google Authenticator app and then press on Validate Code

write the code from google authenticator and press validate code


You will recieve a connection request. Press on OK in order to connect.

Press OK when you see the connection request popup


You will see the screen bellow when you're connected successfully.

If you want to disconnect you can tap on the shield circle icon.

Connection successful


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